ODF - Common Codes
Sport Codes

DisciplineCode_EntityCodeOrderNoteENG Description
ALP@AlertCDLTCompetition is delayed
ALP@AlertCDLWCompetition is delayed - Weather conditions
ALP@AlertCITICompetition interrupted
ALP@AlertCIWCCompetition interrupted - Weather conditions
ALP@AlertCPOSCompetition postponed
ALP@AlertNLIVNo live information available
ALP@AlertORDJOfficial results delayed - Pending jury decision
ALP@AlertORDPOfficial results delayed - Protest
ALP@AlertRINTRace interrupted - Repair of the track
ALP@BracketBRN2Small FinalBronze
ALP@BracketItems8FNL1/8 Finals
ALP@CompetitorPlaceBYEThere is no competitor; the other team/athlete goes directly to the next phase/roundBye
ALP@CompetitorPlaceNCTWhen both athlete are disqualified or withdraw and "No contestant" passes to the next roundNo contestant
ALP@CompetitorPlaceNO_AWARDNot Awarded
ALP@CompetitorPlaceTBDThe competitor is not known yetTo be determined
ALP@IRM*DNFTime not yet available
ALP@IRMDNFDid Not Finish
ALP@IRMDQBDisqualified for unsportsmanlike behaviour
ALP@IRMDQPDisqualification Pending
ALP@IRMNPSNot Permitted to Start
ALP@QualificationMarkQAlpine Team EventQualified
ALP@QualificationMarkQBAlpine Team Event. If tie broken by bibQualified by Bib
ALP@QualificationMarkQBFAlpine Team Event, not for use in BracketsQualified to Big Final
ALP@QualificationMarkQBFBAlpine Team Event, not for use in BracketsQualified to Big Final by Bib
ALP@QualificationMarkQBFTAlpine Team Event, not for use in BracketsQualified to Big Final by Time
ALP@QualificationMarkQBSBAlpine Team Event, not for use in BracketsQualified to Small Final by Bib
ALP@QualificationMarkQBSTAlpine Team Event, not for use in BracketsQualified to Small Final by Time
ALP@QualificationMarkQSFAlpine Team Event, not for use in BracketsQualified to Small Final
ALP@QualificationMarkQTAlpine Team Event. If tie broken by timeQualified by Time
ALP@QualificationMarkWAlpine Team EventBig Final Winner
ALP@QualificationMarkwAlpine Team EventSmall Final Winner
ALP@ResultPhase8FNL1/8 Finals
ALP@ResultTypeIRMInvalid Result Mark
ALP@ResultTypePOINTSAlpine Team EventPoints
ALP@WeatherPointFINISHFinish point
ALP@WeatherPointSTARTStart point
ALP@WLTLTeam / Athlete lost
ALP@WLTTTeam / Athlete tied
ALP@WLTWTeam / Athlete won
BOB@AlertCDLTCompetition is delayed
BOB@AlertCDLWCompetition is delayed - Weather conditions
BOB@AlertCILRCompetition interrupted - Lightning risk
BOB@AlertCITICompetition interrupted
BOB@AlertCIWCCompetition interrupted - Weather conditions
BOB@AlertCPOSCompetition postponed
BOB@AlertCSHTCompetition shortened
BOB@AlertORDJOfficial results delayed - Pending jury decision
BOB@AlertORDPOfficial results delayed - Protest
BOB@AlertRIIMRace interrupted - Ice maintenance
BOB@AlertSDLTStart is delayed
BOB@AlertSDLWStart is delayed - Weather conditions
BOB@CompetitorPlaceNO_AWARDNot Awarded
BOB@IRMDNFDid Not Finish
BOB@IRMDQBDisqualified for unsportsmanlike behaviour
BOB@QualificationMarkQTo participate in the last heatQualified
BOB@QualRuleUT20^F4Third heat of all events except MonobobThe 20 best ranked sleds will take part in the last heat.
BOB@ReportStatusAFTER1After Heat 1
BOB@ReportStatusAFTER2After Heat 2
BOB@ReportStatusAFTER3After Heat 3
BOB@ResultTypeCANCELLEDOnly for cumulative result if a heat cancelledCancelled
BOB@ResultTypeIRMInvalid Result Mark
BOB@StartTextAfter Heat 1After Heat 1
BOB@StartTextAfter Heat 2After Heat 2
BOB@StartTextAfter Heat 3After Heat 3
BOB@StartTextAfter Heat 4After Heat 4
BOB@StartTextAfter Heat 5After Heat 5
BOB@StartTextAfter Heat 6After Heat 6
BOB@StartTextAfter Heat 7After Heat 7
BOB@StartTextAfter previous HeatAfter previous Heat
BOB@TrackStatusAT_STARTAt start
BOB@TrackStatusON_TRACKOn track
BOB@WeatherPointFINISHFinish point
BOB@WeatherPointSTARTStart point
BTH@AlertCDLTCompetition is delayed
BTH@AlertCDLWCompetition is delayed - Weather conditions
BTH@AlertCILRCompetition interrupted - Lightning risk
BTH@AlertCITICompetition interrupted
BTH@AlertCIWCCompetition interrupted - Weather conditions
BTH@AlertCPOSCompetition postponed
BTH@AlertCSHTCompetition shortened
BTH@AlertNLIVNo live information available
BTH@AlertORDJOfficial results delayed - Pending jury decision
BTH@AlertORDPOfficial results delayed - Protest
BTH@AlertRDLYResults under review
BTH@AlertRICMRace interrupted - Course maintenance
BTH@AlertRIOCRace interrupted - Obstacle on the course
BTH@AlertRITIRace interrupted
BTH@AlertRIWCRace interrupted - Weather conditions
BTH@AlertSDLTStart is delayed
BTH@AlertSDLWStart is delayed - Weather conditions
BTH@CompetitorPlaceNO_AWARDNot Awarded
BTH@CompetitorStatusNOT_STARTEDNot Started
BTH@IRMDNFDid Not Finish
BTH@IRMDQBDisqualified for unsportsmanlike behaviour
BTH@MassGroupMEDALMedal winners
BTH@MassGroupOG_PTSQualified by Olympic Games Points
BTH@MassGroupOG_PTS_RESReserve athletes qualified by Olympic Games points
BTH@MassGroupWCPWorld Cup Total Score - top 10
BTH@ResultTypeIRMInvalid Result Mark
BTH@ResultTypeIRM_TIMEFor both, time and invalid result mark
BTH@ResultTypePENALTYNumber of penalties
CCS@AlertCPOSCompetition postponed
CCS@AlertNLIVNo live information available
CCS@AlertORDJOfficial results delayed - Pending jury decision
CCS@AlertORDPOfficial results delayed - Protest
CCS@AlertORDROfficial results delayed - Results review
CCS@AlertRDELRace delayed due to false start
CCS@AlertRDLYResults under review
CCS@AlertRICMRace interrupted - Course maintenance
CCS@AlertRILRRace interrupted - Lightning risk
CCS@AlertRIOCRace interrupted - Obstacle on the course
CCS@AlertRITIRace interrupted
CCS@AlertRIWCRace interrupted - Weather conditions
CCS@CompetitorPlaceNO_AWARDNot Awarded
CCS@CompetitorPlaceTBDThe competitor is not known yetTo be determined
CCS@CompetitorStatusNOT_STARTEDNot Started
CCS@IRMDNFDid Not Finish
CCS@IRMDQBDisqualified for unsportsmanlike behaviour
CCS@IRMNPSNot Permitted to Start
CCS@QualificationMarkLLLucky Loser
CCS@QualRuleU2|P2^SF1Individual Sprint events - quarterfinalsThe top 2 athletes in each heat and the fastest 2 remaining athletes (lucky losers) qualify to the Semifinals.
CCS@QualRuleU2|P2^F2Individual Sprint events - semifinalsThe top 2 athletes in each heat and the fastest 2 remaining athletes (lucky losers) qualify to the Final.
CCS@QualRuleU2|P6^FTeam Sprint events - semifinalsThe top 2 teams in each heat and the fastest 6 remaining teams (lucky losers) qualify to the Final.
CCS@QualRuleUT30^QFIndividual Sprint events - qualificationThe fastest 30 athletes qualify to the Quarterfinals.
CCS@ResultCodeRALRanked as last
CCS@ResultPhaseFAFinal A
CCS@ResultPhaseFBFinal B
CCS@ResultPhaseSF1Semifinal 1
CCS@ResultPhaseSF2Semifinal 2
CCS@ResultTypeIRMInvalid Result Mark
CCS@StartTextAfter Men QF1After Men QF1
CCS@StartTextAfter Men QF2After Men QF2
CCS@StartTextAfter Men QF3After Men QF3
CCS@StartTextAfter Men QF4After Men QF4
CCS@StartTextAfter Men QFsAfter Men QFs
CCS@StartTextAfter Men SF AAfter Men SF A
CCS@StartTextAfter Men SF1After Men SF1
CCS@StartTextAfter Men SFsAfter Men SFs
CCS@StartTextAfter Womens FinalAfter Womens Final
CCS@StartTextAfter Womens QF1After Womens QF1
CCS@StartTextAfter Womens QF2After Womens QF2
CCS@StartTextAfter Womens QF3After Womens QF3
CCS@StartTextAfter Womens QF4After Womens QF4
CCS@StartTextAfter Womens QFsAfter Womens QFs
CCS@StartTextAfter Womens SF AAfter Womens SF A
CCS@StartTextAfter Womens SF1After Womens SF1
CCS@StartTextAfter Womens SFsAfter Womens SFs
CUR@AlertGITIGame interrupted
CUR@AlertNLIVNo live information available
CUR@AlertORDROfficial results delayed - Results review
CUR@AthleteStatusDQBDisqualified for unsportsmanlike behaviour
CUR@CompetitorPlaceBYEThere is no competitor; the other team/athlete goes directly to the next phase/roundBye
CUR@CompetitorPlaceLSFLoser of Semi-final
CUR@CompetitorPlaceNCTWhen both athlete are disqualified or withdraw and "No contestant" passes to the next roundNo contestant
CUR@CompetitorPlaceNO_AWARDNot Awarded
CUR@CompetitorPlaceNOCOMPNo contestant
CUR@CompetitorPlaceTBDThe competitor is not known yetTo be determined
CUR@CompetitorPlaceWSFWinner of Semi-final
CUR@EntryPOSITION2CC @PositionPosition
CUR@H4ABAfter Bronze Medal Game
CUR@H4AGAfter Gold Medal Game
CUR@H4ARRAfter Round Robin
CUR@H4ARRSAfter Round Robin Session n
CUR@H4ASFAfter Semi-finals
CUR@H4RRRound Robin Session n - Sheet X
CUR@H4SFSemi-finals - Sheet X
CUR@IRMDNFDid Not Finish
CUR@IRMDQBDisqualified for unsportsmanlike behaviour
CUR@Period111st End
CUR@Period101010th End
CUR@PeriodEE11Extra End
CUR@PeriodEE2122nd Extra End
CUR@PeriodEE3133rd Extra End
CUR@PeriodEE4144th Extra End
CUR@PeriodEE5155th Extra End
CUR@PeriodEE6166th Extra End
CUR@Period222nd End
CUR@Period333rd End
CUR@Period444th End
CUR@Period555th End
CUR@Period666th End
CUR@Period777th End
CUR@Period888th End
CUR@Period999th End
CUR@Point-6Not considered
CUR@Pool111st in Round Robin
CUR@Pool222nd in Round Robin
CUR@Pool333rd in Round Robin
CUR@Pool444th in Round Robin
CUR@QualificationMarkDNFDid Not Finish
CUR@QualificationMarkQQualified for the semi-finals
CUR@QualRulePT4^SFThe top 4 teams qualify to the Semi-finals.
CUR@ResultTypeIRMInvalid Result Mark
CUR@ResultTypeIRM_WLThe result is not a scoreW or L result for a team under some specific circumstances
CUR@ResultTypePOINTS_WLThe result is not a scoreW or L result for a team under some specific circumstances
CUR@RoleNRWhen the athlete has no other role
CUR@StatisticsCUMCumulative Statistics of team and individual
CUR@StatisticsDSCRanking of the Draw Shot Challenge
CUR@StatisticsTOUTournament statistics
CUR@TaskDOUBLE10Double Take-out
CUR@TaskPROMOTION11Promotion Take-out
CUR@TaskNOT-PLAYED13Not played
CUR@TaskNO-STATISTICS14No statistics
CUR@TaskWICK5Wick / Soft Peeling
CUR@TaskHIT-ROLL8Hit and Roll
FRS@AlertCDLTCompetition is delayed
FRS@AlertCDLWCompetition is delayed - Weather conditions
FRS@AlertCITICompetition interrupted
FRS@AlertCIWCCompetition interrupted - Weather conditions
FRS@AlertCPOSCompetition postponed
FRS@AlertCSHTCompetition shortened
FRS@AlertNLIVNo live information available
FRS@AlertORDJOfficial results delayed - Pending jury decision
FRS@AlertORDPOfficial results delayed - Protest
FRS@AlertRDLYResults under review
FRS@AlertRICMRace interrupted - Course maintenance
FRS@BracketCFNL2Small Final in SXFinal
FRS@BracketItems8FNLRound of 161/8 Finals
FRS@CardRCRed Card
FRS@CardYCYellow Card
FRS@CompetitorPlaceBYEThere is no competitor; the other team/athlete goes directly to the next phase/roundBye
FRS@CompetitorPlaceNCTWhen athletes are disqualified or withdraw and "No contestant" passes to the next roundNo contestant
FRS@CompetitorPlaceNO_AWARDNot Awarded
FRS@CompetitorPlaceTBDThe competitor is not known yetTo be determined
FRS@IRMDNFDid Not Finish
FRS@IRMDQBDisqualified for unsportsmanlike behaviour
FRS@IRMDQICSki Cross FinalsDisqualified for Intentional Contact
FRS@IRMNPSNot Permitted to Start
FRS@IRMRALRanked as Last
FRS@QualificationMarkQQualified by rank
FRS@QualificationMarkqApplicable for SS HP BAQualified by score
FRS@QualificationMarkQFApplicable for MO AEQualified for Final
FRS@QualRulePT12^FHalfpipe, Slopestyle, Big Air - qualification (2 heats)The 12 best athletes from the combined ranking of the heats will advance to the final.
FRS@QualRulePT16|P00^R16Ski Cross Cross - Qualification - Big Bracket (32) - One Text combining both RunsThe 16 first ranked athletes after Run 1 (including all tied for rank 16) will be seeded according to their ranking, the rest will start Seeding Run 2. In Seeding Run 2 all athletes will be seeded according to their ranking (best of 2 runs).
FRS@QualRulePT16|P00^R16_1The 16 best ranked athletes will be seeded according to their ranking
FRS@QualRulePT32|P00^R32The 32 best ranked athletes will be seeded according to their ranking
FRS@QualRuleU00^R16Ski Cross - SeedingAll athletes will be seeded according to their ranking.
FRS@QualRuleU00^R16_2All athletes will be seeded according to their ranking (best of two runs).
FRS@QualRuleU00^R16_3The 8 first ranked athletes after Run 1 (including all tied for rank 8) will be seeded according to their ranking, the rest will start Run 2.
FRS@QualRuleUT10^F1Moguls - Qualification 2The top 10 athletes qualify to Final 1. The remainder are eliminated.
FRS@QualRuleUT10|U00^F1|Q2Moguls - Qualification 1The top 10 athletes (including all tied for the 10th place) qualify to Final 1. The remainder qualify to Qualification 2.
FRS@QualRuleUT12^FHalfpipe, Slopestyle, Big Air - qualification (1 heat)The 12 best athletes will advance to the final.
FRS@QualRuleUT12^F2Moguls - Final 1The top 12 athletes (including all tied for the 12th place) qualify to Final 2. The remainder are eliminated.
FRS@QualRuleUT16^QFSki Cross - Qualification (Small Bracket)The 16 best athletes qualify to the quarterfinals.
FRS@QualRuleUT16^R16Ski Cross Cross - Qualification - Big Bracket (32)- Before/During Run2The 16 first ranked athletes after Run 2 (or fewer if there is a tie for rank 16 in Run 1) will be seeded according to their ranking (best of 2 runs).
FRS@QualRuleUT16|U00^R16|Q2Ski Cross Cross - Qualification - Big Bracket (32) Before/During Run1The 16 first ranked athletes after Run 1 (including all tied for rank 16) will be seeded according to their ranking, the rest will start Run 2.
FRS@QualRuleUT2^QFSki Cross - 1/8 FinalsThe top 2 in each heat qualify to the quarterfinals. The remainder are eliminated.
FRS@QualRuleUT2^SFSki Cross - QuarterfinalsThe top 2 in each heat qualify to the semifinals. The remainder are eliminated.
FRS@QualRuleUT2|PT8^FHalfpipe, Slopestyle, Big Air - qualification (2 heats)The 2 best athletes from each heat and the 8 best athletes from the combined ranking of the heats will advance to the final.
FRS@QualRuleUT2|U34^FG|FZSki Cross - SemifinalsThe top 2 athletes in each heat qualify to the Big Final. The 3rd and 4th ranked athletes in each heat proceed to the Small Final.
FRS@QualRuleUT3|PT6^FHalfpipe, Slopestyle, Big Air - qualification (2 heats)The 3 best athletes from each heat and the 6 best athletes from the combined ranking of the heats will advance to the final.
FRS@QualRuleUT4^F2Aerials Team - Final 1The top 4 teams from Final 1 will advance to Final 2.
FRS@QualRuleUT4|PT4^FHalfpipe, Slopestyle, Big Air - qualification (2 heats)The 4 best athletes from each heat and the 4 best athletes from the combined ranking of the heats will advance to the final.
FRS@QualRuleUT5|PT2^FHalfpipe, Slopestyle, Big Air - qualification (2 heats)The 5 best athletes from each heat and the 2 best athletes from the combined ranking of the heats will advance to the final.
FRS@QualRuleUT6^FHalfpipe, Slopestyle, Big Air - qualification (2 heats)The 6 best athletes from each heat will advance to the final.
FRS@QualRuleUT6^F1Aerials - Qualification 2The top 6 athletes (including all tied for the 6th place) qualify to Final 1. The remainder are eliminated.
FRS@QualRuleUT6^F2Aerials - Final 1The top 6 athletes (including all tied for the 6th place) qualify to Final 2. The remainder are eliminated.
FRS@QualRuleUT6^F3Moguls - Final 2The top 6 athletes (including all tied for the 6th place) qualify to Final 3. The remainder are eliminated.
FRS@QualRuleUT6|U00^F1|Q2Aerials - Qualification 1The top 6 athletes qualify to Final 1. The remainder compete in Qualification 2.
FRS@QualRuleUW|PT10^FHalfpipe, Slopestyle, Big Air - qualification (2 heats)The best athlete from each heat and the 10 best athletes from the combined ranking of the heats will advance to the final.
FRS@ResultTypeCODEUsed in Event Final RankingCode
FRS@ResultTypeIRMInvalid Result Mark
FRS@ResultTypeRANKRank-only result used in all SX Finals phases
FRS@StartTextAfter 1/8 Final 1Cross events and PGSAfter 1/8 Final 1
FRS@StartTextAfter 1/8 Final 2Cross events and PGSAfter 1/8 Final 2
FRS@StartTextAfter 1/8 Final 3Cross events and PGSAfter 1/8 Final 3
FRS@StartTextAfter 1/8 Final 4Cross events and PGSAfter 1/8 Final 4
FRS@StartTextAfter 1/8 Final 5Cross events and PGSAfter 1/8 Final 5
FRS@StartTextAfter 1/8 Final 6Cross events and PGSAfter 1/8 Final 6
FRS@StartTextAfter 1/8 Final 7Cross events and PGSAfter 1/8 Final 7
FRS@StartTextAfter 1/8 FinalsCross events and PGSAfter 1/8 Finals
FRS@StartTextAfter Big FinalCross events and PGSAfter Big Final
FRS@StartTextAfter Final 1AET, MOAfter Final 1
FRS@StartTextAfter Final 1 Jump 1AE, AETAfter Final 1 Jump 1
FRS@StartTextAfter Final 1 Jump 2AE, AETAfter Final 1 Jump 2
FRS@StartTextAfter Final 1 Jump 3AETAfter Final 1 Jump 3
FRS@StartTextAfter Final 2AE, MOAfter Final 2
FRS@StartTextAfter Final 2 Jump 1AETAfter Final 2 Jump 1
FRS@StartTextAfter Final 2 Jump 2AETAfter Final 2 Jump 2
FRS@StartTextAfter Final 2 Jump 3AETAfter Final 2 Jump 3
FRS@StartTextAfter Final 3MOAfter Final 3
FRS@StartTextAfter Final Run 1HP, SS, BAAfter Final Run 1
FRS@StartTextAfter Final Run 2HP, SS, BAAfter Final Run 2
FRS@StartTextAfter Final Run 3HP, SS, BAAfter Final Run 3
FRS@StartTextAfter FinalsAfter Finals
FRS@StartTextAfter Heat 1 Run 1HP, SS, BAAfter Heat 1 Run 1
FRS@StartTextAfter Heat 1 Run 2HP, SS, BAAfter Heat 1 Run 2
FRS@StartTextAfter Heat 1 Run 3HP, SS, BAAfter Heat 1 Run 3
FRS@StartTextAfter Heat 2 Run 1HP, SS, BAAfter Heat 2 Run 1
FRS@StartTextAfter Heat 2 Run 2HP, SS, BAAfter Heat 2 Run 2
FRS@StartTextAfter Heat 2 Run 3HP, SS, BAAfter Heat 2 Run 3
FRS@StartTextAfter Qualif. 1AE, MOAfter Qualif. 1
FRS@StartTextAfter Qualif. 2AE, MOAfter Qualif. 2
FRS@StartTextAfter Qualif. Run 1Cross eventsAfter Qualif. Run 1
FRS@StartTextAfter Qualif. Run 2Cross eventsAfter Qualif. Run 2
FRS@StartTextAfter QualificationAll eventsAfter Qualification
FRS@StartTextAfter Quarterfinal1Cross events and PGSAfter Quarterfinal1
FRS@StartTextAfter Quarterfinal2Cross events and PGSAfter Quarterfinal2
FRS@StartTextAfter Quarterfinal3Cross events and PGSAfter Quarterfinal3
FRS@StartTextAfter QuarterfinalsCross events and PGSAfter Quarterfinals
FRS@StartTextAfter Run 1HP, SS, BAAfter Run 1
FRS@StartTextAfter Run 2HP, SS, BAAfter Run 2
FRS@StartTextAfter Run 3HP, SS, BAAfter Run 3
FRS@StartTextAfter SeedingCross eventsAfter Seeding
FRS@StartTextAfter Seeding Run 1Cross eventsAfter Seeding Run 1
FRS@StartTextAfter Seeding Run 2Cross eventsAfter Seeding Run 2
FRS@StartTextAfter Semifinal 1Cross events and PGSAfter Semifinal 1
FRS@StartTextAfter SemifinalsCross events and PGSAfter Semifinals
FRS@StartTextAfter Small FinalCross events and PGSAfter Small Final
FRS@TrickbdFdFAerialsBack Double Full-Double Full
FRS@TrickbdFdFFAerialsBack Double Full-Double Full-Full
FRS@TrickbdFFAerialsBack Double Full-Full
FRS@TrickbdFFdFAerialsBack Double Full-Full-Double Full
FRS@TrickbdFFFAerialsBack Double Full-Full-Full
FRS@TrickbdFTAerialsBack Double Full-Tuck
FRS@TrickbFAerialsBack Full
FRS@TrickbFdFAerialsBack Full-Double Full
FRS@TrickbFdFdFAerialsBack Full-double Full-Double Full
FRS@TrickbFdFFAerialsBack Full-Double Full-Full
FRS@TrickbFFAerialsBack Full-Full
FRS@TrickbFFdFAerialsBack Full-Full-Double Full
FRS@TrickbFFFAerialsBack Full-Full-Full
FRS@TrickbFTAerialsBack Full-Tuck
FRS@TrickbFTFAerialsBack Full-Tuck-Full
FRS@TrickbFtFFAerialsBack Full-Triple Full-Full
FRS@TrickbLAerialsBack Lay
FRS@TrickbLdFAerialsBack Lay-Double Full
FRS@TrickbLdFFAerialsBack Lay-Double Full-Full
FRS@TrickbLFAerialsBack Lay-Full
FRS@TrickbLFdFAerialsBack Lay-Full-Double Full
FRS@TrickbLFFAerialsBack Lay-Full-Full
FRS@TrickbLFTAerialsBack Lay-Full-Tuck
FRS@TrickbLLAerialsBack Lay-Lay
FRS@TrickbLPFAerialsBack Lay-Pike-Full
FRS@TrickbLTAerialsBack Lay-Tuck
FRS@TrickbLTFAerialsBack Lay-Tuck-Full
FRS@TrickbLtFFAerialsBack Lay-Triple Full-Full
FRS@TrickbLTTAerialsBack Lay-Tuck-Tuck
FRS@VideoReview*VA*Has access to live video review
FRS@WeatherPointFINISHFinish point
FRS@WeatherPointSTARTStart point
FSK@AlertCDLTCompetition delayed
FSK@AlertCDLWCompetition delayed - Weather conditions
FSK@AlertCITICompetition interrupted
FSK@AlertCPOSCompetition postponed
FSK@AlertNLIVNo live information available
FSK@AlertORDPOfficial results delayed - Protest
FSK@AlertORDROfficial results delayed - Results review
FSK@AlertRDLYResults under review
FSK@AlertSDLTStart is delayed
FSK@CompetitorPlaceNO_AWARDNot Awarded
FSK@ComponentINInterpretation of the Music
FSK@ComponentINDInterpretation of the Music/Timing
FSK@ComponentSSSkating Skills
FSK@ComponentTOTTotal Presentation Score
FSK@DeductionTIME1Time violation
FSK@DeductionEXTRA_ELEMENTS10Ice Dance onlyExtra element by verification
FSK@DeductionMUSIC11Ice Dance onlyMusic requirements violation
FSK@DeductionTEMPO12Ice Dance onlyMusic Tempo
FSK@DeductionLIFT13Extended lifts exceeding permitted duration (Ice Dance only)Extended lifts
FSK@DeductionEXTRA14Extra Element
FSK@DeductionILLEGAL_ELEMENT2Illegal Element/Movement
FSK@DeductionCOSTUME3Costume/Prop violation
FSK@DeductionDECO_ON_ICE4Costume failure
FSK@DeductionLATE_START6Late start
FSK@DeductionINTERRUPT_EXCESS7Interruption in excess
FSK@DeductionINTERRUPT_RESUME8Interruption with allowance
FSK@DeductionCHOREOGRAPHY9Ice Dance onlyViolation of choreo restrictions
FSK@Element1ASingle Axel
FSK@Element1A<Single Axel (under-rotated)
FSK@Element1A<<Single Axel (downgraded)
FSK@Element1ATArgentine Tango 1st Sec
FSK@Element1AT1Argentine Tango 1st Sec 1
FSK@Element1AT2Argentine Tango 1st Sec 2
FSK@Element1AT3Argentine Tango 1st Sec 3
FSK@Element1AT4Argentine Tango 1st Sec 4
FSK@Element1ATBArgentine Tango 1st Sec B
FSK@Element1AThThrow Single Axel
FSK@Element1ATh<Throw Single Axel (under-rotated)
FSK@Element1ATh<<Throw Single Axel (downgraded)
FSK@Element1BLBlues Seq Judges Side
FSK@Element1BL1Blues Seq Judges Side 1
FSK@Element1BL2Blues Seq Judges Side 2
FSK@Element1BL3Blues Seq Judges Side 3
FSK@Element1BL4Blues Seq Judges Side 4
FSK@Element1CCCha Cha Congelado 1st Sec
FSK@Element1CC1Cha Cha Congelado 1st Sec 1
FSK@Element1CC2Cha Cha Congelado 1st Sec 2
FSK@Element1CC3Cha Cha Congelado 1st Sec 3
FSK@Element1CC4Cha Cha Congelado 1st Sec 4
FSK@Element1EuSingle Euler
FSK@Element1Eu<<Single Euler (downgraded)
FSK@Element1FSingle Flip
FSK@Element1F!Single Flip
FSK@Element1F!<Single Flip (under-rotated)
FSK@Element1F!<<Single Flip (downgraded)
FSK@Element1F<Single Flip (under-rotated)
FSK@Element1F<<Single Flip (downgraded)
FSK@Element1FeSingle Flip (edge)
FSK@Element1Fe<Single Flip (edge under-rotated)
FSK@Element1Fe<<Single Flip (edge downgraded)
FSK@Element1FSFinnstep 1st Sec
FSK@Element1FS1Finnstep 1st Sec 1
FSK@Element1FS2Finnstep 1st Sec 2
FSK@Element1FS3Finnstep 1st Sec 3
FSK@Element1FS4Finnstep 1st Sec 4
FSK@Element1FSBFinnstep 1st Sec B
FSK@Element1FThThrow Single Flip
FSK@Element1FTh<Throw Single Flip (under-rotated)
FSK@Element1FTh<<Throw Single Flip (downgraded)
FSK@Element1LiGroup 1 Lift
FSK@Element1Li1Group 1 Lift 1
FSK@Element1Li2Group 1 Lift 2
FSK@Element1Li3Group 1 Lift 3
FSK@Element1Li4Group 1 Lift 4
FSK@Element1LiBGroup 1 Lift B
FSK@Element1LoSingle Loop
FSK@Element1Lo<Single Loop (under-rotated)
FSK@Element1Lo<<Single Loop (downgraded)
FSK@Element1LoThThrow Single Loop
FSK@Element1LoTh<Throw Single Loop (under-rotated)
FSK@Element1LoTh<<Throw Single Loop (downgraded)
FSK@Element1LzSingle Lutz
FSK@Element1Lz!Single Lutz
FSK@Element1Lz!<Single Lutz (under-rotated)
FSK@Element1Lz!<<Single Lutz (downgraded)
FSK@Element1Lz<Single Lutz (under-rotated)
FSK@Element1Lz<<Single Lutz (downgraded)
FSK@Element1LzeSingle Lutz (edge)
FSK@Element1Lze<Single Lutz (edge under-rotated)
FSK@Element1Lze<<Single Lutz (edge downgraded)
FSK@Element1LzThThrow Single Lutz
FSK@Element1LzTh<Throw Single Lutz (under-rotated)
FSK@Element1LzTh<<Throw Single Lutz (downgraded)
FSK@Element1MBMidnight Blues 1st Sec
FSK@Element1MB1Midnight Blues 1st Sec 1
FSK@Element1MB2Midnight Blues 1st Sec 2
FSK@Element1MB3Midnight Blues 1st Sec 3
FSK@Element1MB4Midnight Blues 1st Sec 4
FSK@Element1PDPaso Doble
FSK@Element1PD1Paso Doble 1
FSK@Element1PD2Paso Doble 2
FSK@Element1PD3Paso Doble 3
FSK@Element1PD4Paso Doble 4
FSK@Element1QSQuickstep 1st Sec
FSK@Element1QS1Quickstep 1st Sec 1
FSK@Element1QS2Quickstep 1st Sec 2
FSK@Element1QS3Quickstep 1st Sec 3
FSK@Element1QS4Quickstep 1st Sec 4
FSK@Element1RHRhumba 1st Sec
FSK@Element1RH1Rhumba 1st Sec 1
FSK@Element1RH2Rhumba 1st Sec 2
FSK@Element1RH3Rhumba 1st Sec 3
FSK@Element1RH4Rhumba 1st Sec 4
FSK@Element1RWRavensburger Waltz 1st Sec
FSK@Element1RW1Ravensburger Waltz 1st Sec 1
FSK@Element1RW2Ravensburger Waltz 1st Sec 2
FSK@Element1RW3Ravensburger Waltz 1st Sec 3
FSK@Element1RW4Ravensburger Waltz 1st Sec 4
FSK@Element1SSingle Salchow
FSK@Element1S<Single Salchow (under-rotated)
FSK@Element1S<<Single Salchow (downgraded)
FSK@Element1SSSilver Samba 1st Sec
FSK@Element1SS1Silver Samba 1st Sec 1
FSK@Element1SS2Silver Samba 1st Sec 2
FSK@Element1SS3Silver Samba 1st Sec 3
FSK@Element1SS4Silver Samba 1st Sec 4
FSK@Element1SThThrow Single Salchow
FSK@Element1STh<Throw Single Salchow (under-rotated)
FSK@Element1STh<<Throw Single Salchow (downgraded)
FSK@Element1SWStarlight Waltz 1st Sec
FSK@Element1SW1Starlight Waltz 1st Sec 1
FSK@Element1SW2Starlight Waltz 1st Sec 2
FSK@Element1SW3Starlight Waltz 1st Sec 3
FSK@Element1SW4Starlight Waltz 1st Sec 4
FSK@Element1TSingle Toeloop
FSK@Element1T<Single Toeloop (under-rotated)
FSK@Element1T<<Single Toeloop (downgraded)
FSK@Element1TRTango Romantica 1st Sec
FSK@Element1TR1Tango Romantica 1st Sec 1
FSK@Element1TR2Tango Romantica 1st Sec 2
FSK@Element1TR3Tango Romantica 1st Sec 3
FSK@Element1TR4Tango Romantica 1st Sec 4
FSK@Element1TRBTango Romantica 1st Sec B
FSK@Element1TTFTea Time Foxtrot 1st Sec
FSK@Element1TTF1Tea Time Foxtrot 1st Sec 1
FSK@Element1TTF2Tea Time Foxtrot 1st Sec 2
FSK@Element1TTF3Tea Time Foxtrot 1st Sec 3
FSK@Element1TTF4Tea Time Foxtrot 1st Sec 4
FSK@Element1TTFBTea Time Foxtrot 1st Sec B
FSK@Element1TThThrow Single Toeloop
FSK@Element1TTh<Throw Single Toeloop (under-rotated)
FSK@Element1TTh<<Throw Single Toeloop (downgraded)
FSK@Element1TwSingle Twist Lift
FSK@Element1Tw<<Single Twist Lift (downgraded)
FSK@Element1Tw1Single Twist Lift 1
FSK@Element1Tw1<<Single Twist Lift 1 (downgraded)
FSK@Element1Tw2Single Twist Lift 2
FSK@Element1Tw2<<Single Twist Lift 2 (downgraded)
FSK@Element1Tw3Single Twist Lift 3
FSK@Element1Tw3<<Single Twist Lift 3 (downgraded)
FSK@Element1Tw4Single Twist Lift 4
FSK@Element1Tw4<<Single Twist Lift 4 (downgraded)
FSK@Element1TwBSingle Twist Lift B
FSK@Element1TwB<<Single Twist Lift B (downgraded)
FSK@Element1YPYankee Polka 1st Sec
FSK@Element1YP1Yankee Polka 1st Sec 1
FSK@Element1YP2Yankee Polka 1st Sec 2
FSK@Element1YP3Yankee Polka 1st Sec 3
FSK@Element1YP4Yankee Polka 1st Sec 4
FSK@Element2ADouble Axel
FSK@Element2A<Double Axel (under-rotated)
FSK@Element2A<<Double Axel (downgraded)
FSK@Element2ATArgentine Tango 2nd Sec
FSK@Element2AT1Argentine Tango 2nd Sec 1
FSK@Element2AT2Argentine Tango 2nd Sec 2
FSK@Element2AT3Argentine Tango 2nd Sec 3
FSK@Element2AT4Argentine Tango 2nd Sec 4
FSK@Element2ATBArgentine Tango 2nd Sec B
FSK@Element2AThThrow Double Axel
FSK@Element2ATh<Throw Double Axel (under-rotated)
FSK@Element2ATh<<Throw Double Axel (downgraded)
FSK@Element2BLBlues Seq Opposite Side
FSK@Element2BL1Blues Seq Opposite Side 1
FSK@Element2BL2Blues Seq Opposite Side 2
FSK@Element2BL3Blues Seq Opposite Side 3
FSK@Element2BL4Blues Seq Opposite Side 4
FSK@Element2CCCha Cha Congelado 2nd Sec
FSK@Element2CC1Cha Cha Congelado 2nd Sec 1
FSK@Element2CC2Cha Cha Congelado 2nd Sec 2
FSK@Element2CC3Cha Cha Congelado 2nd Sec 3
FSK@Element2CC4Cha Cha Congelado 2nd Sec 4
FSK@Element2FDouble Flip
FSK@Element2F!Double Flip
FSK@Element2F!<Double Flip (under-rotated)
FSK@Element2F!<<Double Flip (downgraded)
FSK@Element2F<Double Flip (under-rotated)
FSK@Element2F<<Double Flip (downgraded)
FSK@Element2FeDouble Flip (edge)
FSK@Element2Fe<Double Flip (edge under-rotated)
FSK@Element2Fe<<Double Flip (edge downgraded)
FSK@Element2FThThrow Double Flip
FSK@Element2FTh<Throw Double Flip (under-rotated)
FSK@Element2FTh<<Throw Double Flip (downgraded)
FSK@Element2LiGroup 2 Lift
FSK@Element2Li1Group 2 Lift 1
FSK@Element2Li2Group 2 Lift 2
FSK@Element2Li3Group 2 Lift 3
FSK@Element2Li4Group 2 Lift 4
FSK@Element2LiBGroup 2 Lift B
FSK@Element2LoDouble Loop
FSK@Element2Lo<Double Loop (under-rotated)
FSK@Element2Lo<<Double Loop (downgraded)
FSK@Element2LoThThrow Double Loop
FSK@Element2LoTh<Throw Double Loop (under-rotated)
FSK@Element2LoTh<<Throw Double Loop (downgraded)
FSK@Element2LzDouble Lutz
FSK@Element2Lz!Double Lutz
FSK@Element2Lz!<Double Lutz (under-rotated)
FSK@Element2Lz!<<Double Lutz (downgraded)
FSK@Element2Lz<Double Lutz (under-rotated)
FSK@Element2Lz<<Double Lutz (downgraded)
FSK@Element2LzeDouble Lutz (edge)
FSK@Element2Lze<Double Lutz (edge under-rotated)
FSK@Element2Lze<<Double Lutz (edge downgraded)
FSK@Element2LzThThrow Double Lutz
FSK@Element2LzTh<Throw Double Lutz (under-rotated)
FSK@Element2LzTh<<Throw Double Lutz (downgraded)
FSK@Element2QSQuickstep 2nd Sec
FSK@Element2QS1Quickstep 2nd Sec 1
FSK@Element2QS2Quickstep 2nd Sec 2
FSK@Element2QS3Quickstep 2nd Sec 3
FSK@Element2QS4Quickstep 2nd Sec 4
FSK@Element2RWRavensburger Waltz 2nd Sec
FSK@Element2RW1Ravensburger Waltz 2nd Sec 1
FSK@Element2RW2Ravensburger Waltz 2nd Sec 2
FSK@Element2RW3Ravensburger Waltz 2nd Sec 3
FSK@Element2RW4Ravensburger Waltz 2nd Sec 4
FSK@Element2SDouble Salchow
FSK@Element2S<Double Salchow (under-rotated)
FSK@Element2S<<Double Salchow (downgraded)
FSK@Element2SSSilver Samba 2nd Sec
FSK@Element2SS1Silver Samba 2nd Sec 1
FSK@Element2SS2Silver Samba 2nd Sec 2
FSK@Element2SS3Silver Samba 2nd Sec 3
FSK@Element2SS4Silver Samba 2nd Sec 4
FSK@Element2SThThrow Double Salchow
FSK@Element2STh<Throw Double Salchow (under-rotated)
FSK@Element2STh<<Throw Double Salchow (downgraded)
FSK@Element2SWStarlight Waltz 2nd Sec
FSK@Element2SW1Starlight Waltz 2nd Sec 1
FSK@Element2SW2Starlight Waltz 2nd Sec 2
FSK@Element2SW3Starlight Waltz 2nd Sec 3
FSK@Element2SW4Starlight Waltz 2nd Sec 4
FSK@Element2TDouble Toeloop
FSK@Element2T<Double Toeloop (under-rotated)
FSK@Element2T<<Double Toeloop (downgraded)
FSK@Element2TRTango Romantica 2nd Sec
FSK@Element2TR1Tango Romantica 2nd Sec 1
FSK@Element2TR2Tango Romantica 2nd Sec 2
FSK@Element2TR3Tango Romantica 2nd Sec 3
FSK@Element2TR4Tango Romantica 2nd Sec 4
FSK@Element2TRBTango Romantica 2nd Sec B
FSK@Element2TTFTea Time Foxtrot 2nd Sec
FSK@Element2TTF1Tea Time Foxtrot 2nd Sec 1
FSK@Element2TTF2Tea Time Foxtrot 2nd Sec 2
FSK@Element2TTF3Tea Time Foxtrot 2nd Sec 3
FSK@Element2TTF4Tea Time Foxtrot 2nd Sec 4
FSK@Element2TTFBTea Time Foxtrot 2nd Sec B
FSK@Element2TThThrow Double Toeloop
FSK@Element2TTh<Throw Double Toeloop (under-rotated)
FSK@Element2TTh<<Throw Double Toeloop (downgraded)
FSK@Element2TwDouble Twist Lift
FSK@Element2Tw<<Double Twist Lift (downgraded)
FSK@Element2Tw1Double Twist Lift 1
FSK@Element2Tw1<<Double Twist Lift 1 (downgraded)
FSK@Element2Tw2Double Twist Lift 2
FSK@Element2Tw2<<Double Twist Lift 2 (downgraded)
FSK@Element2Tw3Double Twist Lift 3
FSK@Element2Tw3<<Double Twist Lift 3 (downgraded)
FSK@Element2Tw4Double Twist Lift 4
FSK@Element2Tw4<<Double Twist Lift 4 (downgraded)
FSK@Element2TwBDouble Twist Lift B
FSK@Element2TwB<<Double Twist Lift B (downgraded)
FSK@Element2YPYankee Polka 2nd Sec
FSK@Element2YP1Yankee Polka 2nd Sec 1
FSK@Element2YP2Yankee Polka 2nd Sec 2
FSK@Element2YP3Yankee Polka 2nd Sec 3
FSK@Element2YP4Yankee Polka 2nd Sec 4
FSK@Element3ATriple Axel
FSK@Element3A<Triple Axel (under-rotated)
FSK@Element3A<<Triple Axel (downgraded)
FSK@Element3AThThrow Triple Axel
FSK@Element3ATh<Throw Triple Axel (under-rotated)
FSK@Element3ATh<<Throw Triple Axel (downgraded)
FSK@Element3FTriple Flip
FSK@Element3F!Triple Flip
FSK@Element3F!<Triple Flip (under-rotated)
FSK@Element3F!<<Triple Flip (downgraded)
FSK@Element3F<Triple Flip (under-rotated)
FSK@Element3F<<Triple Flip (downgraded)
FSK@Element3FeTriple Flip (edge)
FSK@Element3Fe<Triple Flip (edge under-rotated)
FSK@Element3Fe<<Triple Flip (edge downgraded)
FSK@Element3FThThrow Triple Flip
FSK@Element3FTh<Throw Triple Flip (under-rotated)
FSK@Element3FTh<<Throw Triple Flip (downgraded)
FSK@Element3LiGroup 3 Lift
FSK@Element3Li1Group 3 Lift 1
FSK@Element3Li2Group 3 Lift 2
FSK@Element3Li3Group 3 Lift 3
FSK@Element3Li4Group 3 Lift 4
FSK@Element3LiBGroup 3 Lift B
FSK@Element3LoTriple Loop
FSK@Element3Lo<Triple Loop (under-rotated)
FSK@Element3Lo<<Triple Loop (downgraded)
FSK@Element3LoThThrow Triple Loop
FSK@Element3LoTh<Throw Triple Loop (under-rotated)
FSK@Element3LoTh<<Throw Triple Loop (downgraded)
FSK@Element3LzTriple Lutz
FSK@Element3Lz!Triple Lutz
FSK@Element3Lz!<Triple Lutz (under-rotated)
FSK@Element3Lz!<<Triple Lutz (downgraded)
FSK@Element3Lz<Triple Lutz (under-rotated)
FSK@Element3Lz<<Triple Lutz (downgraded)
FSK@Element3LzeTriple Lutz (edge)
FSK@Element3Lze<Triple Lutz (edge under-rotated)
FSK@Element3Lze<<Triple Lutz (edge downgraded)
FSK@Element3LzThThrow Triple Lutz
FSK@Element3LzTh<Throw Triple Lutz (under-rotated)
FSK@Element3LzTh<<Throw Triple Lutz (downgraded)
FSK@Element3STriple Salchow
FSK@Element3S<Triple Salchow (under-rotated)
FSK@Element3S<<Triple Salchow (downgraded)
FSK@Element3SThThrow Triple Salchow
FSK@Element3STh<Throw Triple Salchow (under-rotated)
FSK@Element3STh<<Throw Triple Salchow (downgraded)
FSK@Element3TTriple Toeloop
FSK@Element3T<Triple Toeloop (under-rotated)
FSK@Element3T<<Triple Toeloop (downgraded)
FSK@Element3TThThrow Triple Toeloop
FSK@Element3TTh<Throw Triple Toeloop (under-rotated)
FSK@Element3TTh<<Throw Triple Toeloop (downgraded)
FSK@Element3TwTriple Twist Lift
FSK@Element3Tw<<Triple Twist Lift (downgraded)
FSK@Element3Tw1Triple Twist Lift 1
FSK@Element3Tw1<<Triple Twist Lift 1 (downgraded)
FSK@Element3Tw2Triple Twist Lift 2
FSK@Element3Tw2<<Triple Twist Lift 2 (downgraded)
FSK@Element3Tw3Triple Twist Lift 3
FSK@Element3Tw3<<Triple Twist Lift 3 (downgraded)
FSK@Element3Tw4Triple Twist Lift 4
FSK@Element3Tw4<<Triple Twist Lift 4 (downgraded)
FSK@Element3TwBTriple Twist Lift B
FSK@Element3TwB<<Triple Twist Lift B (downgraded)
FSK@Element4AQuad Axel
FSK@Element4A<Quad Axel (under-rotated)
FSK@Element4A<<Quad Axel (downgraded)
FSK@Element4FQuad Flip
FSK@Element4F!Quad Flip
FSK@Element4F!<Quad Flip (under-rotated)
FSK@Element4F!<<Quad Flip (downgraded)
FSK@Element4F<Quad Flip (under-rotated)
FSK@Element4F<<Quad Flip (downgraded)
FSK@Element4FeQuad Flip (edge)
FSK@Element4Fe<Quad Flip (edge under-rotated)
FSK@Element4Fe<<Quad Flip (edge downgraded)
FSK@Element4FThThrow Quad Flip
FSK@Element4FTh<Throw Quad Flip (under-rotated)
FSK@Element4FTh<<Throw Quad Flip (downgraded)
FSK@Element4LiGroup 4 Lift
FSK@Element4Li1Group 4 Lift 1
FSK@Element4Li2Group 4 Lift 2
FSK@Element4Li3Group 4 Lift 3
FSK@Element4Li4Group 4 Lift 4
FSK@Element4LiBGroup 4 Lift B
FSK@Element4LoQuad Loop
FSK@Element4Lo<Quad Loop (under-rotated)
FSK@Element4Lo<<Quad Loop (downgraded)
FSK@Element4LoThThrow Quad Loop
FSK@Element4LoTh<Throw Quad Loop (under-rotated)
FSK@Element4LoTh<<Throw Quad Loop (downgraded)
FSK@Element4LzQuad Lutz
FSK@Element4Lz!Quad Lutz
FSK@Element4Lz!<Quad Lutz (under-rotated)
FSK@Element4Lz!<<Quad Lutz (downgraded)
FSK@Element4Lz<Quad Lutz (under-rotated)
FSK@Element4Lz<<Quad Lutz (downgraded)
FSK@Element4LzeQuad Lutz (edge)
FSK@Element4Lze<Quad Lutz (edge under-rotated)
FSK@Element4Lze<<Quad Lutz (edge downgraded)
FSK@Element4LzThThrow Quad Lutz
FSK@Element4LzTh<Throw Quad Lutz (under-rotated)
FSK@Element4LzTh<<Throw Quad Lutz (downgraded)
FSK@Element4SQuad Salchow
FSK@Element4S<Quad Salchow (under-rotated)
FSK@Element4S<<Quad Salchow (downgraded)
FSK@Element4SThThrow Quad Salchow
FSK@Element4STh<Throw Quad Salchow (under-rotated)
FSK@Element4STh<<Throw Quad Salchow (downgraded)
FSK@Element4TQuad Toeloop
FSK@Element4T<Quad Toeloop (under-rotated)
FSK@Element4T<<Quad Toeloop (downgraded)
FSK@Element4TThThrow Quad Toeloop
FSK@Element4TTh<Throw Quad Toeloop (under-rotated)
FSK@Element4TTh<<Throw Quad Toeloop (downgraded)
FSK@Element4TwQuad Twist Lift
FSK@Element4Tw<<Quad Twist Lift (downgraded)
FSK@Element4Tw1Quad Twist Lift 1
FSK@Element4Tw1<<Quad Twist Lift 1 (downgraded)
FSK@Element4Tw2Quad Twist Lift 2
FSK@Element4Tw2<<Quad Twist Lift 2 (downgraded)
FSK@Element4Tw3Quad Twist Lift 3
FSK@Element4Tw3<<Quad Twist Lift 3 (downgraded)
FSK@Element4Tw4Quad Twist Lift 4
FSK@Element4Tw4<<Quad Twist Lift 4 (downgraded)
FSK@Element4TwBQuad Twist Lift B
FSK@Element4TwB<<Quad Twist Lift B (downgraded)
FSK@Element5ALiGroup 5 Axel Lasso Lift
FSK@Element5ALi1Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift 1
FSK@Element5ALi2Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift 2
FSK@Element5ALi3Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift 3
FSK@Element5ALi4Group 5 Axel Lasso Lift 4
FSK@Element5ALiBGroup 5 Axel Lasso Lift B
FSK@Element5BLiGroup 5 Backward Lasso Lift
FSK@Element5BLi1Group 5 Backward Lasso Lift 1
FSK@Element5BLi2Group 5 Backward Lasso Lift 2
FSK@Element5BLi3Group 5 Backward Lasso Lift 3
FSK@Element5BLi4Group 5 Backward Lasso Lift 4
FSK@Element5BLiBGroup 5 Backward Lasso Lift B
FSK@Element5LiGroup 5 Lift
FSK@Element5RLiGroup 5 Reverse Lasso Lift
FSK@Element5RLi1Group 5 Reverse Lasso Lift 1
FSK@Element5RLi2Group 5 Reverse Lasso Lift 2
FSK@Element5RLi3Group 5 Reverse Lasso Lift 3
FSK@Element5RLi4Group 5 Reverse Lasso Lift 4
FSK@Element5RLiBGroup 5 Reverse Lasso Lift B
FSK@Element5SLiGroup 5 Step in Lasso Lift
FSK@Element5SLi1Group 5 Step in Lasso Lift 1
FSK@Element5SLi2Group 5 Step in Lasso Lift 2
FSK@Element5SLi3Group 5 Step in Lasso Lift 3
FSK@Element5SLi4Group 5 Step in Lasso Lift 4
FSK@Element5SLiBGroup 5 Step in Lasso Lift B
FSK@Element5TLiGroup 5 Toe Lasso Lift
FSK@Element5TLi1Group 5 Toe Lasso Lift 1
FSK@Element5TLi2Group 5 Toe Lasso Lift 2
FSK@Element5TLi3Group 5 Toe Lasso Lift 3
FSK@Element5TLi4Group 5 Toe Lasso Lift 4
FSK@Element5TLiBGroup 5 Toe Lasso Lift B
FSK@ElementAT1SqArgentine Tango 1st Seq
FSK@ElementAT1Sq1Argentine Tango 1st Seq 1
FSK@ElementAT1Sq1SeArgentine Tango 1st Seq 1st Sec
FSK@ElementAT1Sq1Se1Argentine Tango 1st Seq 1st Sec 1
FSK@ElementAT1Sq1SeBArgentine Tango 1st Seq 1st Sec B
FSK@ElementAT1Sq2Argentine Tango 1st Seq 2
FSK@ElementAT1Sq2SeArgentine Tango 1st Seq 2nd Sec
FSK@ElementAT1Sq2Se1Argentine Tango 1st Seq 2nd Sec 1
FSK@ElementAT1Sq2SeBArgentine Tango 1st Seq 2nd Sec B
FSK@ElementAT1Sq3Argentine Tango 1st Seq 3
FSK@ElementAT1Sq4Argentine Tango 1st Seq 4
FSK@ElementAT1SqBArgentine Tango 1st Seq B
FSK@ElementAT2SqArgentine Tango 2nd Seq
FSK@ElementAT2Sq1Argentine Tango 2nd Seq 1
FSK@ElementAT2Sq1SeArgentine Tango 2nd Seq 1st Sec
FSK@ElementAT2Sq1Se1Argentine Tango 2nd Seq 1st Sec 1
FSK@ElementAT2Sq1SeBArgentine Tango 2nd Seq 1st Sec B
FSK@ElementAT2Sq2Argentine Tango 2nd Seq 2
FSK@ElementAT2Sq2SeArgentine Tango 2nd Seq 2nd Sec
FSK@ElementAT2Sq2Se1Argentine Tango 2nd Seq 2nd Sec 1
FSK@ElementAT2Sq2SeBArgentine Tango 2nd Seq 2nd Sec B
FSK@ElementAT2Sq3Argentine Tango 2nd Seq 3
FSK@ElementAT2Sq4Argentine Tango 2nd Seq 4
FSK@ElementAT2SqBArgentine Tango 2nd Seq B
FSK@ElementAThThrow Axel
FSK@ElementAW1SqAmerican Waltz 1st Seq
FSK@ElementAW1Sq1American Waltz 1st Seq 1
FSK@ElementAW1Sq2American Waltz 1st Seq 2
FSK@ElementAW1Sq3American Waltz 1st Seq 3
FSK@ElementAW1Sq4American Waltz 1st Seq 4
FSK@ElementAW1SqBAmerican Waltz 1st Seq B
FSK@ElementAW2SqAmerican Waltz 2nd Seq
FSK@ElementAW2Sq1American Waltz 2nd Seq 1
FSK@ElementAW2Sq2American Waltz 2nd Seq 2
FSK@ElementAW2Sq3American Waltz 2nd Seq 3
FSK@ElementAW2Sq4American Waltz 2nd Seq 4
FSK@ElementAW2SqBAmerican Waltz 2nd Seq B
FSK@ElementBiDsBackward Inside Death Spiral
FSK@ElementBiDs1Backward Inside Death Spiral 1
FSK@ElementBiDs2Backward Inside Death Spiral 2
FSK@ElementBiDs3Backward Inside Death Spiral 3
FSK@ElementBiDs4Backward Inside Death Spiral 4
FSK@ElementBiDsBBackward Inside Death Spiral B
FSK@ElementBL1SqBlues 1st Seq
FSK@ElementBL1Sq1Blues 1st Seq 1
FSK@ElementBL1Sq2Blues 1st Seq 2
FSK@ElementBL1Sq3Blues 1st Seq 3
FSK@ElementBL1Sq4Blues 1st Seq 4
FSK@ElementBL1SqBBlues 1st Seq B
FSK@ElementBL2SqBlues 2nd Seq
FSK@ElementBL2Sq1Blues 2nd Seq 1
FSK@ElementBL2Sq2Blues 2nd Seq 2
FSK@ElementBL2Sq3Blues 2nd Seq 3
FSK@ElementBL2Sq4Blues 2nd Seq 4
FSK@ElementBL2SqBBlues 2nd Seq B
FSK@ElementBL3SqBlues 3rd Seq
FSK@ElementBL3Sq1Blues 3rd Seq 1
FSK@ElementBL3Sq2Blues 3rd Seq 2
FSK@ElementBL3Sq3Blues 3rd Seq 3
FSK@ElementBL3Sq4Blues 3rd Seq 4
FSK@ElementBL3SqBBlues 3rd Seq B
FSK@ElementBoDsBackward Outside Death Spiral
FSK@ElementBoDs1Backward Outside Death Spiral 1
FSK@ElementBoDs2Backward Outside Death Spiral 2
FSK@ElementBoDs3Backward Outside Death Spiral 3
FSK@ElementBoDs4Backward Outside Death Spiral 4
FSK@ElementBoDsBBackward Outside Death Spiral B
FSK@ElementCC1SqCha Cha Congelado Seq Judges Side
FSK@ElementCC1Sq1Cha Cha Congelado Seq Judges Side 1
FSK@ElementCC1Sq2Cha Cha Congelado Seq Judges Side 2
FSK@ElementCC1Sq3Cha Cha Congelado Seq Judges Side 3
FSK@ElementCC1Sq4Cha Cha Congelado Seq Judges Side 4
FSK@ElementCC1SqBCha-Cha Congelado 1st Seq B
FSK@ElementCC2SqCha Cha Congelado Seq Opposite Side
FSK@ElementCC2Sq1Cha Cha Congelado Seq Opposite Side 1
FSK@ElementCC2Sq2Cha Cha Congelado Seq Opposite Side 2
FSK@ElementCC2Sq3Cha Cha Congelado Seq Opposite Side 3
FSK@ElementCC2Sq4Cha Cha Congelado Seq Opposite Side 4
FSK@ElementCC2SqBCha-Cha Congelado 2nd Seq B
FSK@ElementCCoSpChange Foot Combination Spin
FSK@ElementCCoSp1Change Foot Combination Spin 1
FSK@ElementCCoSp1VChange Foot Comb. Spin 1 V
FSK@ElementCCoSp2Change Foot Combination Spin 2
FSK@ElementCCoSp2VChange Foot Comb. Spin 2 V
FSK@ElementCCoSp3Change Foot Combination Spin 3
FSK@ElementCCoSp3VChange Foot Comb. Spin 3 V
FSK@ElementCCoSp4Change Foot Combination Spin 4
FSK@ElementCCoSp4VChange Foot Comb. Spin 4 V
FSK@ElementCCoSpBChange Foot Combination Spin B
FSK@ElementCCoSpBVChange Foot Comb. Spin B V
FSK@ElementCCoSpVChange Foot Comb. Spin V
FSK@ElementCCSpChange Foot Camel Spin
FSK@ElementCCSp1Change Foot Camel Spin 1
FSK@ElementCCSp1VChange Foot Camel Spin 1 V
FSK@ElementCCSp2Change Foot Camel Spin 2
FSK@ElementCCSp2VChange Foot Camel Spin 2 V
FSK@ElementCCSp3Change Foot Camel Spin 3
FSK@ElementCCSp3VChange Foot Camel Spin 3 V
FSK@ElementCCSp4Change Foot Camel Spin 4
FSK@ElementCCSp4VChange Foot Camel Spin 4 V
FSK@ElementCCSpBChange Foot Camel Spin B
FSK@ElementCCSpBVChange Foot Camel Spin B V
FSK@ElementCCSpVChange Foot Camel Spin V
FSK@ElementChLiChoreographic Dance Lift
FSK@ElementChLi1Choreographic Dance Lift 1
FSK@ElementChSlChoreographic Sliding Movement
FSK@ElementChSl1Choreographic Sliding Movement 1
FSK@ElementChSpChoreographic Spinning Movement
FSK@ElementChSp1Choreographic Spinning Movement 1
FSK@ElementChSqChoreo Sequence
FSK@ElementChSq1Choreo Sequence 1
FSK@ElementChStChoreographic Character Step Sequence
FSK@ElementChSt1Choreographic Character Step Sequence 1
FSK@ElementChTwChoreographic Twizzling Movement
FSK@ElementChTw1Choreographic Twizzling Movement 1
FSK@ElementCiStCircular Step Sequence
FSK@ElementCiSt1Circular Step Sequence 1
FSK@ElementCiSt2Circular Step Sequence 2
FSK@ElementCiSt3Circular Step Sequence 3
FSK@ElementCiSt4Circular Step Sequence 4
FSK@ElementCiStBCircular Step Sequence B
FSK@ElementCLSpChange Foot Layback Spin
FSK@ElementCLSp1Change Foot Layback Spin 1
FSK@ElementCLSp1VChange Foot Layback Spin 1 V
FSK@ElementCLSp2Change Foot Layback Spin 2
FSK@ElementCLSp2VChange Foot Layback Spin 2 V
FSK@ElementCLSp3Change Foot Layback Spin 3
FSK@ElementCLSp3VChange Foot Layback Spin 3 V
FSK@ElementCLSp4Change Foot Layback Spin 4
FSK@ElementCLSp4VChange Foot Layback Spin 4 V
FSK@ElementCLSpBChange Foot Layback Spin B
FSK@ElementCLSpBVChange Foot Layback Spin B V
FSK@ElementCLSpVChange Foot Layback Spin V
FSK@ElementCoLiCombo Lift
FSK@ElementCoSpCombination Spin
FSK@ElementCoSp1Combination Spin 1
FSK@ElementCoSp1VCombination Spin 1 V
FSK@ElementCoSp2Combination Spin 2
FSK@ElementCoSp2VCombination Spin 2 V
FSK@ElementCoSp3Combination Spin 3
FSK@ElementCoSp3VCombination Spin 3 V
FSK@ElementCoSp4Combination Spin 4
FSK@ElementCoSp4VCombination Spin 4 V
FSK@ElementCoSpBCombination Spin B
FSK@ElementCoSpBVCombination Spin B V
FSK@ElementCoSpVCombination Spin V
FSK@ElementCSpCamel Spin
FSK@ElementCSp1Camel Spin 1
FSK@ElementCSp2Camel Spin 2
FSK@ElementCSp3Camel Spin 3
FSK@ElementCSp4Camel Spin 4
FSK@ElementCSpBCamel Spin B
FSK@ElementCSSpChange Foot Sit Spin
FSK@ElementCSSp1Change Foot Sit Spin 1
FSK@ElementCSSp1VChange Foot Sit Spin 1 V
FSK@ElementCSSp2Change Foot Sit Spin 2
FSK@ElementCSSp2VChange Foot Sit Spin 2 V
FSK@ElementCSSp3Change Foot Sit Spin 3
FSK@ElementCSSp3VChange Foot Sit Spin 3 V
FSK@ElementCSSp4Change Foot Sit Spin 4
FSK@ElementCSSp4VChange Foot Sit Spin 4 V
FSK@ElementCSSpBChange Foot Sit Spin B
FSK@ElementCSSpBVChange Foot Sit Spin B V
FSK@ElementCSSpVChange Foot Sit Spin V
FSK@ElementCuLiCurve Lift
FSK@ElementCuLi1Curve Lift 1
FSK@ElementCuLi2Curve Lift 2
FSK@ElementCuLi3Curve Lift 3
FSK@ElementCuLi4Curve Lift 4
FSK@ElementCuLiBCurve Lift B
FSK@ElementCUSpChange Foot Upright Spin
FSK@ElementCUSp1Change Foot Upright Spin 1
FSK@ElementCUSp1VChange Foot Upright Spin 1 V
FSK@ElementCUSp2Change Foot Upright Spin 2
FSK@ElementCUSp2VChange Foot Upright Spin 2 V
FSK@ElementCUSp3Change Foot Upright Spin 3
FSK@ElementCUSp3VChange Foot Upright Spin 3 V
FSK@ElementCUSp4Change Foot Upright Spin 4
FSK@ElementCUSp4VChange Foot Upright Spin 4 V
FSK@ElementCUSpBChange Foot Upright Spin B
FSK@ElementCUSpBVChange Foot Upright Spin B V
FSK@ElementCUSpVChange Foot Upright Spin V
FSK@ElementDiStDiagonal Step Sequence
FSK@ElementDiSt1Diagonal Step Sequence 1
FSK@ElementDiSt2Diagonal Step Sequence 2
FSK@ElementDiSt3Diagonal Step Sequence 3
FSK@ElementDiSt4Diagonal Step Sequence 4
FSK@ElementDiStBDiagonal Step Sequence B
FSK@ElementDW1SqDutch Waltz 1st Seq
FSK@ElementDW1Sq1Dutch Waltz 1st Seq 1
FSK@ElementDW1SqBDutch Waltz 1st Seq B
FSK@ElementDW2SqDutch Waltz 2nd Seq
FSK@ElementDW2Sq1Dutch Waltz 2nd Seq 1
FSK@ElementDW2SqBDutch Waltz 2nd Seq B
FSK@ElementEW1SqEuropean Waltz 1st Seq
FSK@ElementEW1Sq1European Waltz 1st Seq 1
FSK@ElementEW1Sq2European Waltz 1st Seq 2
FSK@ElementEW1Sq3European Waltz 1st Seq 3
FSK@ElementEW1Sq4European Waltz 1st Seq 4
FSK@ElementEW1SqBEuropean Waltz 1st Seq B
FSK@ElementEW2SqEuropean Waltz 2nd Seq
FSK@ElementEW2Sq1European Waltz 2nd Seq 1
FSK@ElementEW2Sq2European Waltz 2nd Seq 2
FSK@ElementEW2Sq3European Waltz 2nd Seq 3
FSK@ElementEW2Sq4European Waltz 2nd Seq 4
FSK@ElementEW2SqBEuropean Waltz 2nd Seq B
FSK@ElementEXELExtra Element
FSK@ElementFCCoSpFly. Change Foot Comb. Spin
FSK@ElementFCCoSp1Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin 1
FSK@ElementFCCoSp1VFly. Change Foot Comb. Spin 1 V
FSK@ElementFCCoSp2Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin 2
FSK@ElementFCCoSp2VFly. Change Foot Comb. Spin 2 V
FSK@ElementFCCoSp3Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin 3
FSK@ElementFCCoSp3VFly. Change Foot Comb. Spin 3 V
FSK@ElementFCCoSp4Fly. Change Foot Comb. Spin 4
FSK@ElementFCCoSp4VFly. Change Foot Comb. Spin 4 V
FSK@ElementFCCoSpBFly. Change Foot Comb. Spin B
FSK@ElementFCCoSpBVFly. Change Foot Comb. Spin B V
FSK@ElementFCCoSpVFly. Change Foot Comb. Spin V
FSK@ElementFCCSpFly. Change Foot Camel Spin
FSK@ElementFCCSp1Fly. Change Foot Camel Spin 1
FSK@ElementFCCSp1VFly. Change Foot Camel Spin 1 V
FSK@ElementFCCSp2Fly. Change Foot Camel Spin 2
FSK@ElementFCCSp2VFly. Change Foot Camel Spin 2 V
FSK@ElementFCCSp3Fly. Change Foot Camel Spin 3
FSK@ElementFCCSp3VFly. Change Foot Camel Spin 3 V
FSK@ElementFCCSp4Fly. Change Foot Camel Spin 4
FSK@ElementFCCSp4VFly. Change Foot Camel Spin 4 V
FSK@ElementFCCSpBFly. Change Foot Camel Spin B
FSK@ElementFCCSpBVFly. Change Foot Camel Spin B V
FSK@ElementFCCSpVFly. Change Foot Camel Spin V
FSK@ElementFCLSpFly. Change Foot Layback Spin
FSK@ElementFCLSp1Fly. Change Foot Layback Spin 1
FSK@ElementFCLSp1VFly. Change Foot Layback Spin 1 V
FSK@ElementFCLSp2Fly. Change Foot Layback Spin 2
FSK@ElementFCLSp2VFly. Change Foot Layback Spin 2 V
FSK@ElementFCLSp3Fly. Change Foot Layback Spin 3
FSK@ElementFCLSp3VFly. Change Foot Layback Spin 3 V
FSK@ElementFCLSp4Fly. Change Foot Layback Spin 4
FSK@ElementFCLSp4VFly. Change Foot Layback Spin 4 V
FSK@ElementFCLSpBFly. Change Foot Layback Spin B
FSK@ElementFCLSpBVFly. Change Foot Layback Spin B V
FSK@ElementFCLSpVFly. Change Foot Layback Spin V
FSK@ElementFCoSpFly. Combination Spin
FSK@ElementFCoSp1Fly. Combination Spin 1
FSK@ElementFCoSp1VFly. Comb. Spin 1 V
FSK@ElementFCoSp2Fly. Combination Spin 2
FSK@ElementFCoSp2VFly. Comb. Spin 2 V
FSK@ElementFCoSp3Fly. Combination Spin 3
FSK@ElementFCoSp3VFly. Comb. Spin 3 V
FSK@ElementFCoSp4Fly. Combination Spin 4
FSK@ElementFCoSp4VFly. Comb. Spin 4 V
FSK@ElementFCoSpBFly. Combination Spin B
FSK@ElementFCoSpBVFly. Comb. Spin B V
FSK@ElementFCoSpVFly. Comb. Spin V
FSK@ElementFCSpFly. Camel Spin
FSK@ElementFCSp1Fly. Camel Spin 1
FSK@ElementFCSp1VFly. Camel Spin 1 V
FSK@ElementFCSp2Fly. Camel Spin 2
FSK@ElementFCSp2VFly. Camel Spin 2 V
FSK@ElementFCSp3Fly. Camel Spin 3
FSK@ElementFCSp3VFly. Camel Spin 3 V
FSK@ElementFCSp4Fly. Camel Spin 4
FSK@ElementFCSp4VFly. Camel Spin 4 V
FSK@ElementFCSpBFly. Camel Spin B
FSK@ElementFCSpBVFly. Camel Spin B V
FSK@ElementFCSpVFly. Camel Spin V
FSK@ElementFCSSpFly. Change Foot Sit Spin
FSK@ElementFCSSp1Fly. Change Foot Sit Spin 1
FSK@ElementFCSSp1VFly. Change Foot Sit Spin 1 V
FSK@ElementFCSSp2Fly. Change Foot Sit Spin 2
FSK@ElementFCSSp2VFly. Change Foot Sit Spin 2 V
FSK@ElementFCSSp3Fly. Change Foot Sit Spin 3
FSK@ElementFCSSp3VFly. Change Foot Sit Spin 3 V
FSK@ElementFCSSp4Fly. Change Foot Sit Spin 4
FSK@ElementFCSSp4VFly. Change Foot Sit Spin 4 V
FSK@ElementFCSSpBFly. Change Foot Sit Spin B
FSK@ElementFCSSpBVFly. Change Foot Sit Spin B V
FSK@ElementFCSSpVFly. Change Foot Sit Spin V
FSK@ElementFCUSpFly. Change Foot Upright Spin
FSK@ElementFCUSp1Fly. Change Foot Upright Spin 1
FSK@ElementFCUSp1VFly. Change Foot Upright Spin 1 V
FSK@ElementFCUSp2Fly. Change Foot Upright Spin 2
FSK@ElementFCUSp2VFly. Change Foot Upright Spin 2 V
FSK@ElementFCUSp3Fly. Change Foot Upright Spin 3
FSK@ElementFCUSp3VFly. Change Foot Upright Spin 3 V
FSK@ElementFCUSp4Fly. Change Foot Upright Spin 4
FSK@ElementFCUSp4VFly. Change Foot Upright Spin 4 V
FSK@ElementFCUSpBFly. Change Foot Upright Spin B
FSK@ElementFCUSpBVFly. Change Foot Upright Spin B V
FSK@ElementFCUSpVFly. Change Foot Upright Spin V
FSK@ElementFiDsForward Inside Death Spiral
FSK@ElementFiDs1Forward Inside Death Spiral 1
FSK@ElementFiDs2Forward Inside Death Spiral 2
FSK@ElementFiDs3Forward Inside Death Spiral 3
FSK@ElementFiDs4Forward Inside Death Spiral 4
FSK@ElementFiDsBForward Inside Death Spiral B
FSK@ElementFLSpFly. Layback Spin
FSK@ElementFLSp1Fly. Layback Spin 1
FSK@ElementFLSp1VFly. Layback Spin 1 V
FSK@ElementFLSp2Fly. Layback Spin 2
FSK@ElementFLSp2VFly. Layback Spin 2 V
FSK@ElementFLSp3Fly. Layback Spin 3
FSK@ElementFLSp3VFly. Layback Spin 3 V
FSK@ElementFLSp4Fly. Layback Spin 4
FSK@ElementFLSp4VFly. Layback Spin 4 V
FSK@ElementFLSpBFly. Layback Spin B
FSK@ElementFLSpBVFly. Layback Spin B V
FSK@ElementFLSpVFly. Layback Spin V
FSK@ElementFO1SqFourteenstep 1st Seq
FSK@ElementFO1Sq1Fourteenstep 1st Seq 1
FSK@ElementFO1Sq2Fourteenstep 1st Seq 2
FSK@ElementFO1Sq3Fourteenstep 1st Seq 3
FSK@ElementFO1Sq4Fourteenstep 1st Seq 4
FSK@ElementFO1SqBFourteenstep 1st Seq B
FSK@ElementFO2SqFourteenstep 2nd Seq
FSK@ElementFO2Sq1Fourteenstep 2nd Seq 1
FSK@ElementFO2Sq2Fourteenstep 2nd Seq 2
FSK@ElementFO2Sq3Fourteenstep 2nd Seq 3
FSK@ElementFO2Sq4Fourteenstep 2nd Seq 4
FSK@ElementFO2SqBFourteenstep 2nd Seq B
FSK@ElementFO3SqFourteenstep 3rd Seq
FSK@ElementFO3Sq1Fourteenstep 3rd Seq 1
FSK@ElementFO3Sq2Fourteenstep 3rd Seq 2
FSK@ElementFO3Sq3Fourteenstep 3rd Seq 3
FSK@ElementFO3Sq4Fourteenstep 3rd Seq 4
FSK@ElementFO3SqBFourteenstep 3rd Seq B
FSK@ElementFO4SqFourteenstep 4th Seq
FSK@ElementFO4Sq1Fourteenstep 4th Seq 1
FSK@ElementFO4Sq2Fourteenstep 4th Seq 2
FSK@ElementFO4Sq3Fourteenstep 4th Seq 3
FSK@ElementFO4Sq4Fourteenstep 4th Seq 4
FSK@ElementFO4SqBFourteenstep 4th Seq B
FSK@ElementFoDsForward Outside Death Spiral
FSK@ElementFoDs1Forward Outside Death Spiral 1
FSK@ElementFoDs2Forward Outside Death Spiral 2
FSK@ElementFoDs3Forward Outside Death Spiral 3
FSK@ElementFoDs4Forward Outside Death Spiral 4
FSK@ElementFoDsBForward Outside Death Spiral B
FSK@ElementFS1SqFinnstep 1st Seq
FSK@ElementFS1Sq1Finnstep 1st Seq 1
FSK@ElementFS1Sq1SeFinnstep 1st Seq 1st Sec
FSK@ElementFS1Sq1Se1Finnstep 1st Seq 1st Sec 1
FSK@ElementFS1Sq1SeBFinnstep 1st Seq 1st Sec B
FSK@ElementFS1Sq2Finnstep 1st Seq 2
FSK@ElementFS1Sq2SeFinnstep 1st Seq 2nd Sec
FSK@ElementFS1Sq2Se1Finnstep 1st Seq 2nd Sec 1
FSK@ElementFS1Sq2SeBFinnstep 1st Seq 2nd Sec B
FSK@ElementFS1Sq3Finnstep 1st Seq 3
FSK@ElementFS1Sq4Finnstep 1st Seq 4
FSK@ElementFS1SqBFinnstep 1st Seq B
FSK@ElementFS2SqFinnstep 2nd Seq
FSK@ElementFS2Sq1Finnstep 2nd Seq 1
FSK@ElementFS2Sq1SeFinnstep 2nd Seq 1st Sec
FSK@ElementFS2Sq1Se1Finnstep 2nd Seq 1st Sec 1
FSK@ElementFS2Sq1SeBFinnstep 2nd Seq 1st Sec B
FSK@ElementFS2Sq2Finnstep 2nd Seq 2
FSK@ElementFS2Sq2SeFinnstep 2nd Seq 2nd Sec
FSK@ElementFS2Sq2Se1Finnstep 2nd Seq 2nd Sec 1
FSK@ElementFS2Sq2SeBFinnstep 2nd Seq 2nd Sec B
FSK@ElementFS2Sq3Finnstep 2nd Seq 3
FSK@ElementFS2Sq4Finnstep 2nd Seq 4
FSK@ElementFS2SqBFinnstep 2nd Seq B
FSK@ElementFSSpFly. Sit Spin
FSK@ElementFSSp1Fly. Sit Spin 1
FSK@ElementFSSp1VFly. Sit Spin 1 V
FSK@ElementFSSp2Fly. Sit Spin 2
FSK@ElementFSSp2VFly. Sit Spin 2 V
FSK@ElementFSSp3Fly. Sit Spin 3
FSK@ElementFSSp3VFly. Sit Spin 3 V
FSK@ElementFSSp4Fly. Sit Spin 4
FSK@ElementFSSp4VFly. Sit Spin 4 V
FSK@ElementFSSpBFly. Sit Spin B
FSK@ElementFSSpBVFly. Sit Spin B V
FSK@ElementFSSpVFly. Sit Spin V
FSK@ElementFT1SqFoxtrot 1st Seq
FSK@ElementFT1Sq1Foxtrot 1st Seq 1
FSK@ElementFT1Sq2Foxtrot 1st Seq 2
FSK@ElementFT1Sq3Foxtrot 1st Seq 3
FSK@ElementFT1Sq4Foxtrot 1st Seq 4
FSK@ElementFT1SqBFoxtrot 1st Seq B
FSK@ElementFT2SqFoxtrot 2nd Seq
FSK@ElementFT2Sq1Foxtrot 2nd Seq 1
FSK@ElementFT2Sq2Foxtrot 2nd Seq 2
FSK@ElementFT2Sq3Foxtrot 2nd Seq 3
FSK@ElementFT2Sq4Foxtrot 2nd Seq 4
FSK@ElementFT2SqBFoxtrot 2nd Seq B
FSK@ElementFT3SqFoxtrot 3rd Seq
FSK@ElementFT3Sq1Foxtrot 3rd Seq 1
FSK@ElementFT3Sq2Foxtrot 3rd Seq 2
FSK@ElementFT3Sq3Foxtrot 3rd Seq 3
FSK@ElementFT3Sq4Foxtrot 3rd Seq 4
FSK@ElementFT3SqBFoxtrot 3rd Seq B
FSK@ElementFT4SqFoxtrot 4th Seq
FSK@ElementFT4Sq1Foxtrot 4th Seq 1
FSK@ElementFT4Sq2Foxtrot 4th Seq 2
FSK@ElementFT4Sq3Foxtrot 4th Seq 3
FSK@ElementFT4Sq4Foxtrot 4th Seq 4
FSK@ElementFT4SqBFoxtrot 4th Seq B
FSK@ElementFThThrow Flip
FSK@ElementFUSpFly. Upright Spin
FSK@ElementFUSp1Fly. Upright Spin 1
FSK@ElementFUSp1VFly. Upright Spin 1 V
FSK@ElementFUSp2Fly. Upright Spin 2
FSK@ElementFUSp2VFly. Upright Spin 2 V
FSK@ElementFUSp3Fly. Upright Spin 3
FSK@ElementFUSp3VFly. Upright Spin 3 V
FSK@ElementFUSp4Fly. Upright Spin 4
FSK@ElementFUSp4VFly. Upright Spin 4 V
FSK@ElementFUSpBFly. Upright Spin B
FSK@ElementFUSpBVFly. Upright Spin B V
FSK@ElementFUSpVFly. Upright Spin V
FSK@ElementGW1SeGolden Waltz 1st Sec
FSK@ElementGW1Se1Golden Waltz 1st Sec 1
FSK@ElementGW1Se2Golden Waltz 1st Sec 2
FSK@ElementGW1Se3Golden Waltz 1st Sec 3
FSK@ElementGW1Se4Golden Waltz 1st Sec 4
FSK@ElementGW1Sq1SeGolden Waltz 1st Seq 1st Sec
FSK@ElementGW1Sq1Se1Golden Waltz 1st Seq 1st Sec 1
FSK@ElementGW1Sq1SeBGolden Waltz 1st Seq 1st Sec B
FSK@ElementGW1Sq2SeGolden Waltz 1st Seq 2nd Sec
FSK@ElementGW1Sq2Se1Golden Waltz 1st Seq 2nd Sec 1
FSK@ElementGW1Sq2SeBGolden Waltz 1st Seq 2nd Sec B
FSK@ElementGW2SeGolden Waltz 2nd Sec
FSK@ElementGW2Se1Golden Waltz 2nd Sec 1
FSK@ElementGW2Se2Golden Waltz 2nd Sec 2
FSK@ElementGW2Se3Golden Waltz 2nd Sec 3
FSK@ElementGW2Se4Golden Waltz 2nd Sec 4
FSK@ElementGW2Sq1SeGolden Waltz 2nd Seq 1st Sec
FSK@ElementGW2Sq1Se1Golden Waltz 2nd Seq 1st Sec 1
FSK@ElementGW2Sq1SeBGolden Waltz 2nd Seq 1st Sec B
FSK@ElementGW2Sq2SeGolden Waltz 2nd Seq 2nd Sec
FSK@ElementGW2Sq2Se1Golden Waltz 2nd Seq 2nd Sec 1
FSK@ElementGW2Sq2SeBGolden Waltz 2nd Seq 2nd Sec B
FSK@ElementKI1SqKilian 1st Seq
FSK@ElementKI1Sq1Kilian 1st Seq 1
FSK@ElementKI1Sq2Kilian 1st Seq 2
FSK@ElementKI1Sq3Kilian 1st Seq 3
FSK@ElementKI1Sq4Kilian 1st Seq 4
FSK@ElementKI1SqBKilian 1st Seq B
FSK@ElementKI2SqKilian 2nd Seq
FSK@ElementKI2Sq1Kilian 2nd Seq 1
FSK@ElementKI2Sq2Kilian 2nd Seq 2
FSK@ElementKI2Sq3Kilian 2nd Seq 3
FSK@ElementKI2Sq4Kilian 2nd Seq 4
FSK@ElementKI2SqBKilian 2nd Seq B
FSK@ElementKI3SqKilian 3rd Seq
FSK@ElementKI3Sq1Kilian 3rd Seq 1
FSK@ElementKI3Sq2Kilian 3rd Seq 2
FSK@ElementKI3Sq3Kilian 3rd Seq 3
FSK@ElementKI3Sq4Kilian 3rd Seq 4
FSK@ElementKI3SqBKilian 3rd Seq B
FSK@ElementKI4SqKilian 4th Seq
FSK@ElementKI4Sq1Kilian 4th Seq 1
FSK@ElementKI4Sq2Kilian 4th Seq 2
FSK@ElementKI4Sq3Kilian 4th Seq 3
FSK@ElementKI4Sq4Kilian 4th Seq 4
FSK@ElementKI4SqBKilian 4th Seq B
FSK@ElementKI5SqKilian 5th Seq
FSK@ElementKI5Sq1Kilian 5th Seq 1
FSK@ElementKI5Sq2Kilian 5th Seq 2
FSK@ElementKI5Sq3Kilian 5th Seq 3
FSK@ElementKI5Sq4Kilian 5th Seq 4
FSK@ElementKI5SqBKilian 5th Seq B
FSK@ElementKI6SqKilian 6th Seq
FSK@ElementKI6Sq1Kilian 6th Seq 1
FSK@ElementKI6Sq2Kilian 6th Seq 2
FSK@ElementKI6Sq3Kilian 6th Seq 3
FSK@ElementKI6Sq4Kilian 6th Seq 4
FSK@ElementKI6SqBKilian 6th Seq B
FSK@ElementLoLiLong Lift
FSK@ElementLoLi1Long Lift 1
FSK@ElementLoLi2Long Lift 2
FSK@ElementLoLi3Long Lift 3
FSK@ElementLoLi4Long Lift 4
FSK@ElementLoThThrow Loop
FSK@ElementLSpLayback Spin
FSK@ElementLSp1Layback Spin 1
FSK@ElementLSp2Layback Spin 2
FSK@ElementLSp3Layback Spin 3
FSK@ElementLSp4Layback Spin 4
FSK@ElementLSpBLayback Spin B
FSK@ElementLzThThrow Lutz
FSK@ElementMB1Sq1SeMidnight Blues 1st Seq 1st Sec
FSK@ElementMB1Sq1Se1Midnight Blues 1st Seq 1st Sec 1
FSK@ElementMB1Sq1SeBMidnight Blues 1st Seq 1st Sec B
FSK@ElementMB1Sq2SeMidnight Blues 1st Seq 2nd Sec
FSK@ElementMB1Sq2Se1Midnight Blues 1st Seq 2nd Sec 1
FSK@ElementMB1Sq2SeBMidnight Blues 1st Seq 2nd Sec B
FSK@ElementMB2Sq1SeMidnight Blues 2nd Seq 1st Sec
FSK@ElementMB2Sq1Se1Midnight Blues 2nd Seq 1st Sec 1
FSK@ElementMB2Sq1SeBMidnight Blues 2nd Seq 1st Sec B
FSK@ElementMB2Sq2SeMidnight Blues 2nd Seq 2nd Sec
FSK@ElementMB2Sq2Se1Midnight Blues 2nd Seq 2nd Sec 1
FSK@ElementMB2Sq2SeBMidnight Blues 2nd Seq 2nd Sec B
FSK@ElementMiStMidline Step Sequence
FSK@ElementMiSt1Midline Step Sequence 1
FSK@ElementMiSt2Midline Step Sequence 2
FSK@ElementMiSt3Midline Step Sequence 3
FSK@ElementMiSt4Midline Step Sequence 4
FSK@ElementMiStBMidline Step Sequence B
FSK@ElementOFStOne Foot Step Sequence
FSK@ElementOFStLOne Foot Step Sequence Lady
FSK@ElementOFStL1One Foot Step Sequence Lady 1
FSK@ElementOFStL2One Foot Step Sequence Lady 2
FSK@ElementOFStL3One Foot Step Sequence Lady 3
FSK@ElementOFStL4One Foot Step Sequence Lady 4
FSK@ElementOFStLBOne Foot Step Sequence Lady B
FSK@ElementOFStMOne Foot Step Sequence Man
FSK@ElementOFStM1One Foot Step Sequence Man 1
FSK@ElementOFStM2One Foot Step Sequence Man 2
FSK@ElementOFStM3One Foot Step Sequence Man 3
FSK@ElementOFStM4One Foot Step Sequence Man 4
FSK@ElementOFStMBOne Foot Step Sequence Man B
FSK@ElementOW1Sq1SeAustrian Waltz 1st Seq 1st Sec
FSK@ElementOW1Sq1Se1Austrian Waltz 1st Seq 1st Sec 1
FSK@ElementOW1Sq1SeBAustrian Waltz 1st Seq 1st Sec B
FSK@ElementOW1Sq2SeAustrian Waltz 1st Seq 2nd Sec
FSK@ElementOW1Sq2Se1Austrian Waltz 1st Seq 2nd Sec 1
FSK@ElementOW1Sq2SeBAustrian Waltz 1st Seq 2nd Sec B
FSK@ElementOW2Sq1SeAustrian Waltz 2nd Seq 1st Sec
FSK@ElementOW2Sq1Se1Austrian Waltz 2nd Seq 1st Sec 1
FSK@ElementOW2Sq1SeBAustrian Waltz 2nd Seq 1st Sec B
FSK@ElementOW2Sq2SeAustrian Waltz 2nd Seq 2nd Sec
FSK@ElementOW2Sq2Se1Austrian Waltz 2nd Seq 2nd Sec 1
FSK@ElementOW2Sq2SeBAustrian Waltz 2nd Seq 2nd Sec B
FSK@ElementPCoSpPair Combination Spin
FSK@ElementPCoSp1Pair Combination Spin 1
FSK@ElementPCoSp1VPair Combination Spin 1 V
FSK@ElementPCoSp2Pair Combination Spin 2
FSK@ElementPCoSp2VPair Combination Spin 2 V
FSK@ElementPCoSp3Pair Combination Spin 3
FSK@ElementPCoSp3VPair Combination Spin 3 V
FSK@ElementPCoSp4Pair Combination Spin 4
FSK@ElementPCoSp4VPair Combination Spin 4 V
FSK@ElementPCoSpBPair Combination Spin B
FSK@ElementPCoSpBVPair Combination Spin B V
FSK@ElementPCoSpVPair Combination Spin V
FSK@ElementPD1SqPaso Doble 1st Seq
FSK@ElementPD1Sq1Paso Doble 1st Seq 1
FSK@ElementPD1SqBPaso Doble 1st Seq B
FSK@ElementPD2SqPaso Doble 2nd Seq
FSK@ElementPD2Sq1Paso Doble 2nd Seq 1
FSK@ElementPD2SqBPaso Doble 2nd Seq B
FSK@ElementPD3SqPaso Doble 3rd Seq
FSK@ElementPD3Sq1Paso Doble 3rd Seq 1
FSK@ElementPD3SqBPaso Doble 3rd Seq B
FSK@ElementPiFPivot Figure
FSK@ElementPiF1Pivot Figure 1
FSK@ElementPSpPair Spin
FSK@ElementPSp1Pair Spin 1
FSK@ElementPSp2Pair Spin 2
FSK@ElementPSp3Pair Spin 3
FSK@ElementPSp4Pair Spin 4
FSK@ElementPSpBPair Spin B
FSK@ElementPStPattern Dance Type Step Seq
FSK@ElementPStLPattern Dance Type Step Seq Lady
FSK@ElementPStL1Pattern Dance Type Step Seq Lady 1
FSK@ElementPStL2Pattern Dance Type Step Seq Lady 2
FSK@ElementPStL3Pattern Dance Type Step Seq Lady 3
FSK@ElementPStL4Pattern Dance Type Step Seq Lady 4
FSK@ElementPStLBPattern Dance Type Step Seq Lady B
FSK@ElementPStMPattern Dance Type Step Seq Man
FSK@ElementPStM1Pattern Dance Type Step Seq Man 1
FSK@ElementPStM2Pattern Dance Type Step Seq Man 2
FSK@ElementPStM3Pattern Dance Type Step Seq Man 3
FSK@ElementPStM4Pattern Dance Type Step Seq Man 4
FSK@ElementPStMBPattern Dance Type Step Seq Man B
FSK@ElementQS1SqQuickstep 1st Seq
FSK@ElementQS1Sq1Quickstep 1st Seq 1
FSK@ElementQS1Sq2Quickstep 1st Seq 2
FSK@ElementQS1Sq3Quickstep 1st Seq 3
FSK@ElementQS1Sq4Quickstep 1st Seq 4
FSK@ElementQS1SqBQuickstep 1st Seq B
FSK@ElementQS2SqQuickstep 2nd Seq
FSK@ElementQS2Sq1Quickstep 2nd Seq 1
FSK@ElementQS2Sq2Quickstep 2nd Seq 2
FSK@ElementQS2Sq3Quickstep 2nd Seq 3
FSK@ElementQS2Sq4Quickstep 2nd Seq 4
FSK@ElementQS2SqBQuickstep 2nd Seq B
FSK@ElementQS3SqQuickstep 3rd Seq
FSK@ElementQS3Sq1Quickstep 3rd Seq 1
FSK@ElementQS3Sq2Quickstep 3rd Seq 2
FSK@ElementQS3Sq3Quickstep 3rd Seq 3
FSK@ElementQS3Sq4Quickstep 3rd Seq 4
FSK@ElementQS3SqBQuickstep 3rd Seq B
FSK@ElementQS4SqQuickstep 4th Seq
FSK@ElementQS4Sq1Quickstep 4th Seq 1
FSK@ElementQS4Sq2Quickstep 4th Seq 2
FSK@ElementQS4Sq3Quickstep 4th Seq 3
FSK@ElementQS4Sq4Quickstep 4th Seq 4
FSK@ElementQS4SqBQuickstep 4th Seq B
FSK@ElementR1SqRumba Seq Judges Side
FSK@ElementR1Sq1Rumba Seq Judges Side 1
FSK@ElementR1Sq2Rumba Seq Judges Side 2
FSK@ElementR1Sq3Rumba Seq Judges Side 3
FSK@ElementR1Sq4Rumba Seq Judges Side 4
FSK@ElementR2SqRumba Seq Opposite Side
FSK@ElementR2Sq1Rumba Seq Opposite Side 1
FSK@ElementR2Sq2Rumba Seq Opposite Side 2
FSK@ElementR2Sq3Rumba Seq Opposite Side 3
FSK@ElementR2Sq4Rumba Seq Opposite Side 4
FSK@ElementRB1SqRhythm Blues 1st Seq
FSK@ElementRB1Sq1Rhythm Blues 1st Seq 1
FSK@ElementRB1SqBRhythm Blues 1st Seq B
FSK@ElementRB2SqRhythm Blues 2nd Seq
FSK@ElementRB2Sq1Rhythm Blues 2nd Seq 1
FSK@ElementRB2SqBRhythm Blues 2nd Seq B
FSK@ElementRB3SqRhythm Blues 3rd Seq
FSK@ElementRB3Sq1Rhythm Blues 3rd Seq 1
FSK@ElementRB3SqBRhythm Blues 3rd Seq B
FSK@ElementRF1SqRocker Foxtrot 1st Seq
FSK@ElementRF1Sq1Rocker Foxtrot 1st Seq 1
FSK@ElementRF1Sq2Rocker Foxtrot 1st Seq 2
FSK@ElementRF1Sq3Rocker Foxtrot 1st Seq 3
FSK@ElementRF1Sq4Rocker Foxtrot 1st Seq 4
FSK@ElementRF1SqBRocker Foxtrot 1st Seq B
FSK@ElementRF2SqRocker Foxtrot 2nd Seq
FSK@ElementRF2Sq1Rocker Foxtrot 2nd Seq 1
FSK@ElementRF2Sq2Rocker Foxtrot 2nd Seq 2
FSK@ElementRF2Sq3Rocker Foxtrot 2nd Seq 3
FSK@ElementRF2Sq4Rocker Foxtrot 2nd Seq 4
FSK@ElementRF2SqBRocker Foxtrot 2nd Seq B
FSK@ElementRF3SqRocker Foxtrot 3rd Seq
FSK@ElementRF3Sq1Rocker Foxtrot 3rd Seq 1
FSK@ElementRF3Sq2Rocker Foxtrot 3rd Seq 2
FSK@ElementRF3Sq3Rocker Foxtrot 3rd Seq 3
FSK@ElementRF3Sq4Rocker Foxtrot 3rd Seq 4
FSK@ElementRF3SqBRocker Foxtrot 3rd Seq B
FSK@ElementRF4SqRocker Foxtrot 4th Seq
FSK@ElementRF4Sq1Rocker Foxtrot 4th Seq 1
FSK@ElementRF4Sq2Rocker Foxtrot 4th Seq 2
FSK@ElementRF4Sq3Rocker Foxtrot 4th Seq 3
FSK@ElementRF4Sq4Rocker Foxtrot 4th Seq 4
FSK@ElementRF4SqBRocker Foxtrot 4th Seq B
FSK@ElementRH1SqRhumba 1st Seq
FSK@ElementRH1Sq1Rhumba 1st Seq 1
FSK@ElementRH1SqBRhumba 1st Seq B
FSK@ElementRH2SqRhumba 2nd Seq
FSK@ElementRH2Sq1Rhumba 2nd Seq 1
FSK@ElementRH2SqBRhumba 2nd Seq B
FSK@ElementRH3SqRhumba 3rd Seq
FSK@ElementRH3Sq1Rhumba 3rd Seq 1
FSK@ElementRH3SqBRhumba 3rd Seq B
FSK@ElementRH4SqRhumba 4th Seq
FSK@ElementRH4Sq1Rhumba 4th Seq 1
FSK@ElementRH4SqBRhumba 4th Seq B
FSK@ElementRoLiRotational Lift
FSK@ElementRoLi1Rotational Lift 1
FSK@ElementRoLi2Rotational Lift 2
FSK@ElementRoLi3Rotational Lift 3
FSK@ElementRoLi4Rotational Lift 4
FSK@ElementRoLiBRotational Lift B
FSK@ElementRW1Sq1SeRavensburger Waltz 1st Seq 1st Sec
FSK@ElementRW1Sq1Se1Ravensburger Waltz 1st Seq 1st Sec 1
FSK@ElementRW1Sq1SeBRavensburger Waltz 1st Seq 1st Sec B
FSK@ElementRW1Sq2SeRavensburger Waltz 1st Seq 2nd Sec
FSK@ElementRW1Sq2Se1Ravensburger Waltz 1st Seq 2nd Sec 1
FSK@ElementRW1Sq2SeBRavensburger Waltz 1st Seq 2nd Sec B
FSK@ElementRW2Sq1SeRavensburger Waltz 2nd Seq 1st Sec
FSK@ElementRW2Sq1Se1Ravensburger Waltz 2nd Seq 1st Sec 1
FSK@ElementRW2Sq1SeBRavensburger Waltz 2nd Seq 1st Sec B
FSK@ElementRW2Sq2SeRavensburger Waltz 2nd Seq 2nd Sec
FSK@ElementRW2Sq2Se1Ravensburger Waltz 2nd Seq 2nd Sec 1
FSK@ElementRW2Sq2SeBRavensburger Waltz 2nd Seq 2nd Sec B
FSK@ElementSD1SqSwing Dance 1st Seq
FSK@ElementSD1Sq1Swing Dance 1st Seq 1
FSK@ElementSD1SqBSwing Dance 1st Seq B
FSK@ElementSD2SqSwing Dance 2nd Seq
FSK@ElementSD2Sq1Swing Dance 2nd Seq 1
FSK@ElementSD2SqBSwing Dance 2nd Seq B
FSK@ElementSeStSerpentine Step Sequence
FSK@ElementSeSt1Serpentine Step Sequence 1
FSK@ElementSeSt2Serpentine Step Sequence 2
FSK@ElementSeSt3Serpentine Step Sequence 3
FSK@ElementSeSt4Serpentine Step Sequence 4
FSK@ElementSeStBSerpentine Step Sequence B
FSK@ElementSlLiStraight Line Lift
FSK@ElementSlLi1Straight Line Lift 1
FSK@ElementSlLi2Straight Line Lift 2
FSK@ElementSlLi3Straight Line Lift 3
FSK@ElementSlLi4Straight Line Lift 4
FSK@ElementSlLiBStraight Line Lift B
FSK@ElementSp1Spin 1
FSK@ElementSp2Spin 2
FSK@ElementSp3Spin 3
FSK@ElementSp4Spin 4
FSK@ElementSpBSpin B
FSK@ElementSqTwSequential Twizzles
FSK@ElementSqTwLSequential Twizzles Lady
FSK@ElementSqTwL1Sequential Twizzles Lady 1
FSK@ElementSqTwL2Sequential Twizzles Lady 2
FSK@ElementSqTwL3Sequential Twizzles Lady 3
FSK@ElementSqTwL4Sequential Twizzles Lady 4
FSK@ElementSqTwLBSequential Twizzles Lady B
FSK@ElementSqTwMSequential Twizzles Man
FSK@ElementSqTwM1Sequential Twizzles Man 1
FSK@ElementSqTwM2Sequential Twizzles Man 2
FSK@ElementSqTwM3Sequential Twizzles Man 3
FSK@ElementSqTwM4Sequential Twizzles Man 4
FSK@ElementSqTwMBSequential Twizzles Man B
FSK@ElementSS1Sq1SeSilver Samba 1st Seq 1st Sec
FSK@ElementSS1Sq1Se1Silver Samba 1st Seq 1st Sec 1
FSK@ElementSS1Sq1SeBSilver Samba 1st Seq 1st Sec B
FSK@ElementSS1Sq2SeSilver Samba 1st Seq 2nd Sec
FSK@ElementSS1Sq2Se1Silver Samba 1st Seq 2nd Sec 1
FSK@ElementSS1Sq2SeBSilver Samba 1st Seq 2nd Sec B
FSK@ElementSS2Sq1SeSilver Samba 2nd Seq 1st Sec
FSK@ElementSS2Sq1Se1Silver Samba 2nd Seq 1st Sec 1
FSK@ElementSS2Sq1SeBSilver Samba 2nd Seq 1st Sec B
FSK@ElementSS2Sq2SeSilver Samba 2nd Seq 2nd Sec
FSK@ElementSS2Sq2Se1Silver Samba 2nd Seq 2nd Sec 1
FSK@ElementSS2Sq2SeBSilver Samba 2nd Seq 2nd Sec B
FSK@ElementSSpSit Spin
FSK@ElementSSp1Sit Spin 1
FSK@ElementSSp2Sit Spin 2
FSK@ElementSSp3Sit Spin 3
FSK@ElementSSp4Sit Spin 4
FSK@ElementSSpBSit Spin B
FSK@ElementStaLiStationary Lift
FSK@ElementStaLi1Stationary Lift 1
FSK@ElementStaLi2Stationary Lift 2
FSK@ElementStaLi3Stationary Lift 3
FSK@ElementStaLi4Stationary Lift 4
FSK@ElementStaLiBStationary Lift B
FSK@ElementSThThrow Salchow
FSK@ElementStSqStep Sequence
FSK@ElementStSq1Step Sequence 1
FSK@ElementStSq2Step Sequence 2
FSK@ElementStSq3Step Sequence 3
FSK@ElementStSq4Step Sequence 4
FSK@ElementStSqBStep Sequence B
FSK@ElementSW1Sq1SeStarlight Waltz 1st Seq 1st Sec
FSK@ElementSW1Sq1Se1Starlight Waltz 1st Seq 1st Sec 1
FSK@ElementSW1Sq1Se2Starlight Waltz 1st Seq 1st Sec 2
FSK@ElementSW1Sq1Se3Starlight Waltz 1st Seq 1st Sec 3
FSK@ElementSW1Sq1Se4Starlight Waltz 1st Seq 1st Sec 4
FSK@ElementSW1Sq1SeBStarlight Waltz 1st Seq 1st Sec B
FSK@ElementSW1Sq2SeStarlight Waltz 1st Seq 2nd Sec
FSK@ElementSW1Sq2Se1Starlight Waltz 1st Seq 2nd Sec 1
FSK@ElementSW1Sq2Se2Starlight Waltz 1st Seq 2nd Sec 2
FSK@ElementSW1Sq2Se3Starlight Waltz 1st Seq 2nd Sec 3
FSK@ElementSW1Sq2Se4Starlight Waltz 1st Seq 2nd Sec 4
FSK@ElementSW1Sq2SeBStarlight Waltz 1st Seq 2nd Sec B
FSK@ElementSW2Sq1SeStarlight Waltz 2nd Seq 1st Sec
FSK@ElementSW2Sq1Se1Starlight Waltz 2nd Seq 1st Sec 1
FSK@ElementSW2Sq1Se2Starlight Waltz 2nd Seq 1st Sec 2
FSK@ElementSW2Sq1Se3Starlight Waltz 2nd Seq 1st Sec 3
FSK@ElementSW2Sq1Se4Starlight Waltz 2nd Seq 1st Sec 4
FSK@ElementSW2Sq1SeBStarlight Waltz 2nd Seq 1st Sec B
FSK@ElementSW2Sq2SeStarlight Waltz 2nd Seq 2nd Sec
FSK@ElementSW2Sq2Se1Starlight Waltz 2nd Seq 2nd Sec 1
FSK@ElementSW2Sq2Se2Starlight Waltz 2nd Seq 2nd Sec 2
FSK@ElementSW2Sq2Se3Starlight Waltz 2nd Seq 2nd Sec 3
FSK@ElementSW2Sq2Se4Starlight Waltz 2nd Seq 2nd Sec 4
FSK@ElementSW2Sq2SeBStarlight Waltz 2nd Seq 2nd Sec B
FSK@ElementSyTwSynchonized Twizzles
FSK@ElementSyTwLSynchonized Twizzles Lady
FSK@ElementSyTwL1Synchonized Twizzles Lady 1
FSK@ElementSyTwL2Synchonized Twizzles Lady 2
FSK@ElementSyTwL3Synchonized Twizzles Lady 3
FSK@ElementSyTwL4Synchonized Twizzles Lady 4
FSK@ElementSyTwLBSynchonized Twizzles Lady B
FSK@ElementSyTwMSynchonized Twizzles Man
FSK@ElementSyTwM1Synchonized Twizzles Man 1
FSK@ElementSyTwM2Synchonized Twizzles Man 2
FSK@ElementSyTwM3Synchonized Twizzles Man 3
FSK@ElementSyTwM4Synchonized Twizzles Man 4
FSK@ElementSyTwMBSynchonized Twizzles Man B
FSK@ElementTA1SqTango 1st Seq
FSK@ElementTA1Sq1Tango 1st Seq 1
FSK@ElementTA1Sq2Tango 1st Seq 2
FSK@ElementTA1Sq3Tango 1st Seq 3
FSK@ElementTA1Sq4Tango 1st Seq 4
FSK@ElementTA1SqBTango 1st Seq B
FSK@ElementTA2SqTango 2nd Seq
FSK@ElementTA2Sq1Tango 2nd Seq 1
FSK@ElementTA2Sq2Tango 2nd Seq 2
FSK@ElementTA2Sq3Tango 2nd Seq 3
FSK@ElementTA2Sq4Tango 2nd Seq 4
FSK@ElementTA2SqBTango 2nd Seq B
FSK@ElementTBCto be clarified
FSK@ElementTC1SqTango Canasta 1st Seq
FSK@ElementTC1Sq1Tango Canasta 1st Seq 1
FSK@ElementTC1SqBTango Canasta 1st Seq B
FSK@ElementTC2SqTango Canasta 2nd Seq
FSK@ElementTC2Sq1Tango Canasta 2nd Seq 1
FSK@ElementTC2SqBTango Canasta 2nd Seq B
FSK@ElementTC3SqTango Canasta 3rd Seq
FSK@ElementTC3Sq1Tango Canasta 3rd Seq 1
FSK@ElementTC3SqBTango Canasta 3rd Seq B
FSK@ElementTF1SqTango Fiesta 1st Seq
FSK@ElementTF1Sq1Tango Fiesta 1st Seq 1
FSK@ElementTF1SqBTango Fiesta 1st Seq B
FSK@ElementTF2SqTango Fiesta 2nd Seq
FSK@ElementTF2Sq1Tango Fiesta 2nd Seq 1
FSK@ElementTF2SqBTango Fiesta 2nd Seq B
FSK@ElementTF3SqTango Fiesta 3rd Seq
FSK@ElementTF3Sq1Tango Fiesta 3rd Seq 1
FSK@ElementTF3SqBTango Fiesta 3rd Seq B
FSK@ElementTR1Sq1SeTango Romantica 1st Seq 1st Sec
FSK@ElementTR1Sq1Se1Tango Romantica 1st Seq 1st Sec 1
FSK@ElementTR1Sq1SeBTango Romantica 1st Seq 1st Sec B
FSK@ElementTR1Sq2SeTango Romantica 1st Seq 2nd Sec
FSK@ElementTR1Sq2Se1Tango Romantica 1st Seq 2nd Sec 1
FSK@ElementTR1Sq2SeBTango Romantica 1st Seq 2nd Sec B
FSK@ElementTR2Sq1SeTango Romantica 2nd Seq 1st Sec
FSK@ElementTR2Sq1Se1Tango Romantica 2nd Seq 1st Sec 1
FSK@ElementTR2Sq1SeBTango Romantica 2nd Seq 1st Sec B
FSK@ElementTR2Sq2SeTango Romantica 2nd Seq 2nd Sec
FSK@ElementTR2Sq2Se1Tango Romantica 2nd Seq 2nd Sec 1
FSK@ElementTR2Sq2SeBTango Romantica 2nd Seq 2nd Sec B
FSK@ElementTTF1SqTea-Time Foxtrot 1st Seq
FSK@ElementTTF1Sq1Tea-Time Foxtrot 1st Seq 1
FSK@ElementTTF1Sq1SeTea-Time Foxtrot 1st Seq 1st Sec
FSK@ElementTTF1Sq1Se1Tea-Time Foxtrot 1st Seq 1st Sec 1
FSK@ElementTTF1Sq1SeBTea-Time Foxtrot 1st Seq 1st Sec B
FSK@ElementTTF1Sq2Tea-Time Foxtrot 1st Seq 2
FSK@ElementTTF1Sq2SeTea-Time Foxtrot 1st Seq 2nd Sec
FSK@ElementTTF1Sq2Se1Tea-Time Foxtrot 1st Seq 2nd Sec 1
FSK@ElementTTF1Sq2SeBTea-Time Foxtrot 1st Seq 2nd Sec B
FSK@ElementTTF1Sq3Tea-Time Foxtrot 1st Seq 3
FSK@ElementTTF1Sq4Tea-Time Foxtrot 1st Seq 4
FSK@ElementTTF1SqBTea-Time Foxtrot 1st Seq B
FSK@ElementTTF2SqTea-Time Foxtrot 2nd Seq
FSK@ElementTTF2Sq1Tea-Time Foxtrot 2nd Seq 1
FSK@ElementTTF2Sq1SeTea-Time Foxtrot 2nd Seq 1st Sec
FSK@ElementTTF2Sq1Se1Tea-Time Foxtrot 2nd Seq 1st Sec 1
FSK@ElementTTF2Sq1SeBTea-Time Foxtrot 2nd Seq 1st Sec B
FSK@ElementTTF2Sq2Tea-Time Foxtrot 2nd Seq 2
FSK@ElementTTF2Sq2SeTea-Time Foxtrot 2nd Seq 2nd Sec
FSK@ElementTTF2Sq2Se1Tea-Time Foxtrot 2nd Seq 2nd Sec 1
FSK@ElementTTF2Sq2SeBTea-Time Foxtrot 2nd Seq 2nd Sec B
FSK@ElementTTF2Sq3Tea-Time Foxtrot 2nd Seq 3
FSK@ElementTTF2Sq4Tea-Time Foxtrot 2nd Seq 4
FSK@ElementTTF2SqBTea-Time Foxtrot 2nd Seq B
FSK@ElementTThThrow Toeloop
FSK@ElementTw<<Twist Lift (downgraded)
FSK@ElementUSpUpright Spin
FSK@ElementUSp1Upright Spin 1
FSK@ElementUSp2Upright Spin 2
FSK@ElementUSp3Upright Spin 3
FSK@ElementUSp4Upright Spin 4
FSK@ElementUSpBUpright Spin B
FSK@ElementVW1SqViennese Waltz 1st Seq
FSK@ElementVW1Sq1Viennese Waltz 1st Seq 1
FSK@ElementVW1Sq2Viennes Waltz 1st Seq 2
FSK@ElementVW1Sq3Viennes Waltz 1st Seq 3
FSK@ElementVW1Sq4Viennes Waltz 1st Seq 4
FSK@ElementVW1SqBViennese Waltz 1st Seq B
FSK@ElementVW2SqViennese Waltz 2nd Seq
FSK@ElementVW2Sq1Viennese Waltz 2nd Seq 1
FSK@ElementVW2Sq2Viennes Waltz 2nd Seq 2
FSK@ElementVW2Sq3Viennes Waltz 2nd Seq 3
FSK@ElementVW2Sq4Viennes Waltz 2nd Seq 4
FSK@ElementVW2SqBViennese Waltz 2nd Seq B
FSK@ElementVW3SqViennese Waltz 3rd Seq
FSK@ElementVW3Sq1Viennese Waltz 3rd Seq 1
FSK@ElementVW3SqBViennese Waltz 3rd Seq B
FSK@ElementWiW1SqWillow Waltz 1st Seq
FSK@ElementWiW1Sq1Willow Waltz 1st Seq 1
FSK@ElementWiW1SqBWillow Waltz 1st Seq B
FSK@ElementWiW2SqWillow Waltz 2nd Seq
FSK@ElementWiW2Sq1Willow Waltz 2nd Seq 1
FSK@ElementWiW2SqBWillow Waltz 2nd Seq B
FSK@ElementWW1Sq1SeWestminster Waltz 1st Seq 1st Sec
FSK@ElementWW1Sq1Se1Westminster Waltz 1st Seq 1st Sec 1
FSK@ElementWW1Sq1SeBWestminster Waltz 1st Seq 1st Sec B
FSK@ElementWW1Sq2SeWestminster Waltz 1st Seq 2nd Sec
FSK@ElementWW1Sq2Se1Westminster Waltz 1st Seq 2nd Sec 1
FSK@ElementWW1Sq2SeBWestminster Waltz 1st Seq 2nd Sec B
FSK@ElementWW2Sq1SeWestminster Waltz 2nd Seq 1st Sec
FSK@ElementWW2Sq1Se1Westminster Waltz 2nd Seq 1st Sec 1
FSK@ElementWW2Sq1SeBWestminster Waltz 2nd Seq 1st Sec B
FSK@ElementWW2Sq2SeWestminster Waltz 2nd Seq 2nd Sec
FSK@ElementWW2Sq2Se1Westminster Waltz 2nd Seq 2nd Sec 1
FSK@ElementWW2Sq2SeBWestminster Waltz 2nd Seq 2nd Sec B
FSK@ElementYP1Sq1SeYankee Polka 1st Seq 1st Sec
FSK@ElementYP1Sq1Se1Yankee Polka 1st Seq 1st Sec 1
FSK@ElementYP1Sq1SeBYankee Polka 1st Seq 1st Sec B
FSK@ElementYP1Sq2SeYankee Polka 1st Seq 2nd Sec
FSK@ElementYP1Sq2Se1Yankee Polka 1st Seq 2nd Sec 1
FSK@ElementYP1Sq2SeBYankee Polka 1st Seq 2nd Sec B
FSK@ElementYP2Sq1SeYankee Polka 2nd Seq 1st Sec
FSK@ElementYP2Sq1Se1Yankee Polka 2nd Seq 1st Sec 1
FSK@ElementYP2Sq1SeBYankee Polka 2nd Seq 1st Sec B
FSK@ElementYP2Sq2SeYankee Polka 2nd Seq 2nd Sec
FSK@ElementYP2Sq2Se1Yankee Polka 2nd Seq 2nd Sec 1
FSK@ElementYP2Sq2SeBYankee Polka 2nd Seq 2nd Sec B
FSK@ElementInfo!Singles & Pairs or Ice DanceNot clear edge or Interruption of 25% of the PDE
FSK@ElementInfo*Singles & Pairs or Ice DanceInvalid element
FSK@ElementInfo<Singles & Pairs or Ice DanceUnder-rotated jump or Interruption of 4 beats or less in PDE
FSK@ElementInfo<<Singles & Pairs or Ice DanceDowngraded jump or Interruption of more than 4 beats in PDE
FSK@ElementInfo>Ice DanceExtended Dance Lift
FSK@ElementInfoeSingles & PairsWrong edge
FSK@ElementInfoExElIce DanceExtra Element
FSK@ElementInfoFIce DanceFall
FSK@ElementInfoqSingles & PairsJump landed on the quarter
FSK@ElementInfoSIce DanceSeparation of hold/contact/touch
FSK@ElementInfoxSinglesCredit for highlight distribution, base value multiplied by 1.1
FSK@EntryRANK_WLD1ISU World Ranking
FSK@EntrySB_210Season Best - Short Program
FSK@EntrySB_111Season Best - Free Skating
FSK@EntrySB_012Season Best - Total
FSK@EntryPB_213Personal Best - Short Program
FSK@EntryPB_114Personal Best - Free Skating
FSK@EntryPB_015Personal Best - Total
FSK@EntryRANK_PTS2ISU World Ranking Points
FSK@IRMDQBDisqualified for unsportsmanlike behaviour
FSK@PanelJUDGEPanel of Judges
FSK@PanelOPERATORData/Replay Operators
FSK@PanelTECHTechnical Panel
FSK@QualificationMarkQQualified for Final
FSK@QualRulePT5^FTeam EventThe top 5 teams at the end of the Qualification phase qualify to the Final.
FSK@QualRuleUT16^FPair SkatingThe top 16 pairs qualify to the Free Skating.
FSK@QualRuleUT20^FIce DanceThe top 20 Ice Dance couples qualify to the Free Dance.
FSK@QualRuleUT24^FSingle Skating eventsThe top 24 skaters qualify to the Free Skating.
FSK@ResultTypeIRMInvalid Result Mark
FSK@TeamDisciplineIDIce Dance
GEN@CodeSetBACKGROUND_SPORTList of Background Sport
GEN@CodeSetBACKGROUND_TYPEList of Background Report type
GEN@CodeSetCONTINENTList of Continents
GEN@CodeSetCOUNTRYList of Countries
GEN@CodeSetDISCIPLINEList of Disiplines
GEN@CodeSetDISCIPLINE_FUNCTIONList of Results Functions
GEN@CodeSetDISCIPLINE_GENDERList of Discipline/Gender
GEN@CodeSetEVENTList of Events
GEN@CodeSetEVENT_UNITList of Event Units
GEN@CodeSetH1List of H1 Report Titles
GEN@CodeSetHORSE_BREEDList of Horse Breeds
GEN@CodeSetHORSE_COLOURList of Horse Colours
GEN@CodeSetHORSE_GENDERList of Horse Genders
GEN@CodeSetLOCATIONList of Locations
GEN@CodeSetNEWS_SPORTList of News Sport
GEN@CodeSetNEWS_TYPEList of News Report Type
GEN@CodeSetNOCList of National Olympic Committees
GEN@CodeSetORGANISATIONList of Organisations
GEN@CodeSetPERSON_GENDERList of people gender
GEN@CodeSetPHASEList of Phases
GEN@CodeSetPOSITIONList of Positions
GEN@CodeSetRECORDList of Record Events
GEN@CodeSetRECORD_TYPEList of Record Types
GEN@CodeSetSPORTList of Sports
GEN@CodeSetVENUEList of Venues
GEN@CodeSetWEATHER_CONDList of Weather Conditions
GEN@CodeSetWEATHER_REGIONList of Weather Regions
GEN@CodeSetWEATHER_SNOWList of Weather Snow Conditions
GEN@CodeSetWIND_DIRECTIONList of Wind Directions
GEN@MedalSummaryTypeMMen events
GEN@MedalSummaryTypeOOpen events
GEN@MedalSummaryTypeTOTAll the events
GEN@MedalSummaryTypeWWomen events
GEN@MedalSummaryTypeXMixed events
GEN@PresenterACCOMPANY_PRESENTERAccompanying Person without presenting
GEN@PresenterFLOWER_PRESENTERPresent Flower(s)
GEN@PresenterMASCOT_PRESENTERor other giftsPresent Mascot(s)
GEN@PresenterMEDAL_PRESENTERPresent Medal(s)
GEN@PresenterTypeFLOWERIf message only contains flower presenters
GEN@PresenterTypeMASCOTIf message only contains mascots presenters
GEN@PresenterTypeMEDALIf message only contains medal presenters
GEN@PresenterTypePRESENTERSIf message contains full list of presenters
GEN@PresenterTypeVICTORYIf message contains medal & flower/mascot presenters
GEN@ProtestStatusROPNRe Open
GEN@ResultStatusSTART_LIST1Before competition, Start ListStart List
GEN@ResultStatusLIVE2For live updates during competitionLive
GEN@ResultStatusINTERMEDIATE3Usually when competition is stopped, usued at pre-defined pointsIntermediate
GEN@ResultStatusUNCONFIRMED4When the unit is over but not yet unofficial or official. Only used if other statuses do not come quickly, not used in all sportsUnconfirmed
GEN@ResultStatusUNOFFICIAL5Results of the competition released as soon as the event is over, not waiting any official decision of the International Federation. The correctness of data must be assured.Unofficial
GEN@ResultStatusOFFICIAL6Results of the competition released as soon as the event is officially confirmed taking into account the resolution of the protests, etc.Official
GEN@ResultStatusPARTIAL7Incomplete list, for example in Final Ranking.Partial
GEN@ResultStatusPROTESTED8After the competition is no longer LIVE and a protest has been lodged. After all decisions on the protest are made the ResultStatus will change to UNOFFICIAL or OFFICIAL as appropriateProtested
GEN@ShuttleServiceTypeATHShuttle Services Athletes
GEN@ShuttleServiceTypeMEDALShuttle Services Media
GEN@ShuttleServiceTypeOFFShuttle Services Officials
GEN@SocialMediaBLOGAthlete Blog
GEN@SocialMediaFACEBOOK_PAGEFacebook Page
GEN@SocialMediaFACEBOOK_PAGE2Facebook Page 2
GEN@SocialMediaFACEBOOK_TEAMFacebook Team
GEN@SocialMediaFACEBOOK2Facebook Profile 2
GEN@SocialMediaINSTAGRAM_TEAMTeam Instagram
GEN@SocialMediaINSTAGRAM2Instagram 2
GEN@SocialMediaTWITTER_TEAMTwitter Team Profile
GEN@SocialMediaTWITTER2Twitter Profile 2
GEN@SocialMediaVK_PAGEVK Page
GEN@SocialMediaVK_PROFILEVK Profile
GEN@SocialMediaWEBSITEAthlete Website
GEN@SocialMediaWEBSITE_STABLEEQ Stable Website
GEN@SocialMediaWEBSITE_TEAMTeam Website
GEN@SocialMediaWEBSITE2Athlete Website 2
GEN@SourceBASFRS3Origin for messages from OVR at BAS for FRS
GEN@SourceBASSBD3Origin for messages from OVR at BAS for SBD
GEN@SourceCTSFSK1Origin for messages from OVR at CTS for FSK
GEN@SourceCTSSTK1Origin for messages from OVR at CTS for STK
GEN@SourceHROrigin for messages from Historical Results Provider
GEN@SourceHSOrigin for messages for distributed Headshots
GEN@SourceHS_NOOrigin for messages for private Headshots
GEN@SourceMPROrigin for messages from Medal Presentation Application
GEN@SourceNACCUR1Origin for messages from OVR at NAC for CUR
GEN@SourceNISIHO1Origin for messages from OVR at NIS for IHO
GEN@SourceNSSSSK1Origin for messages from OVR at NSS for SSK
GEN@SourceOCOGOrigin for messages from OCOG applications
GEN@SourceODSOrigin for messages from ODS applications
GEN@SourceOMSOrigin for messages from OMS applications
GEN@SourceTOCOrigin for messages from TOC
GEN@SourceWEAOrigin for messages from Weather Provider
GEN@SourceWKSIHO1Origin for messages from OVR at WKS for IHO
GEN@SourceYASALP1Origin for messages from OVR at ASP for ALP
GEN@SourceYASALP2Origin for messages from OVR at AST for ALP
GEN@SourceYSCBOB1Origin for messages from OVR at YSC for BOB
GEN@SourceYSCLUG1Origin for messages from OVR at YSC for LUG
GEN@SourceYSCSKN1Origin for messages from OVR at YSC for SKN
GEN@SourceZBTBTH1Origin for messages from OVR at ZBT for BTH
GEN@SourceZCCCCS1Origin for messages from OVR at ZCC for CCS
GEN@SourceZCCNCB1Origin for messages from OVR at ZCC for NCB
GEN@SourceZSJNCB1Origin for messages from OVR at ZSJ for NCB
GEN@SourceZSJSJP1Origin for messages from OVR at ZSJ for SJP
GEN@SourceZSPFRS1Origin for messages from OVR at GPX for FRS
GEN@SourceZSPFRS2Origin for messages from OVR at GHS for FRS
GEN@SourceZSPFRS4Origin for messages from OVR at GAM for FRS
GEN@SourceZSPSBD1Origin for messages from OVR at GPX for SBD
GEN@SourceZSPSBD2Origin for messages from OVR at GHS for SBD
GEN@TeamTypeCPLMAthlete names, ordered by gender, male first then alphabeticalCouple, male first
GEN@TeamTypeCPLPAthlete names, ordered by position orderCouple by Position
GEN@TeamTypeCPLWAthlete names, ordered by gender, female first then alphabeticalCouple, female first
GEN@TeamTypeCUSTOMFree text as providedCustom
GEN@TeamTypeORGOrganisation name (NOC or NPC)Organisation
GEN@TemperatureTypeMAXMaximum temperature
GEN@TemperatureTypeMINMinimum temperature
GEN@UnitMedalType0No medal event unit
GEN@UnitMedalType1Gold medal event unit
GEN@UnitMedalType2Silver medal event unit
GEN@UnitMedalType3Bronze medal event unit
GEN@WindForce111-5 km/hLight Air
GEN@WindForce101089-102 km/hStorm
GEN@WindForce1111103-117 km/hViolent Storm
GEN@WindForce1212118 plusHurricane
GEN@WindForce226-11 km/hLight Breeze
GEN@WindForce3312-19 km/hGentle Breeze
GEN@WindForce4420-28 km/hModerate Breeze
GEN@WindForce5529-38 km/hFresh Breeze
GEN@WindForce6638-49 km/hStrong Breeze
GEN@WindForce7750-61 km/hNear Gale
GEN@WindForce8862-74 km/hGale
GEN@WindForce9975-88 km/hStrong Gale
GEN@WindUnitKMHKilometres per hour
GEN@WindUnitMPHMiles per hour
GEN@WindUnitMSMetres per second
IHO@ActionENDPEnd of period
IHO@ActionGKGoalkeeper change
IHO@ActionGWGOnly for PSS @PeriodGame winning goal
IHO@ActionPSSOnly for PSS @PeriodPenalty-Shot Shootout
IHO@ActionPTYPenalty shot
IHO@ActionSPGShot past Goal
IHO@ActionSSGShot saved by goalkeeper
IHO@ActionSSPShot saved by skater
IHO@ActionSTARTPStart of period
IHO@ActionRoleASSIST1In Goal @Action, if assistant 1 is awardedAssist
IHO@ActionRoleASSIST2In Goal @Action, if 2 assistants are awardedAssist
IHO@ActionRoleGKIn Penalty shot, PSS and GWG @ActionGoalkeeper
IHO@ActionRoleINIn GK @ActionGoalkeeper in
IHO@ActionRoleOUTIn GK @ActionGoalkeeper out
IHO@ActionRolePTY_SERVEPerson serving the penalty. Only use if different to person receiving the penaltyServed by
IHO@ActionRoleSCRIn Goal @ActionGoal scorer
IHO@ActionRoleSHOTIn Penalty shot, PSS and GWG @ActionPenalty shooter
IHO@AlertCDLTCompetition is delayed
IHO@AlertCITICompetition interrupted
IHO@AlertCPOSCompetition Postponed
IHO@AlertCSHTCompetition shortened
IHO@AlertGITIGame interrupted
IHO@AlertNLIVNo live information available
IHO@AlertORDROfficial results delayed - Results review
IHO@AlertSDLTStart is delayed
IHO@Assignment1Line 1
IHO@Assignment2Line 2
IHO@Assignment3Line 3
IHO@Assignment4Line 4
IHO@AssignmentGKLine up goalkeeper
IHO@AthleteStatusDQBDisqualified for unsportsmanlike behaviour
IHO@AthleteStatusNUNot Dressed
IHO@BracketItems8FNLIn Men's competition onlyQualification Play-off
IHO@CompetitorPlaceBYEThere is no competitor; the other team/athlete goes directly to the next phase/roundBye
IHO@CompetitorPlaceNO_AWARDNot Awarded
IHO@CompetitorPlaceTBDThe competitor is not known yetTo be determined
IHO@EntryPOSITION1CC @PositionPosition
IHO@EntryCLUB_NAME5Club Name
IHO@EntryCLUB_ORG6CC @CountryClub Country
IHO@IRMDQBDisqualified for unsportsmanlike behaviour
IHO@IRMFORFEIT_2Both teams forfeit
IHO@PenaltyDescABUSEAbuse of Officials
IHO@PenaltyDescABUS-PPhysical Abuse of Officials
IHO@PenaltyDescBENCHBench Minor Penalty
IHO@PenaltyDescBR-STBroken Stick
IHO@PenaltyDescCHE-BChecking from Behind
IHO@PenaltyDescCHE-HIllegal Check to the Head or Neck
IHO@PenaltyDescCLOSClosing hand on puck
IHO@PenaltyDescDANGDangerous equipment
IHO@PenaltyDescDELAYDelaying the Game
IHO@PenaltyDescEMBELDiving or Embellishment
IHO@PenaltyDescENG-SEngaging with Spectators
IHO@PenaltyDescGK-INTInterference on a Goalkeeper
IHO@PenaltyDescGK-PENGoalkeeper Penalties
IHO@PenaltyDescHELMPlaying without helmet
IHO@PenaltyDescHI-STHigh Sticking
IHO@PenaltyDescHOLDHolding an opponent
IHO@PenaltyDescHO-STHolding the Stick
IHO@PenaltyDescILL-EQIllegal Equipment
IHO@PenaltyDescILL-HIllegal Hit
IHO@PenaltyDescILL-SBIllegal Substitution
IHO@PenaltyDescILL-STIllegal Stick - Stick Measurement
IHO@PenaltyDescINCACIncorrect Access to or From Penalty Box
IHO@PenaltyDescINJURInjured Skater Refusing to Leave the Ice
IHO@PenaltyDescLA-HILate Hit
IHO@PenaltyDescL-BCHLeaving the Bench
IHO@PenaltyDescMISC2nd Misconduct Penalty
IHO@PenaltyDescOTHEROther Penalties
IHO@PenaltyDescPULLPulling Hair, Helmet, Cage
IHO@PenaltyDescREFUSERefusing to Start Play - Team on / Not on the Ice
IHO@PenaltyDescT-BCHTeam Officials Leaving the Players Bench
IHO@PenaltyDescTHR-STThrowing a Stick or any Object
IHO@PenaltyDescTOO-PToo Many Players
IHO@PenaltyDescUN-SPUnsportsmanlike Conduct
IHO@PeriodP111st Period
IHO@PeriodPSS10Penalty-Shot Shootout
IHO@PeriodP222nd Period
IHO@PeriodP333rd Period
IHO@Period1OT41st Overtime
IHO@Period2OT52nd Overtime
IHO@Period3OT63rd Overtime
IHO@Period4OT74th Overtime
IHO@Period5OT85th Overtime
IHO@Pool111st in Pool
IHO@Pool101010th in Pool
IHO@Pool111111th in Pool
IHO@Pool121212th in Pool
IHO@Pool222nd in Pool
IHO@Pool333rd in Pool
IHO@Pool444th in Pool
IHO@Pool555th in Pool
IHO@Pool666th in Pool
IHO@Pool777th in Pool
IHO@Pool888th in Pool
IHO@Pool999th in Pool
IHO@PS_DescLOST_PCKOnly for Penalty-Shot Shootout PSSLost the puck
IHO@PS_DescMISSOnly for penalty shot during the gameMissed
IHO@PS_DescMISS_GPOnly for Penalty-Shot Shootout PSSMissed (goal post)
IHO@PS_DescMISS_HOnly for Penalty-Shot Shootout PSSMissed (height)
IHO@PS_DescMISS_LOnly for Penalty-Shot Shootout PSSMissed (left)
IHO@PS_DescMISS_ROnly for Penalty-Shot Shootout PSSMissed (right)
IHO@PS_DescNO_GOALOnly for Penalty-Shot Shootout PSSNo goal
IHO@PS_DescSCRDOnly for Penalty-Shot Shootout PSSGoal
IHO@PS_DescSVD_GOLOnly for Penalty-Shot Shootout PSSSaved by the Goalkeeper
IHO@QualRulePT4|P00^QF|R16MenAt the end of the preliminary round the top 4 teams from the combined ranking qualify to the Quarterfinals. The remainder are seeded into the Qualification Play-off.
IHO@QualRuleUAT5|UBT3^QFWomenAt the end of the preliminary round the 5 teams from Group A and the top 3 teams from Group B qualify to the Quarterfinals.
IHO@ReportStatusAFTER_OTAfter Overtime
IHO@ReportStatusAFTER_P1After 1st Period
IHO@ReportStatusAFTER_P2After 2nd Period
IHO@ReportStatusAFTER_P3After 3rd Period
IHO@ReportStatusP11st Period
IHO@ReportStatusP22nd Period
IHO@ReportStatusP33rd Period
IHO@ResActionGoalAGAwarded goal
IHO@ResActionGoalEAExtra attacker
IHO@ResActionGoalENGEmpty net goal
IHO@ResActionGoalEQEqual strength
IHO@ResActionGoalEQ-EAEqual with extra attacker
IHO@ResActionGoalPP1Power play - 1 player
IHO@ResActionGoalPP1-EAPower play 1 player with extra attacker
IHO@ResActionGoalPP1-ENGEmpty net goal while in Power play 1 player
IHO@ResActionGoalPP2Power play - 2 players
IHO@ResActionGoalPP2-EAPower play 2 players with extra attacker
IHO@ResActionGoalPP2-ENGEmpty net goal while in Power play 2 players
IHO@ResActionGoalPSPenalty Shot
IHO@ResActionGoalSH1Shorthanded - 1 player
IHO@ResActionGoalSH1-EAShorthanded 1 player with extra attacker
IHO@ResActionGoalSH1-ENGEmpty net goal while in Shorthanded 1 player
IHO@ResActionGoalSH2Shorthanded - 2 players
IHO@ResActionGoalSH2-EAShorthanded 2 players with extra attacker
IHO@ResActionGoalSH2-ENGEmpty net goal while in Shorthanded 2 players
IHO@ResActionPenalty1010 minutes penalty
IHO@ResActionPenalty22 minutes penalty
IHO@ResActionPenalty2+102+10 minutes penalty
IHO@ResActionPenalty2+22+2 minutes penalty
IHO@ResActionPenalty2+2+102+2+10 minutes penalty
IHO@ResActionPenalty2+2+22+2+2 minutes penalty
IHO@ResActionPenalty2+2+52+2+5 minutes penalty
IHO@ResActionPenalty2+202+20 minutes penalty
IHO@ResActionPenalty2+52+5 minutes penalty
IHO@ResActionPenalty2+5+202+5+20 minutes penalty
IHO@ResActionPenalty2020 minutes penalty
IHO@ResActionPenalty2525 minutes penalty
IHO@ResActionPenalty55 minutes penalty
IHO@ResActionPenalty5+205+20 minutes penalty
IHO@ResultTypeIRMInvalid Result Mark
IHO@ResultTypeIRM_POINTSIRM with Points
IHO@ResultTypePOINTSPoints (or Goals)
IHO@StatisticsCUMCumulative Statistics of team and individual
IHO@StatisticsIND_RANKINGRanking of Individual tournament statistics
IHO@StatisticsTEAM_RANKINGRanking of Team tournament statistics
IHO@StatisticsTOUTournament Statistics
IHO@UnitNumYPrefix for unit number in scheduleGame
LUG@AlertCDLTCompetition is delayed
LUG@AlertCDLWCompetition is delayed - Weather conditions
LUG@AlertCILRCompetition interrupted - Lightning risk
LUG@AlertCITICompetition interrupted
LUG@AlertCIWCCompetition interrupted -Weather conditions
LUG@AlertCPOSCompetition postponed
LUG@AlertCSHTCompetition shortened
LUG@AlertORDJOfficial results delayed - Pending jury decision
LUG@AlertORDPOfficial results delayed - Protest
LUG@AlertRIIMRace interrupted - Ice maintenance
LUG@AlertSDLTStart is delayed
LUG@AlertSDLWStart is delayed - Weather conditions
LUG@CompetitorPlaceNO_AWARDNot Awarded
LUG@IRMDNFDid Not Finish
LUG@IRMDQBDisqualified for unsportsmanlike behaviour
LUG@LegLEG1Leg 1
LUG@LegLEG2Leg 2
LUG@LegLEG3Leg 3
LUG@QualificationMarkQTo participate in the last heatQualified
LUG@QualRuleUT20^F4Third heat of all Singles eventsThe 20 best ranked sleds will take part in the last heat.
LUG@ReportStatusAFTER1After Run 1
LUG@ReportStatusAFTER2After Run 2
LUG@ReportStatusAFTER3After Run 3
LUG@ResultTypeCANCELLEDOnly for cumulative result if a heat cancelledCancelled
LUG@ResultTypeIRMInvalid Result Mark
LUG@StartTextAfter Run 1After Run 1
LUG@StartTextAfter Run 2After Run 2
LUG@StartTextAfter Run 3After Run 3
LUG@StartTextAfter Run 4After Run 4
LUG@StartTextAfter Run 5After Run 5
LUG@StartTextAfter Run 6After Run 6
LUG@StartTextAfter Run 7After Run 7
LUG@StartTextFollowed byFollowed by
LUG@TrackStatusAT_STARTAt start
LUG@TrackStatusON_TRACKOn track
LUG@WeatherPointFINISHFinish point
LUG@WeatherPointSTARTStart point
NCB@AlertCDLTCompetition is delayed
NCB@AlertCDLWCompetition is delayed - Weather conditions
NCB@AlertCIHMCompetition interrupted - Jumping hill maintenance
NCB@AlertCILRCompetition interrupted - Lightning risk
NCB@AlertCITICompetition interrupted
NCB@AlertCIWCCompetition interrupted - Weather conditions
NCB@AlertCPOSCompetition postponed
NCB@AlertNLIVNo live information available
NCB@AlertORDJOfficial results delayed - Pending jury decision
NCB@AlertORDPOfficial results delayed - Protest
NCB@AlertORDROfficial results delayed - Results review
NCB@AlertRDELRace delayed due to false start
NCB@AlertRICMRace interrupted - Course maintenance
NCB@AlertRILRRace interrupted - Lightning risk
NCB@AlertRIOCRace interrupted - Obstacle on the course
NCB@AlertRITIRace interrupted
NCB@AlertRIWCRace interrupted - Weather conditions
NCB@CompetitorPlaceNO_AWARDNot Awarded
NCB@CompetitorStatusNOT_STARTEDNot Started
NCB@GateChangeCGate change request by coach
NCB@GateChangeJGate change request by jury
NCB@HillTypeLHSJPLarge Hill
NCB@HillTypeNHSJPNormal Hill
NCB@IRMDQBSJP, CCSDisqualified for unsportsmanlike behaviour
NCB@IRMNPSNot Permitted to Start
NCB@ResultTypeIRMSJP, CCSInvalid Result Mark
NCB@StartTextAfter Jump 1After Jump 1
NCB@StartTextAfter Jump 2After Jump 2
SBD@AlertCDLTCompetition is delayed
SBD@AlertCDLWCompetition is delayed - Weather conditions
SBD@AlertCITICompetition interrupted
SBD@AlertCIWCCompetition interrupted - Weather conditions
SBD@AlertCPOSCompetition postponed
SBD@AlertCSHTCompetition shortened
SBD@AlertNLIVNo live information available
SBD@AlertORDJOfficial results delayed - Pending jury decision
SBD@AlertORDPOfficial results delayed - Protest
SBD@AlertRDLYResults under review
SBD@AlertRICMRace interrupted - Course maintenance
SBD@BracketBRN2Small Final in ParallelBronze
SBD@BracketCFNL3Small Final in SBXFinal
SBD@BracketItems8FNLRound of 161/8 Finals
SBD@CardRCRed Card
SBD@CardYCYellow Card
SBD@CompetitorPlaceBYEThere is no competitor; the other team/athlete goes directly to the next phase/roundBye
SBD@CompetitorPlaceNCTWhen athletes are disqualified or withdraw and "No contestant" passes to the next roundNo contestant
SBD@CompetitorPlaceNO_AWARDNot Awarded
SBD@CompetitorPlaceTBDThe competitor is not known yetTo be determined
SBD@IRMDNFDid Not Finish
SBD@IRMDQBDisqualified for unsportsmanlike behaviour
SBD@IRMDQICSnowboard Cross FinalsDisqualified for Intentional Contact
SBD@IRMJNSUsed in cumulative onlyJump not Scored
SBD@IRMNPSNot Permitted to Start
SBD@IRMRALRanked as Last
SBD@JudgeTypeP1Panel 1
SBD@JudgeTypeP2Panel 2
SBD@JudgeTypeP3Panel 3
SBD@QualificationMarkQQualified by rank
SBD@QualificationMarkqApplicable for SS HP BAQualified by score
SBD@QualRulePT12^FHalfpipe, Slopestyle, Big Air - qualification (2 heats)The 12 best athletes from the combined ranking of the heats will advance to the final.
SBD@QualRulePT16^R16PGS - Elimination RunThe 16 best ranked athletes according to the combined time of the 2 runs qualify to the 1/8 Finals.
SBD@QualRulePT16|P00^R16Snowboard Cross - Qualification - Big Bracket (32) - One Text combining both RunsThe 16 first ranked athletes after Run 1 (including all tied for rank 16) will be seeded according to their ranking, the rest will start Seeding Run 2. In Seeding Run 2 all athletes will be seeded according to their ranking (best of 2 runs).
SBD@QualRulePT16|P00^R16_1The 16 best ranked athletes will be seeded according to their ranking
SBD@QualRulePT32|P00^R32The 32 best ranked athletes will be seeded according to their ranking
SBD@QualRuleU00^R16Snowboard Cross - Seeding Only - Single Run or two RunsAll athletes will be seeded according to their ranking.
SBD@QualRuleU00^R16_2All athletes will be seeded according to their ranking (best of two runs).
SBD@QualRuleU00^R16_3The 8 first ranked athletes after Run 1 (including all tied for rank 8) will be seeded according to their ranking, the rest will start Run 2.
SBD@QualRuleUT12^FHalfpipe, Slopestyle, Big Air - qualification (1 heat)The 12 best athletes will advance to the final.
SBD@QualRuleUT16^QFSnowboard Cross - Qualification - Small Bracket (16 competitors - No 1/8 Finals)The 16 best athletes qualify to Quarterfinals.
SBD@QualRuleUT16^R16Snowboard Cross - Qualification - Big Bracket (32)- Before/During Run2The 16 first ranked athletes after Run 2 (or fewer if there is a tie for rank 16 in Run 1) will be seeded according to their ranking (best of 2 runs).
SBD@QualRuleUT16|U00^R16|Q2Snowboard Cross - Qualification - Big Bracket (32) Before/During Run1The 16 first ranked athletes after Run 1 (including all tied for rank 16) will be seeded according to their ranking, the rest will start Run 2.
SBD@QualRuleUT2^QFSnowboard Cross - 1/8 FinalsThe top 2 athletes in each heat qualify to the quarterfinals. The remainder are eliminated.
SBD@QualRuleUT2^SF.1Snowboard Cross - QuarterfinalsThe top 2 athletes in each heat qualify to the semifinals. The remainder are eliminated.
SBD@QualRuleUT2^SF.2Mixed Team Cross - QuarterfinalsThe top 2 teams in each heat qualify to the semifinals. The remainder are eliminated.
SBD@QualRuleUT2|PT8^FHalfpipe, Slopestyle, Big Air - qualification (2 heats)The 2 best athletes from each heat and the 8 best athletes from the combined ranking of the heats will advance to the final.
SBD@QualRuleUT2|U34^FA|FB.1Snowboard Cross - SemifinalsThe top 2 athletes in each heat qualify to the Big Final. The 3rd and 4th ranked athletes in each heat proceed to the Small Final.
SBD@QualRuleUT2|U34^FA|FB.2Mixed Team Cross - SemifinalsThe top 2 teams in each heat qualify to the Big Final. The 3rd and 4th ranked teams in each heat proceed to the Small Final.
SBD@QualRuleUT3|PT6^FHalfpipe, Slopestyle, Big Air - qualification (2 heats)The 3 best athletes from each heat and the 6 best athletes from the combined ranking of the heats will advance to the final.
SBD@QualRuleUT4|PT4^FHalfpipe, Slopestyle, Big Air - qualification (2 heats)The 4 best athletes from each heat and the 4 best athletes from the combined ranking of the heats will advance to the final.
SBD@QualRuleUT5|PT2^FHalfpipe, Slopestyle, Big Air - qualification (2 heats)The 5 best athletes from each heat and the 2 best athletes from the combined ranking of the heats will advance to the final.
SBD@QualRuleUT6^FHalfpipe, Slopestyle, Big Air - qualification (2 heats)The 6 best athletes from each heat will advance to the final.
SBD@QualRuleUV^REPGS - Qualification RunAll athletes with a valid time registered from the qualification run start in the elimination run.
SBD@QualRuleUW|PT10^FHalfpipe, Slopestyle, Big Air - qualification (2 heats)The best athlete from each heat and the 10 best athletes from the combined ranking of the heats will advance to the final.
SBD@ResultTypeCODEUsed in Event Final RankingCode
SBD@ResultTypeIRMInvalid Result Mark
SBD@ResultTypeRANKRank-only result used in all SBX Finals phases
SBD@StartTextAfter 1/8 Final 1Cross events and PGSAfter 1/8 Final 1
SBD@StartTextAfter 1/8 Final 2Cross events and PGSAfter 1/8 Final 2
SBD@StartTextAfter 1/8 Final 3Cross events and PGSAfter 1/8 Final 3
SBD@StartTextAfter 1/8 Final 4Cross events and PGSAfter 1/8 Final 4
SBD@StartTextAfter 1/8 Final 5Cross events and PGSAfter 1/8 Final 5
SBD@StartTextAfter 1/8 Final 6Cross events and PGSAfter 1/8 Final 6
SBD@StartTextAfter 1/8 Final 7Cross events and PGSAfter 1/8 Final 7
SBD@StartTextAfter 1/8 FinalsCross events and PGSAfter 1/8 Finals
SBD@StartTextAfter Big FinalCross events and PGSAfter Big Final
SBD@StartTextAfter Final Run 1HP, SS, BAAfter Final Run 1
SBD@StartTextAfter Final Run 2HP, SS, BAAfter Final Run 2
SBD@StartTextAfter Final Run 3HP, SS, BAAfter Final Run 3
SBD@StartTextAfter Heat 1 Run 1HP, SS, BAAfter Heat 1 Run 1
SBD@StartTextAfter Heat 1 Run 2HP, SS, BAAfter Heat 1 Run 2
SBD@StartTextAfter Heat 1 Run 3HP, SS, BAAfter Heat 1 Run 3
SBD@StartTextAfter Heat 2 Run 1HP, SS, BAAfter Heat 2 Run 1
SBD@StartTextAfter Heat 2 Run 2HP, SS, BAAfter Heat 2 Run 2
SBD@StartTextAfter Heat 2 Run 3HP, SS, BAAfter Heat 2 Run 3
SBD@StartTextAfter M Elim. RunParallel Giant SlalomAfter M Elim. Run
SBD@StartTextAfter M Qualif. RunParallel Giant SlalomAfter M Qualif. Run
SBD@StartTextAfter Qualif. Run 1Cross eventsAfter Qualif. Run 1
SBD@StartTextAfter Qualif. Run 2Cross eventsAfter Qualif. Run 2
SBD@StartTextAfter QualificationAll eventsAfter Qualification
SBD@StartTextAfter Quarterfinal1Cross events and PGSAfter Quarterfinal1
SBD@StartTextAfter Quarterfinal2Cross events and PGSAfter Quarterfinal2
SBD@StartTextAfter Quarterfinal3Cross events and PGSAfter Quarterfinal3
SBD@StartTextAfter QuarterfinalsCross events and PGSAfter Quarterfinals
SBD@StartTextAfter Run 1HP, SS, BAAfter Run 1
SBD@StartTextAfter Run 2HP, SS, BAAfter Run 2
SBD@StartTextAfter Run 3HP, SS, BAAfter Run 3
SBD@StartTextAfter SeedingCross eventsAfter Seeding
SBD@StartTextAfter Seeding Run 1Cross eventsAfter Seeding Run 1
SBD@StartTextAfter Seeding Run 2Cross eventsAfter Seeding Run 2
SBD@StartTextAfter Semifinal 1Cross events and PGSAfter Semifinal 1
SBD@StartTextAfter SemifinalsCross events and PGSAfter Semifinals
SBD@StartTextAfter Small FinalCross events and PGSAfter Small Final
SBD@StartTextAfter W Elim. RunParallel Giant SlalomAfter W Elim. Run
SBD@StartTextAfter W Qualif. RunParallel Giant SlalomAfter W Qualif. Run
SBD@VideoReview*VA*Has access to live video review
SBD@WeatherPointFINISHFinish point
SBD@WeatherPointSTARTStart point
SBD@WLTLPGS Finals onlyLost
SBD@WLTTPGS Finals onlyTied
SBD@WLTWPGS Finals onlyWon
SJP@AlertCDLTCompetition is delayed
SJP@AlertCDLWCompetition is delayed - Weather conditions
SJP@AlertCIHMCompetition interrupted - Jumping hill maintenance
SJP@AlertCILRCompetition interrupted - Lightning risk
SJP@AlertCITICompetition interrupted
SJP@AlertCIWCCompetition interrupted - Weather conditions
SJP@AlertCPOSCompetition postponed
SJP@AlertNLIVNo live information available
SJP@AlertORDJOfficial results delayed - Pending jury decision
SJP@AlertORDPOfficial results delayed - Protest
SJP@AlertORDROfficial results delayed - Results review
SJP@CompetitorPlaceNO_AWARDNot Awarded
SJP@GateChangeCGate change request by coach
SJP@GateChangeJGate change request by jury
SJP@HillTypeLHLarge Hill
SJP@HillTypeNHNormal Hill
SJP@IRMDQBDisqualified for unsportsmanlike behaviour
SJP@IRMNPSNot Permitted to Start
SJP@QualificationMarkqQualified by rule
SJP@QualRuleUT30^FIndividual - 1st RoundThe top 30 athletes qualify to the Final Round.
SJP@QualRuleUT40^R1Individual (Women) - Qualification RoundThe top 40 athletes qualify to the 1st Round.
SJP@QualRuleUT50^R1Individual - Qualification RoundThe top 50 athletes qualify to the 1st Round.
SJP@QualRuleUT8^FTeam - 1st RoundThe top 8 teams qualify to the Final Round.
SJP@ResultTypeIRMInvalid Result Mark
SJP@ResultTypePREQUALIFIEDPre-qualified jumpers in the Qualification, which will not get points+rank
SJP@StartTextFollowed byFollowed by
SKN@AlertCDLTCompetition is delayed
SKN@AlertCDLWCompetition is delayed - Weather conditions
SKN@AlertCILRCompetition interrupted - Lightning risk
SKN@AlertCITICompetition interrupted
SKN@AlertCIWCCompetition interrupted - Weather conditions
SKN@AlertCPOSCompetition postponed
SKN@AlertCSHTCompetition shortened
SKN@AlertORDJOfficial results delayed - Pending jury decision
SKN@AlertORDPOfficial results delayed - Protest
SKN@AlertRIIMRace interrupted - Ice maintenance
SKN@AlertSDLTStart is delayed
SKN@AlertSDLWStart is delayed - Weather conditions
SKN@CompetitorPlaceNO_AWARDNot Awarded
SKN@IRMDNFDid Not Finish
SKN@IRMDQBDisqualified for unsportsmanlike behaviour
SKN@QualificationMarkQTo participate in the last heatQualified
SKN@QualRuleUT20^F4Third heat of all eventsThe 20 best ranked sleds will take part in the last heat.
SKN@ReportStatusAFTER1After Heat 1
SKN@ReportStatusAFTER2After Heat 2
SKN@ReportStatusAFTER3After Heat 3
SKN@ResultTypeCANCELLEDOnly for cumulative result if a heat cancelledCancelled
SKN@ResultTypeIRMInvalid Result Mark
SKN@StartTextAfter Heat 1After Heat 1
SKN@StartTextAfter Heat 2After Heat 2
SKN@StartTextAfter Heat 3After Heat 3
SKN@StartTextAfter Heat 4After Heat 4
SKN@StartTextAfter Heat 5After Heat 5
SKN@StartTextAfter Heat 6After Heat 6
SKN@StartTextAfter Heat 7After Heat 7
SKN@StartTextAfter previous HeatAfter previous Heat
SKN@TrackStatusAT_STARTAt start
SKN@TrackStatusON_TRACKOn track
SKN@WeatherPointFINISHFinish point
SKN@WeatherPointSTARTStart point
SSK@AlertCDLTCompetition is delayed
SSK@AlertCDLWCompetition is delayed - Weather conditions
SSK@AlertCITICompetition interrupted
SSK@AlertCPOSCompetition postponed
SSK@AlertNLIVNo live information available
SSK@AlertORDROfficial results delayed - Results review
SSK@AlertRDLYResults under review
SSK@AlertRIIMRace interrupted - Ice maintenance
SSK@AlertRITIRace interrupted
SSK@AlertSDLTStart is delayed
SSK@BracketBRN2Final BBronze
SSK@BracketFNLC3Final C
SSK@BracketFNLD4Final D
SSK@CompetitorPlaceBYEThere is no competitor; the other team/athlete goes directly to the next phase/roundBye
SSK@CompetitorPlaceNCTWhen both athlete are disqualified or withdraw and "No contestant" passes to the next roundNo contestant
SSK@CompetitorPlaceNO_AWARDNot Awarded
SSK@CompetitorPlaceTBDThe competitor is not known yetTo be determined
SSK@EntryPB11Personal Best
SSK@EntrySB12Season Best
SSK@EntryRANK_WLD13World Ranking
SSK@FinalFAFinal A
SSK@FinalFBFinal B
SSK@FinalFCFinal C
SSK@FinalFDFinal D
SSK@FinalSF1Semifinal 1
SSK@FinalSF2Semifinal 2
SSK@IRMDNFDid Not Finish
SSK@IRMDQBDisqualified for unsportsmanlike behaviour
SSK@IRMLOTUsed just in the Pursuit eventLoser by being Overtaken by the other Team
SSK@IRMWOOpponent doesn't show. Used just in the Pursuit eventWalkover
SSK@IRMWOTUsed just in the Pursuit eventWinner by Overtaking the other Team
SSK@LaneC1Team PursuitCrossing Straight
SSK@LaneF2Team PursuitFinishing Straight
SSK@LaneIIndividualInner Lane
SSK@LaneOIndividualOuter Lane
SSK@Lap11Lap 1
SSK@Lap1010Lap 10
SSK@Lap1111Lap 11
SSK@Lap1212Lap 12
SSK@Lap1313Lap 13
SSK@Lap1414Lap 14
SSK@Lap1515Lap 15
SSK@Lap22Lap 2
SSK@Lap33Lap 3
SSK@Lap44Lap 4
SSK@Lap55Lap 5
SSK@Lap66Lap 6
SSK@Lap77Lap 7
SSK@Lap88Lap 8
SSK@Lap99Lap 9
SSK@QualificationMarkFAQualified for Final A
SSK@QualificationMarkFBQualified for Final B
SSK@QualificationMarkFCQualified for Final C
SSK@QualificationMarkFDQualified for Final D
SSK@QualificationMarkQUsed just in the Mass Start eventQualified for the Final
SSK@QualificationMarkSF1Qualified for Semifinal 1
SSK@QualificationMarkSF2Qualified for Semifinal 2
SSK@QualRulePT4|P56|P78^SF|FC|FDTeam Pursuit - QuarterfinalsThe 4 fastest teams advance to the semifinals. The teams with the 5th and 6th fastest times advance to Final C and the 2 remaining teams advance to Final D.
SSK@QualRuleUT8^FMass Start - SemifinalsThe best 8 athletes in each semifinal advance to the final.
SSK@QualRuleUW|U2^FA|FBTeam Pursuit - SemifinalsThe winning team of each heat advances to Final A. The 2 losing teams advance to Final B.
SSK@ResultTypeIRMInvalid Result Mark
SSK@SplitSplit 11Split 1
SSK@SplitSplit 1010Split 10
SSK@SplitSplit 1111Split 11
SSK@SplitSplit 1212Split 12
SSK@SplitSplit 1313Split 13
SSK@SplitSplit 1414Split 14
SSK@SplitSplit 1515Split 15
SSK@SplitSplit 1616Split 16
SSK@SplitSplit 22Split 2
SSK@SplitSplit 33Split 3
SSK@SplitSplit 44Split 4
SSK@SplitSplit 55Split 5
SSK@SplitSplit 66Split 6
SSK@SplitSplit 77Split 7
SSK@SplitSplit 88Split 8
SSK@SplitSplit 99Split 9
SSK@SprintS11Sprint 1
SSK@SprintS22Sprint 2
SSK@SprintS33Sprint 3
SSK@SprintF4Sprint 4
STK@AlertCDLTCompetition is delayed
STK@AlertCDLWCompetition is delayed - Weather conditions
STK@AlertCITICompetition interrupted
STK@AlertCPOSCompetition postponed
STK@AlertNLIVNo live information available
STK@AlertORDROfficial results delayed - Results review
STK@AlertRDLYResults under review
STK@AlertRIIMRace interrupted - Ice maintenance
STK@AlertRITIRace interrupted
STK@AlertSDLTStart is delayed
STK@CompetitorPlaceNO_AWARDNot Awarded
STK@InfringementASSPENFor Assistance
STK@InfringementC1PENIn the Corner - Lane Change - from Outside to In - causing Contact
STK@InfringementC2PENIn the Corner - Lane Change - from Inside to Out - causing Contact
STK@InfringementC3PENIn the Corner - Arm Block
STK@InfringementC4PENIn the Corner - Arm Push
STK@InfringementC5PENIn the Corner - Push from behind - causing Contact
STK@InfringementEQPPENFor not wearing mandatory equipment
STK@InfringementF1PENAt the Finish - Lane Change - from Outside to In - causing Contact
STK@InfringementF2PENAt the Finish - Lane Change - from Inside to Out - causing Contact
STK@InfringementF3PENAt the Finish - Arm Block
STK@InfringementF4PENAt the Finish - Arm Push
STK@InfringementF5PENAt the Finish - Push from behind - causing Contact
STK@InfringementF6PENAt the Finish - Kicking Out at Finish Line
STK@InfringementOF1PENIn the End of The Straight - Off Track
STK@InfringementOF2PENIn the Corner - Off Track
STK@InfringementR1PENFor Missed relay touch
STK@InfringementR2PENFor Illegal relay
STK@InfringementR3PENFor blocking by infield skater
STK@InfringementR4PENFor Extra team skater on the track causing obstruction
STK@InfringementR5PENFor Lane Change during exchange causing Contact / Obstruction
STK@InfringementR6PENFor illegal leg blocking during exchange
STK@InfringementRC-BRCRed Card for extremely dangerous behavior
STK@InfringementRC-COCRCRed Card for Breach of Code of Conduct
STK@InfringementRC-LAPRCRed Card for Impeding the Race
STK@InfringementS1PENIn the Straight - Lane Change - from Outside to In - causing Contact
STK@InfringementS2PENIn the Straight - Lane Change - from Inside to Out - causing Contact
STK@InfringementS3PENIn the Straight - Arm Block
STK@InfringementS4PENIn the Straight - Arm Push
STK@InfringementS5PENIn the Straight - Push from behind - causing Contact
STK@InfringementS6PENEnd of Straight - Illegal late pass - causing Contact
STK@InfringementS7PENEnd of Straight - Illegal opening and Closing - causing Contact
STK@InfringementST1PENAt the Start - Lane Change - from Outside to In - causing Contact
STK@InfringementST2PENAt the Start - Lane Change - from Inside to Out - causing Contact
STK@InfringementST3PENAt the Start - Arm Block
STK@InfringementST4PENAt the Start - Arm Push
STK@InfringementST5PENAt the Start - Push from behind - causing Contact
STK@InfringementST6PENAt the Start - 2nd False Starts
STK@InfringementV-NPVideo Review No Penalty
STK@InfringementV-SRVideo Review No Penalty - Shared Responsibility
STK@InfringementYC-2YCYellow Card for 2 Penalties in a single race
STK@InfringementYC-BYCYellow Card for dangerous behavior
STK@InfringementYC-LAPYCYellow Card for Impeding the Race
STK@IRMDNFDid Not Finish
STK@IRMDQBDisqualified for unsportsmanlike behaviour
STK@IRMYCYellow Card
STK@NotEstablishedNot establishedNot established
STK@QualificationMarkADVAFor semifinal results onlyAdvanced to Final A
STK@QualificationMarkADVBFor semifinal results onlyAdvanced to Final B
STK@QualificationMarkQFor all phases before semifinal results onlyQualified
STK@QualificationMarkqQualified by time
STK@QualificationMarkQAQualified for Final A
STK@QualificationMarkQBQualified for Final B
STK@QualRuleUT2|PT1|U00^FA|FB.11000m SemifinalsThe 1st and 2nd athletes in each Semifinal (Q) and the fastest 3rd placed athlete (q) qualify to Final A. The next 5 athletes qualify to Final B.
STK@QualRuleUT2|PT1|U00^FA|FB.21500m SemifinalsThe 2 best athletes in each Semifinal (Q) and the fastest 3rd placed athlete (q) qualify to Final A. The next 7 athletes qualify to Final B.
STK@QualRuleUT2|PT2^SF.1500m/1000m QuarterfinalsThe 2 best athletes in each Quarterfinal (Q) and the 2 fastest 3rd placed athletes (q) qualify to the semifinals.
STK@QualRuleUT2|PT2^SF.2Mixed Team Relay QuarterfinalsThe 2 best teams in each Quarterfinal (Q) and the 2 fastest 3rd placed teams (q) qualify to the semifinals.
STK@QualRuleUT2|PT4^QF500m/1000m HeatsThe 2 best athletes in each Heat (Q) and the 4 fastest 3rd placed athletes (q) qualify to the quarterfinals.
STK@QualRuleUT2|U34^FA|FB.1500m SemifinalsThe 1st and 2nd athletes in each Semifinal qualify to Final A and the 3rd and 4th athletes qualify to Final B.
STK@QualRuleUT2|U34^FA|FB.2Relay - SemifinalsThe 1st and 2nd teams in each Semifinal qualify to Final A and the 3rd and 4th teams qualify to Final B.
STK@QualRuleUT3|PT3^SF1500m QuarterfinalsThe 3 best athletes in each Quarterfinal (Q) and the 3 fastest 4th placed athletes (q) qualify to the semifinals.
STK@ResultPhaseFNLAFinal A
STK@ResultPhaseFNLBFinal B
STK@ResultTypeIRMInvalid Result Mark
STK@ResultTypeNO_TIMENo Time
STK@StartTextAfter Heat 1After Heat 1
STK@StartTextAfter Heat 10After Heat 10
STK@StartTextAfter Heat 11After Heat 11
STK@StartTextAfter Heat 2After Heat 2
STK@StartTextAfter Heat 3After Heat 3
STK@StartTextAfter Heat 4After Heat 4
STK@StartTextAfter Heat 5After Heat 5
STK@StartTextAfter Heat 6After Heat 6
STK@StartTextAfter Heat 7After Heat 7
STK@StartTextAfter Heat 8After Heat 8
STK@StartTextAfter Heat 9After Heat 9
STK@StartTextAfter Quarterfinal 1After Quarterfinal 1
STK@StartTextAfter Quarterfinal 2After Quarterfinal 2
STK@StartTextAfter Quarterfinal 3After Quarterfinal 3
STK@StartTextAfter Quarterfinal 4After Quarterfinal 4
STK@StartTextAfter Quarterfinal 5After Quarterfinal 5
STK@StartTextAfter Quarterfinal 6After Quarterfinal 6
STK@StartTextAfter Quarterfinal 7After Quarterfinal 7
STK@StartTextAfter Quarterfinal 8After Quarterfinal 8
STK@StartTextAfter Quarterfinal 9After Quarterfinal 9
STK@StartTextAfter Semifinal 1After Semifinal 1
STK@StartTextAfter Semifinal 2After Semifinal 2
STK@StartTextAfter Semifinal 3After Semifinal 3
DisciplineCode_EntityCodeOrderNoteENG Description