Background Type
Background Sport
Competition Code
Discipline Class
Discipline Function
Discipline Gender
Event Class
Event Unit
Event Unit Type
Function Category
H1 Report Titles
Horse Breed
Horse Colour
Horse Gender
Marital Status
News Type
News Sport
Organisation Type
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Wind Direction
Organisation [CC @Organisation]
Id | type | ENG Description | ENG longdescription | FRA Description | FRA longdescription |
AFG | OC | Afghanistan | Afghanistan | Afghanistan | Afghanistan |
ALB | OC | Albania | Albania | Albanie | Albanie |
ALG | OC | Algeria | Algeria | Algérie | Algérie |
AND | OC | Andorra | Andorra | Andorre | Andorre |
ANG | OC | Angola | Angola | Angola | Angola |
ANT | OC | Antigua and Barbuda | Antigua and Barbuda | Antigua-et-Barbuda | Antigua-et-Barbuda |
ARG | OC | Argentina | Argentina | Argentine | Argentine |
ARM | OC | Armenia | Armenia | Arménie | Arménie |
ARU | OC | Aruba | Aruba | Aruba | Aruba |
ASA | OC | American Samoa | American Samoa | Samoa américaines | Samoa américaines |
AUS | OC | Australia | Australia | Australie | Australie |
AUT | OC | Austria | Austria | Autriche | Autriche |
AZE | OC | Azerbaijan | Azerbaijan | Azerbaïdjan | Azerbaïdjan |
BAH | OC | Bahamas | Bahamas | Bahamas | Bahamas |
BAN | OC | Bangladesh | Bangladesh | Bangladesh | Bangladesh |
BAR | OC | Barbados | Barbados | Barbade | Barbade |
BDI | OC | Burundi | Burundi | Burundi | Burundi |
BEL | OC | Belgium | Belgium | Belgique | Belgique |
BEN | OC | Benin | Benin | Bénin | Bénin |
BER | OC | Bermuda | Bermuda | Bermudes | Bermudes |
BHU | OC | Bhutan | Bhutan | Bhoutan | Bhoutan |
BIH | OC | Bosnia & Herzegovina | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosnie-Herzégovine | Bosnie-Herzégovine |
BISF | IF | World Boccia | World Boccia | BISFed | Fédération internationale de boccia |
BIZ | OC | Belize | Belize | Belize | Belize |
BLR | OC | Belarus | Belarus | Bélarus | Bélarus |
BOL | OC | Bolivia | Bolivia | Bolivie | Bolivie |
BOT | OC | Botswana | Botswana | Botswana | Botswana |
BRA | OC | Brazil | Brazil | Brésil | Brésil |
BRN | OC | Bahrain | Bahrain | Bahreïn | Bahreïn |
BRU | OC | Brunei Darussalam | Brunei Darussalam | Brunéi Darussalam | Brunéi Darussalam |
BUL | OC | Bulgaria | Bulgaria | Bulgarie | Bulgarie |
BUR | OC | Burkina Faso | Burkina Faso | Burkina Faso | Burkina Faso |
BWF | IF | BWF | Badminton World Federation | BWF | Fédération internationale de badminton |
CAF | OC | Centr Afric Rep | Central African Republic | Rép. centraf. | République centrafricaine |
CAM | OC | Cambodia | Cambodia | Cambodge | Cambodge |
CAN | OC | Canada | Canada | Canada | Canada |
CAY | OC | Cayman Islands | Cayman Islands | Îles Caïmans | Îles Caïmans |
CGO | OC | Congo | Congo | Congo | Congo |
CHA | OC | Chad | Chad | Tchad | Tchad |
CHI | OC | Chile | Chile | Chili | Chili |
CHN | OC | China | People's Republic of China | Chine | République populaire de Chine |
CIV | OC | Côte d'Ivoire | Côte d'Ivoire | Côte d'Ivoire | Côte d'Ivoire |
CMR | OC | Cameroon | Cameroon | Cameroun | Cameroun |
COD | OC | DR Congo | Democratic Republic of the Congo | RD Congo | République démocratique du Congo |
COK | OC | Cook Islands | Cook Islands | Îles Cook | Îles Cook |
COL | OC | Colombia | Colombia | Colombie | Colombie |
COM | OC | Comoros | Comoros | Comores | Comores |
CPV | OC | Cabo Verde | Cabo Verde | Cabo Verde | Cabo Verde |
CRC | OC | Costa Rica | Costa Rica | Costa Rica | Costa Rica |
CRO | OC | Croatia | Croatia | Croatie | Croatie |
CUB | OC | Cuba | Cuba | Cuba | Cuba |
CYP | OC | Cyprus | Cyprus | Chypre | Chypre |
CZE | OC | Czechia | Czechia | Tchéquie | Tchéquie |
DEN | OC | Denmark | Denmark | Danemark | Danemark |
DJI | OC | Djibouti | Djibouti | Djibouti | Djibouti |
DMA | OC | Dominica | Dominica | Dominique | Dominique |
DOM | OC | Dominican Republic | Dominican Republic | Rép. dominicaine | République dominicaine |
ECU | OC | Ecuador | Ecuador | Équateur | Équateur |
EGY | OC | Egypt | Egypt | Égypte | Égypte |
ERI | OC | Eritrea | Eritrea | Érythrée | Érythrée |
ESA | OC | El Salvador | El Salvador | El Salvador | El Salvador |
ESP | OC | Spain | Spain | Espagne | Espagne |
EST | OC | Estonia | Estonia | Estonie | Estonie |
ETH | OC | Ethiopia | Ethiopia | Éthiopie | Éthiopie |
FEI | IF | FEI | International Equestrian Federation | FEI | Fédération Équestre Internationale |
FIJ | OC | Fiji | Fiji | Fidji | Fidji |
FIN | OC | Finland | Finland | Finlande | Finlande |
FISA | IF | World Rowing | World Rowing | World Rowing | World Rowing |
FRA | OC | France | France | France | France |
FRG | OC | FRG | Federal Republic of Germany | FRG | République Fédérale d'Allemagne |
FRO | OC | Faroe Islands | Faroe Islands | Îles Féroé | Îles Féroé |
FSM | OC | Micronesia | Federated States of Micronesia | Micronésie | États fédérés de Micronésie |
GAB | OC | Gabon | Gabon | Gabon | Gabon |
GAM | OC | Gambia | Gambia | Gambie | Gambie |
GBR | OC | Great Britain | Great Britain | Grande-Bretagne | Grande-Bretagne |
GBS | OC | Guinea-Bissau | Guinea-Bissau | Guinée-Bissau | Guinée-Bissau |
GDR | OC | German Dem. Republic | German Democratic Republic | Rép dém d'Allemagne | République démocratique d'Allemagne |
GEO | OC | Georgia | Georgia | Géorgie | Géorgie |
GEQ | OC | Equatorial Guinea | Equatorial Guinea | Guinée équatoriale | Guinée équatoriale |
GER | OC | Germany | Germany | Allemagne | Allemagne |
GHA | OC | Ghana | Ghana | Ghana | Ghana |
GRE | OC | Greece | Greece | Grèce | Grèce |
GRN | OC | Grenada | Grenada | Grenade | Grenade |
GUA | OC | Guatemala | Guatemala | Guatemala | Guatemala |
GUI | OC | Guinea | Guinea | Guinée | Guinée |
GUM | OC | Guam | Guam | Guam | Guam |
GUY | OC | Guyana | Guyana | Guyana | Guyana |
HAI | OC | Haiti | Haiti | Haïti | Haïti |
HKG | OC | Hong Kong, China | Hong Kong, China | Hong Kong, Chine | Hong Kong, Chine |
HON | OC | Honduras | Honduras | Honduras | Honduras |
HUN | OC | Hungary | Hungary | Hongrie | Hongrie |
IBFB | IF | IBSA FB5 | IBSA Blind Football | IBSA FB5 | Fédération internationale des sports pour aveugles |
IBGB | IF | IBSA GBL | IBSA Goalball | IBSA GBL | Fédération internationale des sports pour aveugles |
IBJU | IF | IBSA JUD | IBSA Judo | IBSA JUD | Fédération internationale des sports pour aveugles |
IBSA | IF | IBSA | International Blind Sports Federation | IBSA | Fédération internationale des sports pour aveugles |
ICF | IF | ICF | International Canoe Federation | ICF | Fédération internationale de canoë |
INA | OC | Indonesia | Indonesia | Indonésie | Indonésie |
IND | OC | India | India | Inde | Inde |
IPAT | IF | WPA | World Para Athletics | World Para Athletics | World Para Athletics |
IPC | IF | IPC | International Paralympic Committee | IPC | Comité International Paralympique |
IPPO | IF | WPPO | World Para Powerlifting | WPPO | World Para Powerlifting |
IPSH | IF | WSPS | World Shooting Para Sport | WSPS | World Shooting Para Sport |
IPSW | IF | WPS | World Para Swimming | World Para Swimming | World Para Swimming |
IRI | OC | IR Iran | Islamic Republic of Iran | RI Iran | République islamique d'Iran |
IRL | OC | Ireland | Ireland | Irlande | Irlande |
IRQ | OC | Iraq | Iraq | Iraq | Iraq |
ISL | OC | Iceland | Iceland | Islande | Islande |
ISR | OC | Israel | Israel | Israël | Israël |
ISV | OC | Virgin Islands, US | Virgin Islands, US | Îles Vierges amér. | Îles Vierges américaines |
ITA | OC | Italy | Italy | Italie | Italie |
ITF | IF | ITF | International Tennis Federation | ITF | Fédération internationale de tennis |
ITTF | IF | ITTF | International Table Tennis Federation | ITTF | Fédération internationale de tennis de table |
IVB | OC | Virgin Islands, B | Virgin Islands, British | Îles Vierges brit. | Îles Vierges britanniques |
IWAS | IF | World Abilitysport | World Abilitysport | World Abilitysport | World Abilitysport |
IWBF | IF | IWBF | International Wheelchair Basketball Federation | IWBF | FI de basket-ball en fauteuil roulant |
IWF | IF | IWAS WF | IWAS Wheelchair Fencing | IWAS WF | FI des sports en fauteuil et pour amputés |
JAM | OC | Jamaica | Jamaica | Jamaïque | Jamaïque |
JOR | OC | Jordan | Jordan | Jordanie | Jordanie |
JPN | OC | Japan | Japan | Japon | Japon |
KAZ | OC | Kazakhstan | Kazakhstan | Kazakhstan | Kazakhstan |
KEN | OC | Kenya | Kenya | Kenya | Kenya |
KGZ | OC | Kyrgyzstan | Kyrgyzstan | Kirghizistan | Kirghizistan |
KIR | OC | Kiribati | Kiribati | Kiribati | Kiribati |
KOR | OC | Korea | Republic of Korea | Corée | République de Corée |
KOS | OC | Kosovo | Kosovo | Kosovo | Kosovo |
KSA | OC | Saudi Arabia | Saudi Arabia | Arabie saoudite | Arabie saoudite |
KUW | OC | Kuwait | Kuwait | Koweït | Koweït |
LAO | OC | Lao PDR | Lao People's Democratic Republic | RDP lao | République démocratique populaire lao |
LAT | OC | Latvia | Latvia | Lettonie | Lettonie |
LBA | OC | Libya | Libya | Libye | Libye |
LBN | OC | Lebanon | Lebanon | Liban | Liban |
LBR | OC | Liberia | Liberia | Libéria | Libéria |
LCA | OC | Saint Lucia | Saint Lucia | Sainte-Lucie | Sainte-Lucie |
LES | OC | Lesotho | Lesotho | Lesotho | Lesotho |
LIE | OC | Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein | Liechtenstein |
LTU | OC | Lithuania | Lithuania | Lituanie | Lituanie |
LUX | OC | Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Luxembourg | Luxembourg |
MAC | OC | Macao, China | Macao, China | Macao, Chine | Macao, Chine |
MAD | OC | Madagascar | Madagascar | Madagascar | Madagascar |
MAR | OC | Morocco | Morocco | Maroc | Maroc |
MAS | OC | Malaysia | Malaysia | Malaisie | Malaisie |
MAW | OC | Malawi | Malawi | Malawi | Malawi |
MDA | OC | Republic of Moldova | Republic of Moldova | Rép. de Moldova | République de Moldova |
MDV | OC | Maldives | Maldives | Maldives | Maldives |
MEX | OC | Mexico | Mexico | Mexique | Mexique |
MGL | OC | Mongolia | Mongolia | Mongolie | Mongolie |
MHL | OC | Marshall Islands | Marshall Islands | Îles Marshall | Îles Marshall |
MKD | OC | North Macedonia | North Macedonia | Macédoine du Nord | Macédoine du Nord |
MLI | OC | Mali | Mali | Mali | Mali |
MLT | OC | Malta | Malta | Malte | Malte |
MNE | OC | Montenegro | Montenegro | Monténégro | Monténégro |
MON | OC | Monaco | Monaco | Monaco | Monaco |
MOZ | OC | Mozambique | Mozambique | Mozambique | Mozambique |
MRI | OC | Mauritius | Mauritius | Maurice | Maurice |
MTN | OC | Mauritania | Mauritania | Mauritanie | Mauritanie |
MYA | OC | Myanmar | Myanmar | Myanmar | Myanmar |
NAM | OC | Namibia | Namibia | Namibie | Namibie |
NCA | OC | Nicaragua | Nicaragua | Nicaragua | Nicaragua |
NED | OC | Netherlands | Netherlands | Pays-Bas | Pays-Bas |
NEP | OC | Nepal | Nepal | Népal | Népal |
NGR | OC | Nigeria | Nigeria | Nigéria | Nigéria |
NIG | OC | Niger | Niger | Niger | Niger |
NOR | OC | Norway | Norway | Norvège | Norvège |
NPA | OC | NPA | Neutral Paralympic Athletes | NPA | Neutral Paralympic Athletes |
NRU | OC | Nauru | Nauru | Nauru | Nauru |
NZL | OC | New Zealand | New Zealand | Nouvelle-Zélande | Nouvelle-Zélande |
OMA | OC | Oman | Oman | Oman | Oman |
PAK | OC | Pakistan | Pakistan | Pakistan | Pakistan |
PAN | OC | Panama | Panama | Panama | Panama |
PAR | OC | Paraguay | Paraguay | Paraguay | Paraguay |
PER | OC | Peru | Peru | Pérou | Pérou |
PHI | OC | Philippines | Philippines | Philippines | Philippines |
PLE | OC | Palestine | Palestine | Palestine | Palestine |
PLW | OC | Palau | Palau | Palaos | Palaos |
PNG | OC | Papua New Guinea | Papua New Guinea | Papouasie-N.-Guinée | Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée |
POL | OC | Poland | Poland | Pologne | Pologne |
POR | OC | Portugal | Portugal | Portugal | Portugal |
PRK | OC | DPR Korea | Democratic People's Republic of Korea | RPD Corée | République populaire démocratique de Corée |
PUR | OC | Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico | Porto Rico | Porto Rico |
QAT | OC | Qatar | Qatar | Qatar | Qatar |
ROU | OC | Romania | Romania | Roumanie | Roumanie |
RPC | OC | RPC | RPC | RPC | RPC |
RPT | OC | RPT | Refugee Paralympic Team | RPT | Équipe paralympique des réfugiés |
RSA | OC | South Africa | South Africa | Afrique du Sud | Afrique du Sud |
RUS | OC | Russian Federation | Russian Federation | Russie | Fédération de Russie |
RWA | OC | Rwanda | Rwanda | Rwanda | Rwanda |
SAM | OC | Samoa | Samoa | Samoa | Samoa |
SCG | OC | Serbia & Montenegro | Serbia and Montenegro | Serbie-et-Monténégro | Serbie-et-Monténégro |
SEN | OC | Senegal | Senegal | Sénégal | Sénégal |
SEY | OC | Seychelles | Seychelles | Seychelles | Seychelles |
SGP | OC | Singapore | Singapore | Singapour | Singapour |
SKN | OC | St Kitts and Nevis | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis | Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis |
SLE | OC | Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone |
SLO | OC | Slovenia | Slovenia | Slovénie | Slovénie |
SMR | OC | San Marino | San Marino | Saint-Marin | Saint-Marin |
SOL | OC | Solomon Islands | Solomon Islands | Îles Salomon | Îles Salomon |
SOM | OC | Somalia | Somalia | Somalie | Somalie |
SRB | OC | Serbia | Serbia | Serbie | Serbie |
SRI | OC | Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka |
SSD | OC | South Sudan | South Sudan | Soudan du Sud | Soudan du Sud |
STP | OC | Sao Tome & Principe | Sao Tome and Principe | Sao Tomé & Principe | Sao Tomé-et-Principe |
SUD | OC | Sudan | Sudan | Soudan | Soudan |
SUI | OC | Switzerland | Switzerland | Suisse | Suisse |
SUR | OC | Suriname | Suriname | Suriname | Suriname |
SVK | OC | Slovakia | Slovakia | Slovaquie | Slovaquie |
SWE | OC | Sweden | Sweden | Suède | Suède |
SWZ | OC | Eswatini | Eswatini | Eswatini | Eswatini |
SYR | OC | Syria | Syrian Arab Republic | Syrie | République arabe syrienne |
TAN | OC | Tanzania | United Republic of Tanzania | Tanzanie | République-Unie de Tanzanie |
TCH | OC | Czechoslovakia | Czechoslovakia | Tchécoslovaquie | Tchécoslovaquie |
TGA | OC | Tonga | Tonga | Tonga | Tonga |
THA | OC | Thailand | Thailand | Thaïlande | Thaïlande |
TJK | OC | Tajikistan | Tajikistan | Tadjikistan | Tadjikistan |
TKM | OC | Turkmenistan | Turkmenistan | Turkménistan | Turkménistan |
TLS | OC | Timor-Leste | Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste | Timor-Leste | République démocratique du Timor-Leste |
TOG | OC | Togo | Togo | Togo | Togo |
TPE | OC | Chinese Taipei | Chinese Taipei | Chinese Taipei | Chinese Taipei |
TRI | IF | TRI | World Triathlon | World Triathlon | World Triathlon |
TTO | OC | Trinidad and Tobago | Trinidad and Tobago | Trinité-et-Tobago | Trinité-et-Tobago |
TUN | OC | Tunisia | Tunisia | Tunisie | Tunisie |
TUR | OC | Türkiye | Türkiye | Türkiye | Türkiye |
TUV | OC | Tuvalu | Tuvalu | Tuvalu | Tuvalu |
UAE | OC | UA Emirates | United Arab Emirates | Émirats AU | Émirats arabes unis |
UCI | IF | UCI | Union Cycliste Internationale | UCI | Union Cycliste Internationale |
UGA | OC | Uganda | Uganda | Ouganda | Ouganda |
UKR | OC | Ukraine | Ukraine | Ukraine | Ukraine |
URU | OC | Uruguay | Uruguay | Uruguay | Uruguay |
USA | OC | United States | United States of America | États-Unis | États-Unis d'Amérique |
UZB | OC | Uzbekistan | Uzbekistan | Ouzbékistan | Ouzbékistan |
VAN | OC | Vanuatu | Vanuatu | Vanuatu | Vanuatu |
VEN | OC | Venezuela | Venezuela | Venezuela | Venezuela |
VIE | OC | Vietnam | Vietnam | Viet Nam | Viet Nam |
VIN | OC | StVincent&Grenadines | St Vincent and the Grenadines | StVincent&Grenadines | Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines |
WA | IF | WA | World Archery Federation | WA | World Archery Federation |
WCF | IF | WCF | World Curling Federation | WCF | World Curling Federation |
WPAS | IF | WPAS | World Para Alpine Skiing | WPAS | World Para Alpine Skiing |
WPBT | IF | WPBT | World Para Biathlon | WPBT | World Para Biathlon |
WPCC | IF | WPCC | World Para Cross-Country | WPCC | World Para Cross-Country |
WPIH | IF | WPIH | World Para Ice Hockey | WPIH | World Para Ice Hockey |
WPNS | IF | WPNS | World Para Nordic Skiing | WPNS | World Para Nordic Skiing |
WPSB | IF | WPSB | World Para Snowboard | WPSB | World Para Snowboard |
WPV | IF | WPV | World ParaVolley | WPV | Fédération internationale du volleyball paralympique |
WT | IF | WT | World Taekwondo | World Taekwondo | Fédération mondiale de taekwondo |
WWR | IF | WWR | World Wheelchair Rugby | WWR | Fédération Internationale de Rugby Fauteuil |
YEM | OC | Yemen | Yemen | Yémen | Yémen |
YUG | OC | Yugoslavia | The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia | Yougoslavie | Yougoslavie |
ZAM | OC | Zambia | Zambia | Zambie | Zambie |
ZIM | OC | Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe |
Id | type | ENG Description | ENG longdescription | FRA Description | FRA longdescription |