Id | ENG Description | FRA Description | KOR Description | Comment |
CANCELLED | Cancelled | Annulée | 취소 | Competition unit was schedule and will not now take place |
DELAYED | Delayed | Retardée | 지연 | Competition has not started and start is late (no new time) |
FINISHED | Finished | Terminée | 완료 | All play is complete in the unit |
GETTING_READY | Getting Ready | En préparation | 준비 | Start of competition is iminent, athletes usually on FOP |
INTERRUPTED | Interrupted | Interrompue | 중단 | Competition has started but is now stopped temporarily. |
POSTPONED | Postponed | Reportée | 연기 | Competition has stopped and will take place at a new time (to be determined) |
RESCHEDULED | Rescheduled | Reprogrammée | 일정변경 | The start (or re-start) of the competition has changed to a new time (new time is known) |
RUNNING | Running | En cours | 경기 중 | Competition in progress |
SCHEDULED | Scheduled | Programmée | 예정 | Unit to be conducted |
SCHEDULED_BREAK | Scheduled Break | Interruption programmée | 휴식 | Planned break in competition (e.g. end of period) |
UNSCHEDULED | Unscheduled | Non programmée | 일정 없음 | A possible unit to be scheduled, not displayed (e.g. swim-off) |
Id | ENG Description | FRA Description | KOR Description | Comment |