ODF - Common Codes

DisciplineCode_EntityCodeOrderNoteENG Description
STK@AlertCDLTCompetition is delayed
STK@AlertCDLWCompetition is delayed - Weather conditions
STK@AlertCITICompetition interrupted
STK@AlertCPOSCompetition postponed
STK@AlertNLIVNo live information available
STK@AlertORDROfficial results delayed - Results review
STK@AlertRDLYResults under review
STK@AlertRIIMRace interrupted - Ice maintenance
STK@AlertRITIRace interrupted
STK@AlertSDLTStart is delayed
STK@CompetitorPlaceNO_AWARDNot Awarded
STK@InfringementASSPENFor Assistance
STK@InfringementC1PENIn the Corner - Lane Change - from Outside to In - causing Contact
STK@InfringementC2PENIn the Corner - Lane Change - from Inside to Out - causing Contact
STK@InfringementC3PENIn the Corner - Arm Block
STK@InfringementC4PENIn the Corner - Arm Push
STK@InfringementC5PENIn the Corner - Push from behind - causing Contact
STK@InfringementEQPPENFor not wearing mandatory equipment
STK@InfringementF1PENAt the Finish - Lane Change - from Outside to In - causing Contact
STK@InfringementF2PENAt the Finish - Lane Change - from Inside to Out - causing Contact
STK@InfringementF3PENAt the Finish - Arm Block
STK@InfringementF4PENAt the Finish - Arm Push
STK@InfringementF5PENAt the Finish - Push from behind - causing Contact
STK@InfringementF6PENAt the Finish - Kicking Out at Finish Line
STK@InfringementOF1PENIn the End of The Straight - Off Track
STK@InfringementOF2PENIn the Corner - Off Track
STK@InfringementR1PENFor Missed relay touch
STK@InfringementR2PENFor Illegal relay
STK@InfringementR3PENFor blocking by infield skater
STK@InfringementR4PENFor Extra team skater on the track causing obstruction
STK@InfringementR5PENFor Lane Change during exchange causing Contact / Obstruction
STK@InfringementR6PENFor illegal leg blocking during exchange
STK@InfringementRC-BRCRed Card for extremely dangerous behavior
STK@InfringementRC-COCRCRed Card for Breach of Code of Conduct
STK@InfringementRC-LAPRCRed Card for Impeding the Race
STK@InfringementS1PENIn the Straight - Lane Change - from Outside to In - causing Contact
STK@InfringementS2PENIn the Straight - Lane Change - from Inside to Out - causing Contact
STK@InfringementS3PENIn the Straight - Arm Block
STK@InfringementS4PENIn the Straight - Arm Push
STK@InfringementS5PENIn the Straight - Push from behind - causing Contact
STK@InfringementS6PENEnd of Straight - Illegal late pass - causing Contact
STK@InfringementS7PENEnd of Straight - Illegal opening and Closing - causing Contact
STK@InfringementST1PENAt the Start - Lane Change - from Outside to In - causing Contact
STK@InfringementST2PENAt the Start - Lane Change - from Inside to Out - causing Contact
STK@InfringementST3PENAt the Start - Arm Block
STK@InfringementST4PENAt the Start - Arm Push
STK@InfringementST5PENAt the Start - Push from behind - causing Contact
STK@InfringementST6PENAt the Start - 2nd False Starts
STK@InfringementV-NPVideo Review No Penalty
STK@InfringementV-SRVideo Review No Penalty - Shared Responsibility
STK@InfringementYC-2YCYellow Card for 2 Penalties in a single race
STK@InfringementYC-BYCYellow Card for dangerous behavior
STK@InfringementYC-LAPYCYellow Card for Impeding the Race
STK@IRMDNFDid Not Finish
STK@IRMDQBDisqualified for unsportsmanlike behaviour
STK@IRMYCYellow Card
STK@NotEstablishedNot establishedNot established
STK@QualificationMarkADVAFor semifinal results onlyAdvanced to Final A
STK@QualificationMarkADVBFor semifinal results onlyAdvanced to Final B
STK@QualificationMarkQFor all phases before semifinal results onlyQualified
STK@QualificationMarkqQualified by time
STK@QualificationMarkQAQualified for Final A
STK@QualificationMarkQBQualified for Final B
STK@QualRuleUT2|PT1|U00^FA|FB.11000m SemifinalsThe 1st and 2nd athletes in each Semifinal (Q) and the fastest 3rd placed athlete (q) qualify to Final A. The next 5 athletes qualify to Final B.
STK@QualRuleUT2|PT1|U00^FA|FB.21500m SemifinalsThe 2 best athletes in each Semifinal (Q) and the fastest 3rd placed athlete (q) qualify to Final A. The next 7 athletes qualify to Final B.
STK@QualRuleUT2|PT2^SF.1500m/1000m QuarterfinalsThe 2 best athletes in each Quarterfinal (Q) and the 2 fastest 3rd placed athletes (q) qualify to the semifinals.
STK@QualRuleUT2|PT2^SF.2Mixed Team Relay QuarterfinalsThe 2 best teams in each Quarterfinal (Q) and the 2 fastest 3rd placed teams (q) qualify to the semifinals.
STK@QualRuleUT2|PT4^QF500m/1000m HeatsThe 2 best athletes in each Heat (Q) and the 4 fastest 3rd placed athletes (q) qualify to the quarterfinals.
STK@QualRuleUT2|U34^FA|FB.1500m SemifinalsThe 1st and 2nd athletes in each Semifinal qualify to Final A and the 3rd and 4th athletes qualify to Final B.
STK@QualRuleUT2|U34^FA|FB.2Relay - SemifinalsThe 1st and 2nd teams in each Semifinal qualify to Final A and the 3rd and 4th teams qualify to Final B.
STK@QualRuleUT3|PT3^SF1500m QuarterfinalsThe 3 best athletes in each Quarterfinal (Q) and the 3 fastest 4th placed athletes (q) qualify to the semifinals.
STK@ResultPhaseFNLAFinal A
STK@ResultPhaseFNLBFinal B
STK@ResultTypeIRMInvalid Result Mark
STK@ResultTypeNO_TIMENo Time
STK@StartTextAfter Heat 1After Heat 1
STK@StartTextAfter Heat 10After Heat 10
STK@StartTextAfter Heat 11After Heat 11
STK@StartTextAfter Heat 2After Heat 2
STK@StartTextAfter Heat 3After Heat 3
STK@StartTextAfter Heat 4After Heat 4
STK@StartTextAfter Heat 5After Heat 5
STK@StartTextAfter Heat 6After Heat 6
STK@StartTextAfter Heat 7After Heat 7
STK@StartTextAfter Heat 8After Heat 8
STK@StartTextAfter Heat 9After Heat 9
STK@StartTextAfter Quarterfinal 1After Quarterfinal 1
STK@StartTextAfter Quarterfinal 2After Quarterfinal 2
STK@StartTextAfter Quarterfinal 3After Quarterfinal 3
STK@StartTextAfter Quarterfinal 4After Quarterfinal 4
STK@StartTextAfter Quarterfinal 5After Quarterfinal 5
STK@StartTextAfter Quarterfinal 6After Quarterfinal 6
STK@StartTextAfter Quarterfinal 7After Quarterfinal 7
STK@StartTextAfter Quarterfinal 8After Quarterfinal 8
STK@StartTextAfter Quarterfinal 9After Quarterfinal 9
STK@StartTextAfter Semifinal 1After Semifinal 1
STK@StartTextAfter Semifinal 2After Semifinal 2
STK@StartTextAfter Semifinal 3After Semifinal 3
DisciplineCode_EntityCodeOrderNoteENG Description