Background Type
Background Sport
Competition Code
Discipline Class
Discipline Function
Discipline Gender
Event Class
Event Unit
Event Unit Type
Function Category
H1 Report Titles
Horse Breed
Horse Colour
Horse Gender
Marital Status
News Type
News Sport
Organisation Type
Participant Status
Person Gender
Phase Type
Record Type
Result Status
Schedule Status
Session Type
Sport Codes
Sport Gender
Weather Conditions
Weather Snow Conditions
Weather Region
Weather Region - Venue
Wind Direction
Discipline | Code_Entity | Code | Order | Note | ENG Description | FRA Description |
WTE | @Action | G1 | 1 | Game 1 | Jeu 1 | |
WTE | @Action | G2 | 2 | Game 2 | Jeu 2 | |
WTE | @Action | G3 | 3 | Game 3 | Jeu 3 | |
WTE | @Action | G4 | 4 | Game 4 | Jeu 4 | |
WTE | @Action | G5 | 5 | Game 5 | Jeu 5 | |
WTE | @Action | G6 | 6 | Game 6 | Jeu 6 | |
WTE | @Action | G7 | 7 | Game 7 | Jeu 7 | |
WTE | @Action | G8 | 8 | Game 8 | Jeu 8 | |
WTE | @Action | G9 | 9 | Game 9 | Jeu 9 | |
WTE | @Action | G10 | 10 | Game 10 | Jeu 10 | |
WTE | @Action | G11 | 11 | Game 11 | Jeu 11 | |
WTE | @Action | G12 | 12 | Game 12 | Jeu 12 | |
WTE | @Action | TB | Tie-break | Tie-break | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPBAF | Lose the point with a Backhand Approach Forced Error | Faute provoquée de montée au filet de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPBAU | Lose the point with a Backhand Approach Unforced Error | Faute directe de montée au filet de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPBDF | Lose the point with a Backhand Drop Shot Forced Error | Faute directe d'amortie de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPBDU | Lose the point with a Backhand Drop Shot Unforced Error | Faute provoquée d'amortie de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPBGF | Lose the point with a Backhand Ground Stroke Forced Error | Faute provoquée de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPBGU | Lose the point with a Backhand Ground Stroke Unforced Error | Faute directe de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPBLF | Lose the point with a Backhand Lob Forced Error | Faute provoquée de lob de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPBLU | Lose the point with a Backhand Lob Unforced Error | Faute directe de lob de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPBOF | Lose the point with a Backhand Overhead Forced Error | Faute provoquée de smash de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPBOU | Lose the point with a Backhand Overhead Unforced Error | Faute directe de smash de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPBPF | Lose the point with a Backhand Pass Forced Error | Faute provoquée de passing de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPBPU | Lose the point with a Backhand Pass Unforced Error | Faute directe de passing de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPBVF | Lose the point with a Backhand Volley Forced Error | Faute provoquée de volée de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPBVU | Lose the point with a Backhand Volley Unforced Error | Faute directe de volée de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPDF | Lose the point with a Double FaultBackhand Volley Forced Error | Perd le point sur une faute provoquée en volée de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPFAF | Lose the point with a Forehand Approach Forced Error | Faute provoquée de montée au filet de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPFAU | Lose the point with a Forehand Approach Unforced Error | Faute directe de montée au filet de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPFDF | Lose the point with a Forehand Drop Shot Forced Error | Faute directe d'amortie de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPFDU | Lose the point with a Forehand Drop Shot Unforced Error | Faute provoquée d'amortie de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPFGF | Lose the point with a Forehand Ground Stroke Forced Error | Faute provoquée de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPFGU | Lose the point with a Forehand Ground Stroke Unforced Error | Faute directe de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPFLF | Lose the point with a Forehand Lob Forced Error | Faute provoquée de lob de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPFLU | Lose the point with a Forehand Lob Unforced Error | Faute directe de lob de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPFOF | Lose the point with a Forehand Overhead Forced Error | Faute provoquée de smash de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPFOU | Lose the point with a Forehand Overhead Unforced Error | Faute directe de smash de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPFPF | Lose the point with a Forehand Pass Forced Error | Faute provoquée de passing de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPFPU | Lose the point with a Forehand Pass Unforced Error | Faute directe de passing de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPFVF | Lose the point with a Forehand Volley Forced Error | Faute provoquée de volée de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DLPFVU | Lose the point with a Forehand Volley Unforced Error | Faute directe de volée de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DWNPT | Win the point | Coup gagnant | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DWPAC | Win the point with an Ace | Ace | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DWPBAW | Win the point with a Backhand Approach Winner | Coup gagnant de montée au filet de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DWPBDW | Win the point with a Backhand Drop Shot Winner | Amortie gagnante de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DWPBGW | Win the point with a Backhand Ground Stroke Winner | Revers gagnant | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DWPBLW | Win the point with a Backhand Lob Winner | Coup gagnant de lob de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DWPBOW | Win the point with a Backhand Overhead Winner | Smash gagnant de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DWPBPW | Win the point with a Backhand Pass Winner | Passing gagnant de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DWPBVW | Win the point with a Backhand Volley Winner | Volée gagnante de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DWPFAW | Win the point with a Forehand Approach Winner | Coup gagnant de montée au filet de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DWPFDW | Win the point with a Forehand Drop Shot Winner | Amortie gagnante de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DWPFGW | Win the point with a Forehand Ground Stroke Winner | Coup droit gagnant | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DWPFLW | Win the point with a Forehand Lob Winner | Coup gagnant de lob de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DWPFOW | Win the point with a Forehand Overhead Winner | Smash gagnant de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DWPFPW | Win the point with a Forehand Pass Winner | Passing gagnant de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DWPFVW | Win the point with a Forehand Volley Winner | Volée gagnante de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | DWPSW | Win the point with a Service Winner | Service gagnant | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPBAF | Loses the point with a Backhand Approach Forced Error | Faute provoquée de montée au filet de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPBAU | Loses the point with a Backhand Approach Unforced Error | Faute directe de montée au filet de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPBDF | Loses the point with a Backhand Drop Shot Forced Error | Faute directe d'amortie de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPBDU | Loses the point with a Backhand Drop Shot Unforced Error | Faute provoquée d'amortie de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPBGF | Loses the point with a Backhand Ground Stroke Forced Error | Faute provoquée de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPBGU | Loses the point with a Backhand Ground Stroke Unforced Error | Faute directe de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPBLF | Loses the point with a Backhand Lob Forced Error | Faute provoquée de lob de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPBLU | Loses the point with a Backhand Lob Unforced Error | Faute directe de lob de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPBOF | Loses the point with a Backhand Overhead Forced Error | Faute provoquée de smash de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPBOU | Loses the point with a Backhand Overhead Unforced Error | Faute directe de smash de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPBPF | Loses the point with a Backhand Pass Forced Error | Faute provoquée de passing de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPBPU | Loses the point with a Backhand Pass Unforced Error | Faute directe de passing de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPBVF | Loses the point with a Backhand Volley Forced Error | Faute provoquée de volée de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPBVU | Loses the point with a Backhand Volley Unforced Error | Faute directe de volée de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPDF | Loses the point with a Double Fault | Double faute | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPFAF | Loses the point with a Forehand Approach Forced Error | Faute provoquée de montée au filet de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPFAU | Loses the point with a Forehand Approach Unforced Error | Faute directe de montée au filet de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPFDF | Loses the point with a Forehand Drop Shot Forced Error | Faute directe d'amortie de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPFDU | Loses the point with a Forehand Drop Shot Unforced Error | Faute provoquée d'amortie de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPFGF | Loses the point with a Forehand Ground Stroke Forced Error | Faute provoquée de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPFGU | Loses the point with a Forehand Ground Stroke Unforced Error | Faute directe de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPFLF | Loses the point with a Forehand Lob Forced Error | Faute provoquée de lob de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPFLU | Loses the point with a Forehand Lob Unforced Error | Faute directe de lob de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPFOF | Loses the point with a Forehand Overhead Forced Error | Faute provoquée de smash de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPFOU | Loses the point with a Forehand Overhead Unforced Error | Faute directe de smash de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPFPF | Loses the point with a Forehand Pass Forced Error | Faute provoquée de passing de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPFPU | Loses the point with a Forehand Pass Unforced Error | Faute directe de passing de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPFVF | Loses the point with a Forehand Volley Forced Error | Faute provoquée de volée de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SLPFVU | Loses the point with a Forehand Volley Unforced Error | Faute directe de volée de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SPBGW | Wins the point with a Backhand Ground Stroke Winner | revers gagnant | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SWNPT | Wins the point | DOUBLON | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SWPAC | Wins the point with an Ace | Ace | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SWPBAW | Wins the point with a Backhand Approach Winner | Coup gagnant de montée au filet de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SWPBDW | Wins the point with a Backhand Drop Shot Winner | Amortie gagnante de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SWPBLW | Wins the point with a Backhand Lob Winner | Coup gagnant de lob de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SWPBOW | Wins the point with a Backhand Overhead Winner | Smash gagnant de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SWPBPW | Wins the point with a Backhand Pass Winner | Passing gagnant de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SWPBVW | Wins the point with a Backhand Volley Winner | Volée gagnante de revers | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SWPFAW | Wins the point with a Forehand Approach Winner | Coup gagnant de montée au filet de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SWPFDW | Wins the point with a Forehand Drop Shot Winner | Amortie gagnante de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SWPFGW | Wins the point with a Forehand Ground Stroke Winner | Coup droit gagnant | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SWPFLW | Wins the point with a Forehand Lob Winner | Coup gagnant de lob de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SWPFOW | Wins the point with a Forehand Overhead Winner | Smash gagnant de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SWPFPW | Wins the point with a Forehand Pass Winner | Passing gagnant de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SWPFVW | Wins the point with a Forehand Volley Winner | Volée gagnante de coup droit | ||
WTE | @ActionDesc | SWPSW | Wins the point with a Service Winner | Service gagnant | ||
WTE | @ActionRole | SRV | Serve | Service | ||
WTE | @Alert | CDL | Competition delayed | Compétition retardée | ||
WTE | @Alert | CDLW | Competition delayed - Weather conditions | Compétition retardée - Mauvaises conditions climatiques | ||
WTE | @Alert | CERDL | Ceremony delayed | Cérémonie retardée | ||
WTE | @Alert | CINT | Competition interrupted | Compétition interrompue | ||
WTE | @Alert | CINTL | Competition interrupted - Lightning risk | Compétition interrompue - Risque Orageux | ||
WTE | @Alert | CIWC | Competition interrupted - Weather conditions | Compétition interrompue - Mauvaises conditions climatiques | ||
WTE | @Alert | CPPD | Competition postponed | Compétition reportée | ||
WTE | @Alert | MITI | Match interrupted | Partie interrompue | ||
WTE | @Alert | NLIV | No live information available | Pas d'information disponible en direct | ||
WTE | @Alert | OTHR | ||||
WTE | @Alert | RINTL | Race interrupted - Lightning risk | Compétition interrompue - orage | ||
WTE | @Bracket | FNL | 1 | Finals | Finale | |
WTE | @Bracket | BRN | 2 | Bronze | Bronze | |
WTE | @BracketItems | FNL- | 1 | Final | Finale | |
WTE | @BracketItems | SFNL | 2 | Semi-final | Demi-finales | |
WTE | @BracketItems | QFNL | 3 | Quarter-final | Quarts de finale | |
WTE | @BracketItems | 3R | 4 | 3rd Round | 3ème tour | |
WTE | @BracketItems | 2R | 5 | 2nd Round | 2ème tour | |
WTE | @BracketItems | 1R | 6 | 1st Round | 1er tour | |
WTE | @CompetitorPlace | BYE | There is no competitor; the other team/athlete goes directly to the next phase/round | Bye | Bye | |
WTE | @CompetitorPlace | NOAWARD | Not awarded | Non décerné | ||
WTE | @CompetitorPlace | NOCOMP | No competitor | Pas de compétiteur | ||
WTE | @CompetitorPlace | TBD | ||||
WTE | @Entry | RANK_WLD | 1 | Ranking | Classement | |
WTE | @Entry | QUAL_TYPE | 10 | SC @QualifyingType | Qualified Type | Type de qualification |
WTE | @Entry | HAND | 11 | Hand | Main | |
WTE | @Entry | SEED | 12 | Seed | Tête de série | |
WTE | @Hand | B | Both | Ambidextre | ||
WTE | @Hand | L | Left | Gauche | ||
WTE | @Hand | R | Right | Droite | ||
WTE | @IRM | DEF | Defaulted | Forfait | ||
WTE | @IRM | DNS | Did Not Start | Non partant | ||
WTE | @IRM | DQB | Disqualified for unsportsmanlike behaviour | Disqualifié(e) pour comportement antisportif | ||
WTE | @IRM | DSQ | Disqualified | Disqualifié(e) | ||
WTE | @IRM | RET | Retired | Abandon | ||
WTE | @IRM | W/O | Walkover | Forfait | ||
WTE | @Period | S1 | 1 | 1st Set | 1ère manche | |
WTE | @Period | S2 | 2 | 2nd Set | 2ème manche | |
WTE | @Period | S3 | 3 | 3rd Set | 3ème manche | |
WTE | @PtType | MP | 1 | Match Point | Balle de match | |
WTE | @PtType | SP | 2 | Set Point | Balle de set | |
WTE | @PtType | GP | 3 | Game Point | Balle de jeu | |
WTE | @PtType | BP | Break Point | Balle de break | ||
WTE | @QualifyingType | BPC | Bipartite Commission Place | Emplacement de la Commission bipartite | ||
WTE | @QualifyingType | DA | Direct Acceptance | Joueur admis ou accepté | ||
WTE | @QualifyingType | RGQ | Regional Games Qualification | Phase Regionale Qualificative | ||
WTE | @ReportStatus | ORDER_PLAY | Order of Play | Ordre de jeu ou Programme | ||
WTE | @ReportStatus | PROVISIONAL | Provisional | Ordre de jeu prévisionnel | ||
WTE | @ReportStatus | RESULTS | Order of Play with Results | Ordre de jeu avec résultats | ||
WTE | @ReportStatus | RESULTS_SUMM | Results Summary | Récapitulatif des résultats | ||
WTE | @ResAction | A1 | Ace - 1st Serve | Ace - 1er service | ||
WTE | @ResAction | A2 | Ace - 2nd Serve | Ace - 2ème service | ||
WTE | @ResAction | DF | Double Fault | Double faute | ||
WTE | @ResAction | PR1 | Point to Receiver - 1st Serve | Point au receveur - 1er service | ||
WTE | @ResAction | PR2 | Point to Receiver - 2nd Serve | Point au receveur - 2ème service | ||
WTE | @ResAction | PS1 | Point to Server - 1st Serve | Point au serveur - 1er service | ||
WTE | @ResAction | PS2 | Point to Server - 2nd Serve | Point au serveur - 2ème service | ||
WTE | @ResultType | IRM | Invalid Result Mark | Marque de résultat invalide (IRM) | ||
WTE | @ResultType | SCORE | Score | Score | ||
WTE | @Source | RGAWTE1 | Origin for messages from OVR at RGA for WTE | Message provenant d'OVR à RGA pour WTE | ||
WTE | @StartText | - | - | - | ||
WTE | @StartText | 2nd on Court 1 | 2nd on Court 1 | 2ème sur le Court 1 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 2nd on Court 2 | 2nd on Court 2 | 2ème sur le Court 2 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 2nd on Court 3 | 2nd on Court 3 | 2ème sur le Court 3 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 2nd on Court 4 | 2nd on Court 4 | 2ème sur le Court 4 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 2nd on Court 5 | 2nd on Court 5 | 2ème sur le Court 5 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 2nd on Court 6 | 2nd on Court 6 | 2ème sur le Court 6 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 2nd on Court 7 | 2nd on Court 7 | 2ème sur le Court 7 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 2nd on Court 8 | 2nd on Court 8 | 2ème sur le Court 8 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 2nd on Court 9 | 2nd on Court 9 | 2ème sur le Court 9 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 2nd on Philipe Chartier | 2nd on Philipe Chartier | 2ème sur le Court Philippe-Chatrier | ||
WTE | @StartText | 3rd on Court 1 | 3rd on Court 1 | 3ème sur le Court 1 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 3rd on Court 2 | 3rd on Court 2 | 3ème sur le Court 2 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 3rd on Court 3 | 3rd on Court 3 | 3ème sur le Court 3 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 3rd on Court 4 | 3rd on Court 4 | 3ème sur le Court 4 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 3rd on Court 5 | 3rd on Court 5 | 3ème sur le Court 5 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 3rd on Court 6 | 3rd on Court 6 | 3ème sur le Court 6 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 3rd on Court 7 | 3rd on Court 7 | 3ème sur le Court 7 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 3rd on Court 8 | 3rd on Court 8 | 3ème sur le Court 8 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 3rd on Court 9 | 3rd on Court 9 | 3ème sur le Court 9 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 3rd on Philipe Chartier | 3rd on Philipe Chartier | 3ème sur le Court Philippe-Chatrier | ||
WTE | @StartText | 4th on Court 1 | 4th on Court 1 | 4ème sur le Court 1 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 4th on Court 2 | 4th on Court 2 | 4ème sur le Court 2 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 4th on Court 3 | 4th on Court 3 | 4ème sur le Court 3 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 4th on Court 4 | 4th on Court 4 | 4ème sur le Court 4 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 4th on Court 5 | 4th on Court 5 | 4ème sur le Court 5 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 4th on Court 6 | 4th on Court 6 | 4ème sur le Court 6 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 4th on Court 7 | 4th on Court 7 | 4ème sur le Court 7 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 4th on Court 8 | 4th on Court 8 | 4ème sur le Court 8 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 4th on Court 9 | 4th on Court 9 | 4ème sur le Court 9 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 4th on Philipe Chartier | 4th on Philipe Chartier | 4ème sur le Court Philippe-Chatrier | ||
WTE | @StartText | 5th on Court 1 | 5th on Court 1 | 5ème sur le Court 1 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 5th on Court 2 | 5th on Court 2 | 5ème sur le Court 2 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 5th on Court 3 | 5th on Court 3 | 5ème sur le Court 3 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 5th on Court 4 | 5th on Court 4 | 5ème sur le Court 4 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 5th on Court 6 | 5th on Court 6 | 5ème sur le Court 6 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 5th on Court 7 | 5th on Court 7 | 5ème sur le Court 7 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 5th on Court 8 | 5th on Court 8 | 5ème sur le Court 8 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 5th on Court 9 | 5th on Court 9 | 5ème sur le Court 9 | ||
WTE | @StartText | 5th on Philipe Chartier | 5th on Philipe Chartier | 5ème sur le Court Philippe-Chatrier | ||
WTE | @StartText | 6th on Court 2 | 6th on Court 2 | 6ème sur le Court 2 | ||
WTE | @Status | C | Completed | Terminé | ||
WTE | @Status | IP | In Progress | En cours | ||
WTE | @Status | R | Resumed | Repris | ||
WTE | @Status | S | Suspended | Suspendu(e) | ||
WTE | @TeamType | CPLW | Athlete names, ordered by gender, female first then alphabetical | Couple, female first | Couple, femme en premier | |
WTE | @WeatherPoint | GEN | General | Général | ||
WTE | @WLT | L | Lost | Vaincu | ||
WTE | @WLT | W | Won | Vainqueur | ||
Discipline | Code_Entity | Code | Order | Note | ENG Description | FRA Description |