ODF - Common Codes

DisciplineCode_EntityCodeOrderNoteENG Description
FRS@AlertCDLTCompetition is delayed
FRS@AlertCDLWCompetition is delayed - Weather conditions
FRS@AlertCITICompetition interrupted
FRS@AlertCIWCCompetition interrupted - Weather conditions
FRS@AlertCPOSCompetition postponed
FRS@AlertCSHTCompetition shortened
FRS@AlertNLIVNo live information available
FRS@AlertORDJOfficial results delayed - Pending jury decision
FRS@AlertORDPOfficial results delayed - Protest
FRS@AlertRDLYResults under review
FRS@AlertRICMRace interrupted - Course maintenance
FRS@BracketCFNL2Small Final in SXFinal
FRS@BracketItems8FNLRound of 161/8 Finals
FRS@CardRCRed Card
FRS@CardYCYellow Card
FRS@CompetitorPlaceBYEThere is no competitor; the other team/athlete goes directly to the next phase/roundBye
FRS@CompetitorPlaceNCTWhen athletes are disqualified or withdraw and "No contestant" passes to the next roundNo contestant
FRS@CompetitorPlaceNO_AWARDNot Awarded
FRS@CompetitorPlaceTBDThe competitor is not known yetTo be determined
FRS@IRMDNFDid Not Finish
FRS@IRMDQBDisqualified for unsportsmanlike behaviour
FRS@IRMDQICSki Cross FinalsDisqualified for Intentional Contact
FRS@IRMNPSNot Permitted to Start
FRS@IRMRALRanked as Last
FRS@QualificationMarkQQualified by rank
FRS@QualificationMarkqApplicable for SS HP BAQualified by score
FRS@QualificationMarkQFApplicable for MO AEQualified for Final
FRS@QualRulePT12^FHalfpipe, Slopestyle, Big Air - qualification (2 heats)The 12 best athletes from the combined ranking of the heats will advance to the final.
FRS@QualRulePT16|P00^R16Ski Cross Cross - Qualification - Big Bracket (32) - One Text combining both RunsThe 16 first ranked athletes after Run 1 (including all tied for rank 16) will be seeded according to their ranking, the rest will start Seeding Run 2. In Seeding Run 2 all athletes will be seeded according to their ranking (best of 2 runs).
FRS@QualRulePT16|P00^R16_1The 16 best ranked athletes will be seeded according to their ranking
FRS@QualRulePT32|P00^R32The 32 best ranked athletes will be seeded according to their ranking
FRS@QualRuleU00^R16Ski Cross - SeedingAll athletes will be seeded according to their ranking.
FRS@QualRuleU00^R16_2All athletes will be seeded according to their ranking (best of two runs).
FRS@QualRuleU00^R16_3The 8 first ranked athletes after Run 1 (including all tied for rank 8) will be seeded according to their ranking, the rest will start Run 2.
FRS@QualRuleUT10^F1Moguls - Qualification 2The top 10 athletes qualify to Final 1. The remainder are eliminated.
FRS@QualRuleUT10|U00^F1|Q2Moguls - Qualification 1The top 10 athletes (including all tied for the 10th place) qualify to Final 1. The remainder qualify to Qualification 2.
FRS@QualRuleUT12^FHalfpipe, Slopestyle, Big Air - qualification (1 heat)The 12 best athletes will advance to the final.
FRS@QualRuleUT12^F2Moguls - Final 1The top 12 athletes (including all tied for the 12th place) qualify to Final 2. The remainder are eliminated.
FRS@QualRuleUT16^QFSki Cross - Qualification (Small Bracket)The 16 best athletes qualify to the quarterfinals.
FRS@QualRuleUT16^R16Ski Cross Cross - Qualification - Big Bracket (32)- Before/During Run2The 16 first ranked athletes after Run 2 (or fewer if there is a tie for rank 16 in Run 1) will be seeded according to their ranking (best of 2 runs).
FRS@QualRuleUT16|U00^R16|Q2Ski Cross Cross - Qualification - Big Bracket (32) Before/During Run1The 16 first ranked athletes after Run 1 (including all tied for rank 16) will be seeded according to their ranking, the rest will start Run 2.
FRS@QualRuleUT2^QFSki Cross - 1/8 FinalsThe top 2 in each heat qualify to the quarterfinals. The remainder are eliminated.
FRS@QualRuleUT2^SFSki Cross - QuarterfinalsThe top 2 in each heat qualify to the semifinals. The remainder are eliminated.
FRS@QualRuleUT2|PT8^FHalfpipe, Slopestyle, Big Air - qualification (2 heats)The 2 best athletes from each heat and the 8 best athletes from the combined ranking of the heats will advance to the final.
FRS@QualRuleUT2|U34^FG|FZSki Cross - SemifinalsThe top 2 athletes in each heat qualify to the Big Final. The 3rd and 4th ranked athletes in each heat proceed to the Small Final.
FRS@QualRuleUT3|PT6^FHalfpipe, Slopestyle, Big Air - qualification (2 heats)The 3 best athletes from each heat and the 6 best athletes from the combined ranking of the heats will advance to the final.
FRS@QualRuleUT4^F2Aerials Team - Final 1The top 4 teams from Final 1 will advance to Final 2.
FRS@QualRuleUT4|PT4^FHalfpipe, Slopestyle, Big Air - qualification (2 heats)The 4 best athletes from each heat and the 4 best athletes from the combined ranking of the heats will advance to the final.
FRS@QualRuleUT5|PT2^FHalfpipe, Slopestyle, Big Air - qualification (2 heats)The 5 best athletes from each heat and the 2 best athletes from the combined ranking of the heats will advance to the final.
FRS@QualRuleUT6^FHalfpipe, Slopestyle, Big Air - qualification (2 heats)The 6 best athletes from each heat will advance to the final.
FRS@QualRuleUT6^F1Aerials - Qualification 2The top 6 athletes (including all tied for the 6th place) qualify to Final 1. The remainder are eliminated.
FRS@QualRuleUT6^F2Aerials - Final 1The top 6 athletes (including all tied for the 6th place) qualify to Final 2. The remainder are eliminated.
FRS@QualRuleUT6^F3Moguls - Final 2The top 6 athletes (including all tied for the 6th place) qualify to Final 3. The remainder are eliminated.
FRS@QualRuleUT6|U00^F1|Q2Aerials - Qualification 1The top 6 athletes qualify to Final 1. The remainder compete in Qualification 2.
FRS@QualRuleUW|PT10^FHalfpipe, Slopestyle, Big Air - qualification (2 heats)The best athlete from each heat and the 10 best athletes from the combined ranking of the heats will advance to the final.
FRS@ResultTypeCODEUsed in Event Final RankingCode
FRS@ResultTypeIRMInvalid Result Mark
FRS@ResultTypeRANKRank-only result used in all SX Finals phases
FRS@StartTextAfter 1/8 Final 1Cross events and PGSAfter 1/8 Final 1
FRS@StartTextAfter 1/8 Final 2Cross events and PGSAfter 1/8 Final 2
FRS@StartTextAfter 1/8 Final 3Cross events and PGSAfter 1/8 Final 3
FRS@StartTextAfter 1/8 Final 4Cross events and PGSAfter 1/8 Final 4
FRS@StartTextAfter 1/8 Final 5Cross events and PGSAfter 1/8 Final 5
FRS@StartTextAfter 1/8 Final 6Cross events and PGSAfter 1/8 Final 6
FRS@StartTextAfter 1/8 Final 7Cross events and PGSAfter 1/8 Final 7
FRS@StartTextAfter 1/8 FinalsCross events and PGSAfter 1/8 Finals
FRS@StartTextAfter Big FinalCross events and PGSAfter Big Final
FRS@StartTextAfter Final 1AET, MOAfter Final 1
FRS@StartTextAfter Final 1 Jump 1AE, AETAfter Final 1 Jump 1
FRS@StartTextAfter Final 1 Jump 2AE, AETAfter Final 1 Jump 2
FRS@StartTextAfter Final 1 Jump 3AETAfter Final 1 Jump 3
FRS@StartTextAfter Final 2AE, MOAfter Final 2
FRS@StartTextAfter Final 2 Jump 1AETAfter Final 2 Jump 1
FRS@StartTextAfter Final 2 Jump 2AETAfter Final 2 Jump 2
FRS@StartTextAfter Final 2 Jump 3AETAfter Final 2 Jump 3
FRS@StartTextAfter Final 3MOAfter Final 3
FRS@StartTextAfter Final Run 1HP, SS, BAAfter Final Run 1
FRS@StartTextAfter Final Run 2HP, SS, BAAfter Final Run 2
FRS@StartTextAfter Final Run 3HP, SS, BAAfter Final Run 3
FRS@StartTextAfter FinalsAfter Finals
FRS@StartTextAfter Heat 1 Run 1HP, SS, BAAfter Heat 1 Run 1
FRS@StartTextAfter Heat 1 Run 2HP, SS, BAAfter Heat 1 Run 2
FRS@StartTextAfter Heat 1 Run 3HP, SS, BAAfter Heat 1 Run 3
FRS@StartTextAfter Heat 2 Run 1HP, SS, BAAfter Heat 2 Run 1
FRS@StartTextAfter Heat 2 Run 2HP, SS, BAAfter Heat 2 Run 2
FRS@StartTextAfter Heat 2 Run 3HP, SS, BAAfter Heat 2 Run 3
FRS@StartTextAfter Qualif. 1AE, MOAfter Qualif. 1
FRS@StartTextAfter Qualif. 2AE, MOAfter Qualif. 2
FRS@StartTextAfter Qualif. Run 1Cross eventsAfter Qualif. Run 1
FRS@StartTextAfter Qualif. Run 2Cross eventsAfter Qualif. Run 2
FRS@StartTextAfter QualificationAll eventsAfter Qualification
FRS@StartTextAfter Quarterfinal1Cross events and PGSAfter Quarterfinal1
FRS@StartTextAfter Quarterfinal2Cross events and PGSAfter Quarterfinal2
FRS@StartTextAfter Quarterfinal3Cross events and PGSAfter Quarterfinal3
FRS@StartTextAfter QuarterfinalsCross events and PGSAfter Quarterfinals
FRS@StartTextAfter Run 1HP, SS, BAAfter Run 1
FRS@StartTextAfter Run 2HP, SS, BAAfter Run 2
FRS@StartTextAfter Run 3HP, SS, BAAfter Run 3
FRS@StartTextAfter SeedingCross eventsAfter Seeding
FRS@StartTextAfter Seeding Run 1Cross eventsAfter Seeding Run 1
FRS@StartTextAfter Seeding Run 2Cross eventsAfter Seeding Run 2
FRS@StartTextAfter Semifinal 1Cross events and PGSAfter Semifinal 1
FRS@StartTextAfter SemifinalsCross events and PGSAfter Semifinals
FRS@StartTextAfter Small FinalCross events and PGSAfter Small Final
FRS@TrickbdFdFAerialsBack Double Full-Double Full
FRS@TrickbdFdFFAerialsBack Double Full-Double Full-Full
FRS@TrickbdFFAerialsBack Double Full-Full
FRS@TrickbdFFdFAerialsBack Double Full-Full-Double Full
FRS@TrickbdFFFAerialsBack Double Full-Full-Full
FRS@TrickbdFTAerialsBack Double Full-Tuck
FRS@TrickbFAerialsBack Full
FRS@TrickbFdFAerialsBack Full-Double Full
FRS@TrickbFdFdFAerialsBack Full-double Full-Double Full
FRS@TrickbFdFFAerialsBack Full-Double Full-Full
FRS@TrickbFFAerialsBack Full-Full
FRS@TrickbFFdFAerialsBack Full-Full-Double Full
FRS@TrickbFFFAerialsBack Full-Full-Full
FRS@TrickbFTAerialsBack Full-Tuck
FRS@TrickbFTFAerialsBack Full-Tuck-Full
FRS@TrickbFtFFAerialsBack Full-Triple Full-Full
FRS@TrickbLAerialsBack Lay
FRS@TrickbLdFAerialsBack Lay-Double Full
FRS@TrickbLdFFAerialsBack Lay-Double Full-Full
FRS@TrickbLFAerialsBack Lay-Full
FRS@TrickbLFdFAerialsBack Lay-Full-Double Full
FRS@TrickbLFFAerialsBack Lay-Full-Full
FRS@TrickbLFTAerialsBack Lay-Full-Tuck
FRS@TrickbLLAerialsBack Lay-Lay
FRS@TrickbLPFAerialsBack Lay-Pike-Full
FRS@TrickbLTAerialsBack Lay-Tuck
FRS@TrickbLTFAerialsBack Lay-Tuck-Full
FRS@TrickbLtFFAerialsBack Lay-Triple Full-Full
FRS@TrickbLTTAerialsBack Lay-Tuck-Tuck
FRS@VideoReview*VA*Has access to live video review
FRS@WeatherPointFINISHFinish point
FRS@WeatherPointSTARTStart point
DisciplineCode_EntityCodeOrderNoteENG Description