Schedule Status [CC @ScheduleStatus]

IdENG DescriptionFRA DescriptionKOR DescriptionComment
CANCELLEDCancelledAnnulée취소Competition unit was schedule and will not now take place
DELAYEDDelayedRetardée지연Competition has not started and start is late (no new time)
FINISHEDFinishedTerminée완료All play is complete in the unit
GETTING_READYGetting ReadyEn préparation준비Start of competition is iminent, athletes usually on FOP
INTERRUPTEDInterruptedInterrompue중단Competition has started but is now stopped temporarily.
POSTPONEDPostponedReportée연기Competition has stopped and will take place at a new time (to be determined)
RESCHEDULEDRescheduledReprogrammée일정변경The start (or re-start) of the competition has changed to a new time (new time is known)
RUNNINGRunningEn cours경기 중Competition in progress
SCHEDULEDScheduledProgrammée예정Unit to be conducted
SCHEDULED_BREAKScheduled BreakInterruption programmée휴식Planned break in competition (e.g. end of period)
UNSCHEDULEDUnscheduledNon programmée일정 없음A possible unit to be scheduled, not displayed (e.g. swim-off)
IdENG DescriptionFRA DescriptionKOR DescriptionComment