Olympic Data Feed - Common Codes
Result Status

CodeOrderENG DescriptionFRA DescriptionJPN DescriptionSPA DescriptionCHI DescriptionKOR DescriptionComment
START_LIST1Start ListListe de départスタートリストLista de salida出赛名单스타트 리스트Before competition, Start List
LIVE2LiveDirectライブDirecto直播라이브For live updates during competition
INTERMEDIATE3IntermediateIntermédiaire中間Intermedio中止휴식When competition is stopped, usued at pre-defined points
UNCONFIRMED4UnconfirmedNon confirmé未確定No confirmado未确认미확정When the unit is over but not yet unofficial or official
UNOFFICIAL5UnofficialNon officiel非公式No oficial非正式비공식Results of the competition released as soon as the event is over, not waiting any official decision of the International Federation. The correctness of data must be assured
OFFICIAL6OfficialOfficiel公式Oficial正式공식Results of the competition released as soon as the event is officially confirmed taking into account the resolution of the protests, etc.
PARTIAL7PartialPartiel部分的Parcial部分중간Incomplete list, Final Ranking. Used in PDF
PROTESTED8ProtestedContesté抗議Reclamado争议소청After the competition is no longer LIVE and a protest has been lodged
CodeOrderENG DescriptionFRA DescriptionJPN DescriptionSPA DescriptionCHI DescriptionKOR DescriptionComment